ForumsWEPRMainstream Media Biased Against Israel?

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Well, it's happened again. Israel retaliates against Hamas and Palestinian militants for firing rockets into Israel, and then CNN, Fox, and BBC cover the story with headlines such as, Palestinians killed in Gaza air strikes, and Israeli air strike kills six Palestinians. No where on either of these sights do they mention that more than 50 rockets were fired into Israel.. First off, where is the international condemnation for these clear terrorist attacks against civilians? How come the U.N. hasn't issued a resolution declaring the attacks to be illegal? And why isn't this getting more news coverage than a retaliation strike?

There are clear cut examples of this every day in the international media. Every time a Palestinian is killed by Israelis, or a mosque is vandalized by settlers, the news jumps on it like it's WWIII. However, a rocket launched into Sderot? Nothing. Ashdod? Who cares? How about Beersheba? Nada. Obviously the plight of poor terrorists is more important that those of evil Israeli citizens.

Why is the media so against Israel? Discuss...and yes, I know. This will eventually turn into an argument about the legitimacy of Israel >.<

  • 44 Replies
1,773 posts

dear nicudemos, you know what harsh debates go on the knesset against the 'mitnahlim' - settelers?
Israel dont build them - they are indipendence peoples, with a ideaoligy. and ideaoligy that i dont like, but yet, they belive in "full Israel", in, as an old song by Jabotinsky said "there are two side to teh jorden {river}, this is ours and this is ours". they belive that as Israel is described in teh bible, that how Israel should be.

and when Israel try to destroy ther settelments, well, i tried to find a video, but all are from the settler side, i will just explaine it to you - they fight. no shooting, but fortifiding on the buildings and the army need to drag them to buss and taking them away.

its not that Israel sayibg "tommorow we will build on the al-aqtsa", its them who build on every hill they find. they run away from ther family.
so what is your sollution for them? shooting them? talking to them nicely? what? now, in the case of the "oulpana hill", you know how much trouble we got for trying to destroy it? its not all black and whith.

and, ill refresh your memory, stoping the building {even in jerusalem, our capitol, which i dont remmember any other place wher other countries tell to a country how to build in her capitol}, its not for peace, but for the starting of talking about peace. we need to release terrorist as 'gifts' for them, giving them money, water and electricity, as 'gift'. what they want? 1948 borders, jerusalem, and more and more. they dont want peace, they want us to surrender.
when we gave them gazza {a smart move which was later handle poorly}, what we got? my house is now on the range of fire. yea. yesterday i woke up in 3:00 am becasue of an alarm and ran to my shelter {wher else in the world almost every house have a shelter near?}. so yea, i think that we do need to react, not sitting nicely in the dark saying "no, we are the mature" and let them do as they want, because when we react peoples like you calling us murrders and telling me why i am wrong.

and no, in Israel, we dont let the people of qalquilya to get freely to Israel. but, my dear friend, they dont starve in the streets. they have some realy good cities, with water parks and resturants {first sighns of Poverty}. and people can tracel to ther as will. sure, they need to be checked, and yet ther were some attempet to kidnappe Israeli who traveled to ther. but we are wrong to do it. because we need to let them buy wepones {sorry, medicens}, and then, when they will stab us in the back, you will say "well, you deserved it".

how you {or your country} will react if terr=orist will start shooting with mortars at your borders? and dont tell me "they wont, because we are nice to everyone". you will kick ther ***. yea, you will bomb places with pupolation if they shoot from there.

and about the kids shooting, im gonna recruit next year, and if i will be Surrounded by kdis who shoot rocket from a sling {yea, i will find pictures}, i am not sure how i will react. sure, i wont shoot them, but i know some peoples {not only from Israel} thet will shoot in the air, or to the ground. but sure, you will give them candy in return. this is the way to handle it.

you know what? lets do a game - tell me how you WILL handle some Scenarios ok? and dont tell me you wont get into it - cuz i am into it, no matter what my father or grandfather did.

you and your squade are Dispatched to a Road wher some cars are geting stoned and even some molotove coktails. and tehn they start to throw it on you. what you do?

for 7 years, 7 years, your neighborse shooting rockets on you. you dont do anything in return. they shoot and shoot and shoot. from kindergaredns, from hospitals, everywher. how you react?

and last one - for almost 2000 years, people hate you no matter wher you go. france, USA, africa, wherever you look. no one like a comepletly foriegen "race", who dress diffrunte and has another religion. wher you will go?

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

dear nicudemos, you know what harsh debates go on the knesset against the 'mitnahlim' - settelers?
Israel dont build them - they are indipendence peoples, with a ideaoligy. and ideaoligy that i dont like, but yet, they belive in "full Israel", in, as an old song by Jabotinsky said "there are two side to teh jorden {river}, this is ours and this is ours". they belive that as Israel is described in teh bible, that how Israel should be.

