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ForumsGames[necro] Paladog

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Post and discuss your favourite strategies/equipment/summons!

Personally, I'm a soloist, going through most levels with just Paladog himself, maxing out on the mana and mace skills. Seems to work. At least for now.

  • 104 Replies
413 posts

lvl 13: I actually had trouble reaching 3 stars here. To win was simple, but you have to win with style!
So the key for this level is to start with a 1 penguin (soon be it more) and a LOT of bunnies. And I mean a lot, because here the enemy is the javelin-skeleton, which is fast and hard-hitting. Even dragons die after a couple of hits, not to mention when you face a horde.
You'll continuously adjust your knockback-power as the enemy start to accumlate, and they'll even need better crowed-control. As a kicker-boss is coming melee units are essentially useless, so I preferred monkeys.
After beating the kicker you'll be around half the map, from when you should start summoning dragons both for their power and crowed-control.
When you are at the cave though, starting to damage it, you should change to rhino. At that point they should be safe, they are much faster than a dragon, and they cause good damage. The extra food you have shall be spent on whatever you feel better: penguins or dragons. They'll be for extra damage.
Also when you managed to lower the Cave's hp like to 50%, start blasting it with whatever direct damage mace you carry around for even more dps.

And that's how you can win 3 stars.

unit levels:
monkey: 14
penguin: 5
rhino: 10 (was not risen)
dragon: 3 (also not changed)
Paladog: 79

413 posts

lvl 14: concentrate on sending out bigger things, meaning rhinos and above all dragons. Of course you'll need some penguins (5-) and some rabbits (like a dozen for pushback).
The monsters released are completly random, one time I got 2 kicker right at the beginning. Usually it takes 1-3 times to figure out what enemy comes you know, and here bigger stuff comes in not-such-crowded amount.

Oh, and I feel I should invest one more into dragons. As soon as I'll have the gold.

lvl 15: the last of the green levels.
maces: freeze, meteor, lightning
units: penguin, rhino, dragon

Bloody dependent on RL luck and another factor.

So, the trick is to only send out as much troop which can HOLD their position at the edge of your aura so the penguins will remain forever inside freezing the arrivals.
Key element is to always have 2-3 penguins running. If you don't get penguins, you are dead.
Also, your troops can only hold the lines if they are supported by dragon(s). You must have 1-2 dragons running during the waves. You don't get dragons: you are dead.

The final thing to worry about arrives with the second wave: a ghost boss. It blinks all over, preferably right on your head (I mean on Paladog's head), so it is possible you'll get stuck here until you gain levels where you can choose "lass damage for Paladog".
Oh, and you better wear "more hp for Paladog" rings. Obviously.
And the gold you harvest you might want to spend as 1 lvl to dragon and 2 to rhino (that feels fitting). Although with some tries you just might be lucky enough to pass with the current stats.

413 posts

lvl 16:a standard level with not much hardness. I suggest some penguin (like 4-5), minimal rabbits (like 8), and lots of dragons.

Oh, and for evident reason I just gave that one upp to the dragons (lvl 4 now).

lvl 17: f* t* s*. Although well designed, this at this level you'll s* bricks.
For right amongst the first arrivals (monster 1-3) comes a kicker! And they'll come in short intervals! Very-very scary.
The solution is to start with a penguin, than, investing all your mana to this cause, rapidly summon rabbits AND RATS. You heared right, rats. Fortunately they can survive at most 3 kicks, that's why they work. Also they are easy to heal, so don't let them die unnecessarily (saves food).
When you can advance a little add some power to your group, whatever you can afford: monkeys, dragons, rhinos. And keep adding infinite amount of rabbits, because the enemy is Legion, as they are many. And bring an AoE mace too (lightning / turn undead / meteor, your choice).
Oh, did I mention there is Ghost Paladog at the Cave? So don't go too close. Should not be a problem though with maximum aura.

lvl 18: the last of the chariot-levels, and thus challenging. The spearman skeletons come which I fear. Though we know the antidote, so we can handle this.
Start with 2 penguins, than do archer-spamming for knockback. That knockback won't solve everything, but definitely needed. To solve the accumlation of the enemy soon start to call monkeys. They stay far enough from those javelins to not die, and they eliminate groups (if they are sufficiently advanced).
Never stop spamming archers, and you'll be fine.

