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ForumsGames[necro] Paladog

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Post and discuss your favourite strategies/equipment/summons!

Personally, I'm a soloist, going through most levels with just Paladog himself, maxing out on the mana and mace skills. Seems to work. At least for now.

  • 104 Replies
413 posts

Only have yet 30M gold, but with being lvl 200 I noticed I gathered the first 1000 diamonds, so unlocked for Darkdog in Survival Mode the 3rd jewelry-space. And it unlocked for Campaign Mode too, wether new or old character.

Unfortunately it did not unlock for Paladog though, not that I'd care that much for that, but still better to mention.

Of course if I'll ever be Mr. Moneybag (isn't that Zack Ryder most of the times?), I'll be able to unlock that for Paladog too.

413 posts

3-1: more of a ghost-level so just stay close.
Takes a while, could use a bigger sword, but still been done for 3 stars.

As the 3rd jewelry is open, I added an exp-ring to both use and not use it.

3-2: you definitely need a bigger sword. The only enemies are miner zombies and ghosts, and the real problem is the time. Darkdog aside his weapon barely has anything to cause damage.
Current skills: lvl 20 chicken, lvl 11 shout, lvl 20 boar, lvl 10 whale, lvl 12 swords, lvl 4 bull (= earth totem).
Used the last 2. Reall, the ghosts just passes through, and the rest can't damage Darkdog, so no healing is needed. The problem was to cause enough damage to win in the sufficiently short time.

3-3: ok, this is scripted too, but NOT an extension of the previous green level.

413 posts

3-4, 3-5: a whale in addition to the bull is a good idea. Otherwise the same.

3-6: most enemies are ghosts, so hu-hum. Even the frankeinsteins should not be a problem. The trouble is the couple of spear-skeleton, which can hurt your earth totem while you can't hurt them. Also would be good to hit the horse while it does not hurt you.
So be cautious, use earth totem and whale if you really run low on hp, and thor's hammer is a nice addition.

Btw, my hand hurts for the need of punching the same "button" so many times.

413 posts

3-7: I just want to enchant my sword to lvl 6, as that is possible to find. But that'd be against my standards.
Otherwise not much. Exact same as the levels in realm 3 until now.

3-8: same as 3-7, only with some strong melee units, so you'll need bull + whale, and even 2 bull at the Cave-wave.

3-9: I unlocked Fire Eagle for this one. Actually I hoped to lvl up twice (for the next level barely missed any exp), and it turned out the infinite standing at the first boss is now more of a theory instead of reality, as it takes forever to level there.
But this eagle is awesome. It is an animal (permanent unit, not totem or instant), which keeps its distance by flying to the enemy from far and picking on them. So you can put it behind an Earth Totem for example.
It also does AoE damage. So it is sheer awesome.

3-10: Hm, seems the Fire Eagle is more like a totem instead of an animal, as they seem to loos hp just by time. They are also flying creatures what makes them unique, as the can not be harmed when they are not attacking. Also the "speed" of 'em seems negligable, as they appear where they are summoned, they don't have to pass the entire field like an animal.

3-11: During the end, when the Cave start to have little hp, it worth to summon some boar despite their lower damage as they are much cheaper.
Also a note: 2 whales are enough to keep all your totems alive infinitely if they are not hurt seriously. I mean they won't "expire" just for existing. As here are ghosts still the major amount of enemies, this means this strategy viable.

3-12: the ghost-boss. The initial strategy is the same as for the previous level(s), but keep summoning eagles and whales to keep them running, and run around for the boss with them.
The eagles are attached to you, so they are really more of a totem which are planted on your shoulder instead of the ground.
Oh, and instead of one of the usual weapons you might consider a food-scythe to summon more stuff, meaning summon swords along your eagles or something.

Note: the boss seems to be able to drop lvl 9 stuff, so seems to be a reasonable farming-spot, and although first tried to go for the next green-level for more gold, I wasn't really successful on the next level witch is filled with pirate-zombies.

413 posts

Well, that boss drops lvl 7 stuff more realisticly, but that's still an advance. (it IS capable to drop lvl 9 stuff, just barely).
Also as I have Bad Luck, I runned it already quite a few times, and it turns out bosses can drop 1 to 3 separate items, so I switched in for my exp-amulet an item finding-amulet.

413 posts

3-13 I could do with fire totem lvl 3, though it had to be VERY fastly done.

3-14 is still a problem. I only got a lvl 6 basic sword, and although I think now I have lvl 3 skill in bonus to used weapon at clvl 57, I still could not do anything against the Cave-wave.
In the end I found a lvl 7 sword, and made up a working strategy, namely: run in and whack enemy while accumlating mana and food (especially food - use food-scythe when at least two enemies can be hit). Oh have lvl 4 fire totem, but I think if you're cautious enough you could pass for now with lvl 3 too. Then forget the enemy and run through 'em (keep on whackin' blindly). They'll come back in the front anyway, but until that we'll have a fire totem running, what must be prevented from self-destruct,so add a whale. Than you'll need another whale to solve the auto-loosing hp of totems, and an eagle for damage (not enough food for another fire totem). When you succeed the time will be near of the Cave-wave. That's the point you have to lay down an Earth totem (again food-efficiency), Also use fire sword here for additional damage (also good for the whole of the level in case a mass is coming, all this true if you have a high enough weapon of course). If your totems get destroyed back off, you should be strong enough to go back to the cave after eliminating the wave.
At the endgame rebuild your structures and win.