Hello, your own Prime Minister ordered more homes to be build for settlers just a few weeks back. He even came under criticism for not building enough. And Gush Emunim had ties to the NRP Party. So yes, your own government has a hand in it, it's not just independent settlers.

and when Israel try to destroy ther settelments, well, i tried to find a video, but all are from the settler side, i will just explaine it to you - they fight. no shooting, but fortifiding on the buildings and the army need to drag them to buss and taking them away.

its not that Israel sayibg "tommorow we will build on the al-aqtsa", its them who build on every hill they find. they run away from ther family.
so what is your sollution for them? shooting them? talking to them nicely? what? now, in the case of the "oulpana hill", you know how much trouble we got for trying to destroy it? its not all black and whith.

I will speak bluntly. You guys built the homes, you guys take the heat for demolishing them when you want to. Your government got themselves into the mess by building those illegal homes, they take the flak for destroying them. When you speak of settlers (who are illegal in any case), being forced out of their home due to the law, do you remember the Palestinians who were already living there, being forced out for illegal settlements to be built?

and, ill refresh your memory, stoping the building {even in jerusalem, our capitol, which i dont remmember any other place wher other countries tell to a country how to build in her capitol}, its not for peace, but for the starting of talking about peace. we need to release terrorist as 'gifts' for them, giving them money, water and electricity, as 'gift'. what they want? 1948 borders, jerusalem, and more and more. they dont want peace, they want us to surrender.

1948 borders isn't surrendering. Considering that much of the land was Palestinian owned in the first place, or owned by local Muslims, then a return to the 1948 borders, or even 1967 borders, as many Palestinians are willing to do now, is quite a big leeway and concession.

when we gave them gazza {a smart move which was later handle poorly}, what we got? my house is now on the range of fire. yea. yesterday i woke up in 3:00 am becasue of an alarm and ran to my shelter {wher else in the world almost every house have a shelter near?}. so yea, i think that we do need to react, not sitting nicely in the dark saying "no, we are the mature" and let them do as they want, because when we react peoples like you calling us murrders and telling me why i am wrong.

Well, I can certainly tell you that Gaza does not have many shelters, and any raids by the IDF means they just have to hunker down and take it all. Well, there's nothing wrong in saying the IDF does murder people. I do condemn both sides, but saying that the Palestinians keep starting it is just absurd. A cornered people have nothing to do but fight back.

and no, in Israel, we dont let the people of qalquilya to get freely to Israel. but, my dear friend, they dont starve in the streets. they have some realy good cities, with water parks and resturants {first sighns of Poverty}. and people can tracel to ther as will. sure, they need to be checked, and yet ther were some attempet to kidnappe Israeli who traveled to ther. but we are wrong to do it. because we need to let them buy wepones {sorry, medicens}, and then, when they will stab us in the back, you will say "well, you deserved it"

Qaiqilya is a small town of 40,000, hardly representative of all Palestinians. As I showed yesterday, the Gaza Strip has restaurants, but these are all fluke anomalies when the main picture of the majority of Palestinians is one of a starving oppressed person.

and about the kids shooting, im gonna recruit next year, and if i will be Surrounded by kdis who shoot rocket from a sling {yea, i will find pictures}, i am not sure how i will react. sure, i wont shoot them, but i know some peoples {not only from Israel} thet will shoot in the air, or to the ground. but sure, you will give them candy in return. this is the way to handle it.

They shot rocks and stones in the First Intifada, those street protesting children. Rocks and Stones.

and about the kids shooting, im gonna recruit next year, and if i will be Surrounded by kdis who shoot rocket from a sling {yea, i will find pictures}, i am not sure how i will react. sure, i wont shoot them, but i know some peoples {not only from Israel} thet will shoot in the air, or to the ground. but sure, you will give them candy in return. this is the way to handle it.

If there were Molotov Cocktails, I'd shoot back if my commander tells me so. If there were rocks only, like the case above, then no, why shoot?

Throughout the years of the first intifada, it was not the stone-throwing youths that had Israel worried as much as the civil disobedience that had become rampant amongst the Palestinians. To quell it, Israel resorted to punishing the Palestinian population en masse. Ordinary civilians found themselves without freedom to pursue even the most routine daily activities. Curfews were ordered for weeks on end and thousands of Palestinians were arrested. With the closure of schools and universities, education effectively became illegal and teachers and students had to resort to âundergroundâ classes. Homes were demolished without warning, olive trees and agricultural crops were destroyed, vital water supplies were redirected to Israel and then water usage restricted so severely, people had to queue with containers for hours to buy back their own water. So punishing were Israelâs assaults on the Palestinian population that rumors of transfer began surfacing, especially when Israeli Former Military Intelligence Chief General Shlomo Gazit said that these measures were intended so that Palestinians would 'face unemployment and a shortage of land and water and thus we can create the necessary conditions for the departure of the Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza.'

for 7 years, 7 years, your neighborse shooting rockets on you. you dont do anything in return. they shoot and shoot and shoot. from kindergaredns, from hospitals, everywher. how you react?

