ForumsThe TavernIt's Iron

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The "Iron" in the title refers to the material between Wood and Gold. It is ambiguous because some people call it Silver while others (like me) call it Iron. I found out today that Iron is correct. Cenere once told someone that it's iron, but people refused to stop the debate when I notified others of this opinion. However, I just got a comment saying that Iron is correct with a good reason. It was made by Ernie15 and its text will be quoted below:

Your comment on Skeleton_Pilot's profile about iron vs. silver was enough for me to open my comments back up.

Yes, the rank between wood and gold is ambiguous, and it has been debated since the beginning of time. However, despite the popularity of it being silver, iron is actually the correct and intended name for the metallic background-wielding badges. Carlie may be partly to blame for this confusion, as she created help stickies with the list stating it as silver rather than iron.

Think of it this way: going from wood to silver is a pretty big jump; you're going from dirt cheap to expensive to slightly more expensive. Having iron in the middle creates a nice balance between the wood and gold ranks.

I don't know who originally wrote the list on the help page that misinforms users that these ranks are silver and not iron, but it was clearly thrown together by someone who just looked at the ranks and wrote what they saw."

Ernie15 began by referring to a previous comment I made on Skeleton_Pilot's profile with the following text:

Here's a part of a comment by the SuperSaiyan1 that I will say something about:
"Iron King!? Bro, it is called 'Silver King.'"
It's actually either. There is nothing wrong with you calling it iron, and there is nothing wrong with TheSuperSaiyan1 calling it silver. However, you should not let the quoted text make you think that you can tell someone that it's "iron" or "silver" and NOT the other. "Iron" and "silver" mean the same thing when it comes to ranks. I told basically the same thing to TheSuperSaiyan1. I am doing this to prevent the argument between "iron" and "silver" from becoming something disruptive.

Now for the discussion:

Is Ernie15's comment proof that Iron is correct? Explain why or why not to avoid spam.
  • 4 Replies
6,800 posts

And you're telling us this why, exactly?

3,766 posts

Is Ernie15's comment proof that Iron is correct?

Honestly it depends who you listen too. I have heard it called both. Personally I think iron makes more sense seeing how it is obviously wood and not bronze. I will not flip out however if someone calls it silver.
I don't know who originally wrote the list on the help page that misinforms users that these ranks are silver and not iron

Come on Ernie! You are better then that. Read at the bottom. It says:
Written by John, updated 3/4/2011 by Cormyn, (c) Armor Games Inc.
So it was most likely John or Cormyn. My guess though would be John.
9,504 posts

The gray-metallic badges are iron, due to hovering over any of those images to see that it says "Iron - Rank".

Iron is coded directly into the the system, while Silver is stated in the help section and not coded.

13,344 posts

So it was most likely John or Cormyn. My guess though would be John.

The help page was most likely made after the rank system. If John wrote that list, he was not the same person who designed the ranks.

My guess is it was all written after the beta phase ended. By that time, people were already calling it silver and eventually it must have caught on.
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