413 posts

lvl 19: a "what the designers had in mind when they did this" level. Ok, previous bosses as regular monsters - no new news.
But Ghost Paladog in multiply numbers? Seriously?

So, the level has an awful lot of things to come, so bring a turn undead mace, though use it sparingly, at least until you reach the Cave, and remember, it is only good against numbers. No use on single monsters, k?

So, first you have to start somehow. Penguin + dragon will work with minimal help from rabbits (like 5-6) and a good amount of monkeys (like 10+). Than just keep calling dragons, because they deal damage. Actually my food-regeneration allowed me to summon 2 monkeys and 1 dragon until I could summon another dragon.
You'll also seriously need a food-mace.

Ghost Paladogs will come after a given amount of RL-time. Not advance in game, but real life time passed. This is good, because if you are fast enough you can reach the Cave before the first appear, so you won't be cut from reinforcement. Don't try rhinos though, they won't work.

Given you followed this strategy and have a good number of dragons (5-8 I assume), the Ghost Paladog(s) will attack them instead of you. Don't get close either way.
At this point start healing your continuously damaged dragons. Don't mind the Ghost Paladogs, they not worth it. Make your army destroy the Cave instead ASAP.

PS: as the level have plenty of enemies, and multiply bosses, gold and exp will fall from the sky here.

413 posts

lvl 5-20 is just nuts. It is not with some occasional boss-creature, but kicker-boss is like every 3rd creature. It's just nuts.
The remaining thingies are all the spear-skeletons dran them.

I can summon a penguin for some basic defense against the regular thingies, can even summon a dragon before I'm suck with summoning endless supply of rats to hold off the kickers, but sooner or later (usually sooner) the stuff just accumlates and hits the fans.

The only way I see is to grind for a lvl 20 dragon which alone will be able to kill kicker-bosses and everything. I'm really feeling down with this. I practically tried everything here, every possible combo, but rabbits have no use as they remain in stand and can't knockback boss-type creatures, while kangoos get massacred by the regular units. And everything is just too costy. This leaves me grinding.

413 posts

lvl 20, solution:
I feel there is a corellation here between NOT advancing, and the kickers to appear. Can't really explain.

Anyway, I rose my dragon to lvl 7, and kangoos to lvl 20. They seemed most food-efficient to try to destroy early kickers, and clearly better to oversee than rats. But this time the kickers failed to arrive?
Either way, after a successful start your goal can be nothing else but to summon so many dragons that the kickers can't get rid of all until they get destroyed. Penguins are also required (3-5 for the whole level, starting with 2), and the rabbit-knockback (5-12) is also there not just for safety of the dragons, but also that if a kicker comes at early advance, it can have something to kick in.

Also during the grinding for gold I reached lvl 87. At most of these levels I chose "units attack stronger", as I got no regeneration skills. Well, it worked.

lvl 21: final purple level. What to say, it is a purple level. If you don't know already how to solve those, you1re screwed.

413 posts

lvl 22: a surprisingly uneventful level. Ok, the enemy comes a little earlier than it used to, but that's it. No boss-creature-spamming, no mega-surprise, just plain old monsters. Nothing a heal+food+turn undead mace setup could not solve with the already everyday setup of units (1 penguin - 1 dragon - 1 penguin - 1 dragon - 5 rabbit - 1 dragon - 1 monkey - 5 rabbit - 4 monkey + dragons, rhinos when you reach the Cave).

Last two levels are coming.

413 posts

lvl 23: the level's key feature is that from the beginning ghost-bosses will appear randomly, this means to be able to resupply, you'll need to use bigger things to actually reach to the front if the ghosts blink on 'em.
Minor issue is also that witch-bosses will appear with the damaged-cave-wave.