You can fire back at militants with rockets, provided civilians are not harmed, but at stone throwing people?

and last one - for almost 2000 years, people hate you no matter wher you go. france, USA, africa, wherever you look. no one like a comepletly foriegen "race", who dress diffrunte and has another religion. wher you will go?

Where my original home was, France, Spain, Italy (Last two had little anti-Semitism, in fact Franco accepted quite a few fleeing Jews). There were plenty of allied nations who could welcome them, yet they chose to dump the refugee population unto Muslims who had no say, and no part of the conflict. Britain offered Uganda, Stalin offered the Crimea, but no, they just had to choose a place where they knew would be blood.
1,773 posts

fight back? they fight back?

firstly, like any other place in the world, ther is a magical thing called politics. and the problme is that as more that poeples like you saying we are bad, the less peopel here care what you say. ebcause we dont murder people. who is this IDF you are talking about? its not star war armie of clones who obbey orders and when you tell them "let no one alive in this village" they do it.
one of the basic rules in teh armies is "ileagal order" and obbveisly illeagal order". in seconde one, the solider HAS to disobbey. people go to jail for less than killing a man. so you dont tell me that my friends are murdures. cuz yea, all of my friends are in or will be in the army. so you dont able to tell me what they are and what they do.
every time a palestinian die, its on our newspaper. people ask, why they did it? so dont tell me that we do it in porpuse,

secondley, you still belive that gazza is a war zone, WWI stile, with burning buildings and trenchs everywher right? cuz its doesent. when we attack in gazza, its only after we cant stand it anymore.

and for your answers for my questions. this is what happen. in the first intifada, a thing we never handle befor, there were problmes. kids in the age of 18-21 are not cold blood soliders. when they get stoned all over, someone will shoot out of terror. when you cant know if this person is holding a rock or a gun, its sacry.
Sure ther are some racist fascist who calim "we need to kill them all". as moshe dyan said {i think it was him, not sure}, "we will break ther bones [ to stop the intifada]. these days the IDF know how to handle these. we got lachrymator, we have robber bullets, but yet ther are some stuiped soliders who dont know how to handle them, as there is in any army in the world. in 1994, i didnt saw the amricans was very gentle to the rioters. and the english to the irish. and the turks to the curdish. the diffrence is that when we do it, we get so much hit that people start to dont care anymore.

how many peopels died in the last campigan, this week, ou know?

2 mans. both from the 'global jihad'. and one Israeli police man was hurt from a rocket. no rivers of blood in gazza.

and about the slomo gazit, he was a racist son of a *****. he is known as a radical, so dont start saying he is the averge man in Israel. sure you can find peoples like him, and the arabs get terrefide every time we clean al-aqtsa and stuff. we wanted to build a new bridge to al-aqtsa, so it will be easier to get ther and will have more space to teh 'west wall' yard, we almost got a new intifada.
befor the 'gay paraide', ther was a practice of police in a forest, near wher i live, so the press showed it. they built a 'model' of jerusalem, and also a carton model of al-aqtsa. the next day i saw what they said at al-jazira: "the Israeli forces are preapering to deport teh jerusalems arabs and destroy al-aqtsa".

and againt, just to be clear, ther are bad things that happen too, which i am fully agaisnt and dream to change. the settlers for exmple. but there are Israeli problmes, of the Israeli politics. its not 'israel foult'. netanyao wnat to build more so his coalition wont break! would you dare to 'wake up' 60k protesters on your head? its like Obama will say that he will exple all the mexican back. like he will say that showing the Confederate Flag is illeagal. what will happen you think?
now, yair lapid is runnig to politics, and he is against the settlers. i support him, and try to convice everyone else to soppurte him. the 'left' in israel is waking up again, after we were called traitors and anti-israelis.we, just like japan or france or singapor are democracies. its just that we have a civil war, if you want to call it that way. we have like 1m who want to destroy the otehr side. yes, not all of them, but there leaders demand to "free palestine".

and sorry if you didnt understand it, nicho, but Israel is our homeland. there were jews in jerusalem befor teh arabs get out of there Peninsula. its in our culture, our religion and our history. in this we are diffrente from every other nation. we are a "race" thet "came back to life". you think that in uganda the locals whould accepet 4m peoples who just pooped up? not to mention that alot of them are white? and in that ice hole in the end of the world, a great place heh?