3-15: green level. Definitely feels like cat-mario.

413 posts

3-16: nothing new

3-17: the first level I used all three of my jewelry actively. Just got too frustrated otherwise. 1 manareg charm and 2 foodreg.
Also lvl 5 fire totem. This totem is like the dragon: can surprisingly die fast. Also make note that the best position for it is NOT where it can attack the Cave, but just after that, so its flames will DO hit the Cave when the enemy activates the totem, but it'll have more time to shoot flames usefully. Especially noteworthy as the this totem has big delays between attacks.

3-18: 1 fire totem, whale and eagle rules with flame sword to kill big multi-unit groups (lvl 9 flame blade on me now, and lvl 7 basic sword).

413 posts

lvl 19-21: concentrate on having active fire totems.

413 posts

lvl22: very hard for many high-hitting enemies, and a super-strong Cave-wave what can happen very sudden, so plant the fire totems farther from the Cave to avoid unnecessary damage to have time to regain supplies. You'll want at least 2 fire totem and 2 earth totem (and 2 water totem) when the Cave-wave happens to have at least a chance to survive. With lvl 6 fire and lvl 10 earth totem.
Oh, to have enough food, I used 3 food-regeneration amulets.

Note: at this point I'd desperately need more max. food, but I got not that chance yet, despite reached lvl 67. I know there must be more to that as Devil Dog costs 200 food.
Farming: the mummy-boss is available with minimal fuss: stand far enough from he boss to not damage it, and plant enough dragons to be able to destroy even bomb-enemies, then just watch for 2 whales always running (let it e lvl 11 as lvl 10 barely enough to not loose hp, so lvl 11 is barely gains back some hp).
The problem with infinite grinding seems, that as the time passing you gain less and less stuf (gold and exp), so you actually have to replay the level after some time.

413 posts

lvl 23: life works on the edge of extinction. The Cave-wave is REALLY strong, they can almost decapitate Darkdog eve with maximum damage-reduction, so keep distance, and have enough shield between you and the army. They WILL fall, and you have to fight back to where you came, and build it again from scratch, and it is very dangerous, but here is goes.

Grinded a little at this point to lvl 70 where I finally had the chance to rise max food to 200.

lvl 24: The NomNom. The level itself is not that hard. Mostly small pirate zombies, what can be handled. The problem is, the f* Duck eats anything by one hit, including Darkdog. So have 4 fire totem up when the boss appears, and bring both flame sword and poison sword. To have enough supplies I used 2 food-reg and 1 manareg amu.

Note: interesting that the wallpapers after beating chapters are different. For chapter 1 Darkdog stands at the edge of the chasm with a Dark Sword (= basic sword), for chapter 2 rhino(?!?) kills the mummy, for chapter 3 Darkdog sends a mighty blow with a flaming sword.
No idea how to make screenshots with a tablet, or make video-recording

PS: Right after this level I could open Devil Dog ability. It looks nice and all, but no idea how useful exactly it is, and definitely eats a LOT of food. Not to mention it is temporary, and there is no indication when you'll turn back.

413 posts

4-1, 4-2: have dragons running (+ 2 whale + 1 bull), and just before the Cave-wave turn into DevilDog and blast the wave. Surprisingly it works.

So from now on my preferences will be more max. hp (at least +1), more evade, more criticals, and more food. I assume.

4-3: green level.

413 posts

4-4, 4-5: DevilDog is a beast fortunately. Before the Cave-in I have here 2 dragons running (+2 whale +2 bull), and the transformation scraps the rest.
Also at 4-4 found a +8 basic sword.

4-6: using food efficiently starting with a tarnsformation and altering between bull and dragon and the occasional whale and clever use of flame sword, I managed to win here for the first go. Oh, during the end a kicker appeared, but fortunately I had enough hp to survive its kicks, although just barely. Focusing on killing the horse was the most important to focus on (if the horse goes, everything goes).

413 posts

4-7: same

4-8: bombs incoming and such, so I went lvl 7 dragon + lvl 2 Devil. Also, keep away from the wave of bombs during the Cave-in, as that hits unbelievably hugh.

4-9: you should have no problem here.

413 posts

4-10: very hard as the level is crawling with beholders what I think you can't hit with your weapon standing at the mouth of the Cave, there is a whole wave from them, and a second before the wave (it is actually not part of it!) comes a kicker.
The only solution I found was to bring flame sword, pack all food-generator amulets, have an earth totem lvl 11 at the mouth of the cave so I can whack things, a longer time only one fire totem (lvl 7), and start accumlating anything I can produce at the opening of the Cave, like 3 bulls, 2-3 boars, 3 whales running, more dragons.
It might turn out your food is not sufficient when the cave-in happens, so bring a food-scythe to swing from the back of your sacrificeable units to gain enough to change (lvl 3 at the moment).

4-11 is way more easy, no surprises, traditional gameplay.

413 posts

4-12: the level with ghost-paladog is almost joke-easy. If weapon would not be enough it is farmable for lvl 10 equipment (you know, hope dies last and all, though she died in season 3 from 6).

4-13: remember when cyclopses count as scary? They are no more.
Actually I start to think if you'd have maximum food regeneration could you constantly switch to DevilDog?

4-14: same as the previous, but has a way lower timer (4:15 for 3 stars). So to the heck with defense and building, try to do damage as soon as possible (destroying the wave i still best as DevilDog, you can experiment with the rest).

4-15: green level, but I think we already saw all nasty tricks.

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