So what you want here is rhinos as main force. Support them with 2 penguins, 5 rabbits, and whatever food you still have dragons (start with dragons for shield and damage of course).

Not too hard, really.

413 posts

Paladog, level 5-24, 3 star victory:

Well, after the really challenging level a final boss, no matter how big, is just less challenge.

The boss' special ability is "turn undead" on your units,so plan accordingly.

First you have to start the level. So penguin-dragon-penguin-dragon-5 rabbit. Than add 2-3 more dragons to prevent confusion, and start to add an infinite amount of rabbits.
When you reach the Cave summon rhinos. Always summon rhino when you can, from the remaining mana call rabbits.

Because the boss will just poof your units, rhinos are better because you can have higher number from them.

Also, the boss will make Paladog's hp drop to 1. Don't mind this, it won't kill you (of course I never went into swing-distance), so no guarantee if you go melee).

Also you won't ever need to spend your mana on anything else but to summon more food. Really. So if you want to bring your favourite mace to fasten the process, do so (hint: poison mace might fasten this). Not that it'd be that much fuss, as under 6:30 is still 3 stars.


413 posts


This dude is a completely different approach. Most of the summons do not move, and it is the protagonist who does most of the damage, because Darkdog wields not a spell-throwing mace, but a melee(?) weapon, and his skills/aura is for debuffing the enemy (mostly), and not to support own units.
So Paladog was much more of a traditional approach to this genre.

Unfortunately Darkdog is only available in the full version what is android only, but this is a good game.

Lvl 1-2 (also hell difficulty) can be solved with the basic summon, which is a chicken, with seemingly the same attributes as the rabbit for Paladog, except it doesn't move,and Darkdog will place in front of him whichever side he face (I think), so you can't just spam it,but run back, lay one down, run back forward etc.
To not get overwhelmed it is better to only swing occasionally to accumlate mana for the big wave when the Cave is half-destroyed.
Also worth to note that supposedly totems (most of Darkdog's summons) are told to disappear after a while just because. Their existence has a timer.

At the start you don't have access to Darkdog, you first have to defeat it in Survival Mode. The first two waves there is about reaching the other sie of the map, the third is to defeat zombie-king boss(its summons don't worth exp), and the fourth is Darkdog.
At the start of each wave for Survival Mode your food-meter will be filled, but you go with your mana at the end of the latest stage.
Darkdogis no small task, so I suggest to always choose leveling the rats, rising power of your weapon, and mana-efficiency.
Although on the other hand you have to know that though each time you die your character starts from lvl 1, the equipments you found will remain forever.

When playing Darkdog I assume prime importance will be speed, hp, and above all size of the aura. It has also such interesting skills like slowing down enemies in aura, and more damage by more enemies in aura.

413 posts

Darkdog, green levels:
You are with Darkdog's (first) pet, Boar! You must jump/slide obstacles to reach Darkdog who has yummy things for you. The level seems fixed, but that's really aside the point.

lvl 4: I bought Warcry, what paralyzes all enemies present. I immediately epped it to lvl 2, as it has a stat along its duration "enemy". But that did not incrised, so let' leave it like that for now.
I'm also not sure what the other stat "sec" means, though likely the length enemies being frozen.

lvl 5: rose wind totem (= chicken) to lvl 2. Oh here ghosts start coming. They are almost no-care now, as you pack compound right before the Cave, and they simply slip through to oblivion.

blue levels are about destroying a chariot.

lvl 7: same as lvl 5

lvl 8: I unlocked Boar to test with. It's basic is 200 attack 800 hp, what means it gains 10 attack and 40 hp per level. It is the only regular unit Darkdog have.

Not on some features the full game has:
- second currency: diamonds. No idea who to get more yet. I mean for "free",aka not for real $$$.
- runestones: you are not satisfied with your equipment's level? Upp it manually instead hunting for it on the field!
- third jewelry-space: costs 100 diamond though.

purple levels: the enemy comes towards Darkdog through 3 floors. You can make a setup from your units, and add traps using your mana.
There are 3 kind of traps: banana (I bet the first enemy is pushed back, never tried though), landmine (instant damage to whoever steps on it, useful if the enemy gets accumlated), and flaming spot (for a duration the given landmark burns anything on it).
You can put a unit or a trap on any field, but no more. Boar will just stand around.
Oh, it is extremely important have Boar unlocked for here as you'll need meatshield to make crowds for easier kill.
Also noteworthy that projectiles don't pass to other (lower) levels!
Finally when they reach there, their goal is not to pass you, but to destroy you, so Darkdog will actually defend itself! And he is really mighty.
Ah, comes to mind: you are allowed to put both traps and units to grids where enemy is already present. This is extremely helpful when enemy reach Darkdog.

413 posts

Things might depend not just slightly on what skills you choose/get access to for Darkdog I assume.

lvl 10: I needed lvl 2 Boar for cover during the Cave-wave

lvl 11: I needed lvl 3 Boar for cover during massive amount of enemies arriving. Constantly backing from melee units from reaching me I learnt.

Some notes:
- I have no idea how to use other weapons than the basic one, as they cost so much mana (the basic costs 5 per use, the rest like 50+ initial cost)
- Although I did not unlock yet, here is some info on Darkdog's units:
Water Totem is a whale, which heals your army (unfortunately not Darkdog).
Summon Blade is unknown.
Earth Totem is a meatshield for Darkdog, exactly like Defensive Tortoise.
Fire Eagle is unknown.
Fire Totem is exactly like Pink Dragon, just can't move.
Devil Dog: now this I want to check out. In theory this transforms you to be a giant monster, like The Hulk. Don't know if it is temporary or what, and it is very far away yet.

lvl 12: oh ye, seems my planning payed. As well as my luck.
At this point I had a Vampiric Sword, and like 3 point in lower weapon cost. This made me not loosing, even still a little gaining mana when using the basic sword, so I could soon regain enough mana to swing the healer-sword occasionally.
Another difference here compared to Paladog is, that you go behind the boss to kill the accumlating random monsters.

413 posts

lvl 13: Seems last time I overestimated my mana or just my button-pushing was a little lazy, but I CAN spend more mana with basic sword than comes.
So just be cautious and back when must.

lvl 14: mummies have many hp and hit hard. The normal time enemy comes one after the other, so I managed to accumlate maximum mana to be able to use +4 thunder hammer. It is like lightning mace, just more powerful, and currently costs 105 mana per use.

lvl 15: did I mention for Darkdog's green levels you get stars by how many lives you lost from your 3 lives?

413 posts

lvl 16: well, killing-speed will be an issue for Dartkdog it seems.

I forgot to mention that I had to equip a +2 reg life amulet (ye, Darkdog wears amulets, not rings).

Tried out a poisoning weapon, and this time it is massive (and adequately cheap). It sends out a CLOUD of poison, what brings down hp very fast.

Units: again had to level Boar, to lvl 4. Notthat I could not finish the level, just not for 3 stars. And unlocked Whale.
Whale seems to heal periodically and disappears when it healed the amount of life its heal-attribute allows. So I don't think this'll last forever.

413 posts

lvl 17: have lvl 5 Boar + lvl 3 Whale (ca.). Initially accumlate mana to release 2 Boars the same time, than summon a Whale. Also when waiting for this back off from lasting damage.
When the Water Totem starts to expire summon another one, and keep two running for healing your Boars. which should be summoned constantly.
Also preserve mana here, and hp. When group of enemies spawn, use the poison dagger, and when the Cave-wave arrives cast thor's hammer when you're sure all will be effected (= killed).

You'll likely have to grind for gold, well, the latest green level will throw it to you without real risk.

lvl 18: Stuck for the moment, mainly for the ugly miner-zombie which has zounds of HP and hits very hard. Probably will grind until I gain a larger aura (have basic at the moment) and invest a lot into stunning shout.

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