Israel is our homeland. we didnt did it "just to get the arabs mad". actualy, you know how much arabs there were in Israel at 1918? most of them came from Iraq and sirya, after the jes brought ther western knowledge from europe {nothing racist here. its just demographical question. i do not say the arabs are leess smart, read the book "Guns, Germs, and Steel" by Jared Diamond}. even now, ther is not a single thing that uniqe the 'alestinians' from the rest of the arab nation. we, the jews, have no other place. in 1948, we agreed to the borders. you can see it in old videos, the Israelis dance in the streets, the arabs preapering to attack. as i told you befor, you know how the war "started"? a bus {line 2094} was attacked, and 5 jews murdered. then there was the war. armies from eygept, syria, iraq, morroco, lebbanon, saudi-arabia charged into Israel, fought {bravely}, and lost. so now you tell me, that on the blood of the defenders of jerusalem, on the blood of my grandfather brother, who died in the ancient city of jerusalem, we need to say "ok, nice try, lets start again"? its was a wrong bet for them. its like nazi germany in 1945 was saying "well, you got us, lets go back to 1939 borders, ok?". a vetran came to our school, and he told us how his commander told them to not shoot first. he saw the sudaneas-eygep soliders puting the machin-gun, and only when they started to fire, then they shot back. the village next to mea {1 kilometer away, even less} was the major base against the eygeptian attack. in a place called "ad-alom" - in free translate "To this point" the Palmach and the just borned IDF stoped the eygeptian army. my grandmother saw the eygeptians tanks in the far. i can truley say, that if they didnt stoped them, i wont ws here today. because what we, the Israelis, wanted, was a state. what the arabs armies wantd, was to setroy us. yes, destroy us.

so i dont feeling that i need to ask for foregivnes for having a country.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

firstly, like any other place in the world, ther is a magical thing called politics. and the problme is that as more that poeples like you saying we are bad, the less peopel here care what you say. ebcause we dont murder people. who is this IDF you are talking about? its not star war armie of clones who obbey orders and when you tell them "let no one alive in this village" they do it.
one of the basic rules in teh armies is "ileagal order" and obbveisly illeagal order". in seconde one, the solider HAS to disobbey. people go to jail for less than killing a man. so you dont tell me that my friends are murdures. cuz yea, all of my friends are in or will be in the army. so you dont able to tell me what they are and what they do.
every time a palestinian die, its on our newspaper. people ask, why they did it? so dont tell me that we do it in porpuse,

I have never blamed individual Israelis, I have blamed the IDF as an entity, as part of the entity of government, of Israel. I do not agree that Israel as a whole has even a right to exist in today's form, and to a certain extent, even have a right to carve up territory from people living there in 1948.

secondley, you still belive that gazza is a war zone, WWI stile, with burning buildings and trenchs everywher right? cuz its doesent. when we attack in gazza, its only after we cant stand it anymore.

It is a zone of the oppressed. I do have Palestinian friends, and Singaporean friends who work in the zone as volunteers. Of course it isn't a bombed out dystopia of WWII proportions, but it still is a land that is entrapped, starved, and plagued by human rights abuses.

and for your answers for my questions. this is what happen. in the first intifada, a thing we never handle befor, there were problmes. kids in the age of 18-21 are not cold blood soliders. when they get stoned all over, someone will shoot out of terror. when you cant know if this person is holding a rock or a gun, its sacry.

That's a really poor excuse. A person throws a rock at you, and you shoot back? These aren't exactly 18 year olds we're talking about, we're talking about young teens.

2 mans. both from the 'global jihad'. and one Israeli police man was hurt from a rocket. no rivers of blood in gazza.

I have never claimed there were rivers of blood. But a zone that is still under illegal occupation despite being promised to be handed over to the Palestinians, a land that is blockaded, and prevented in having supplies shipped in, is still a miserable place to live in.

and againt, just to be clear, ther are bad things that happen too, which i am fully agaisnt and dream to change. the settlers for exmple. but there are Israeli problmes, of the Israeli politics. its not 'israel foult'. netanyao wnat to build more so his coalition wont break! would you dare to 'wake up' 60k protesters on your head? its like Obama will say that he will exple all the mexican back. like he will say that showing the Confederate Flag is illeagal. what will happen you think?

Obama does have the toughest immigration policy in years, sending back 400,000 immigrants back a year, in case you didn't know.

Using politics as an excuse is poor. Bush did it to pander to the evangelicals, Hollande is doing it now, and the Greek Parties are doing it to. If you're going to place the importance of a place in power over the lives of millions of oppressed, I'm disgusted.

and sorry if you didnt understand it, nicho, but Israel is our homeland. there were jews in jerusalem befor teh arabs get out of there Peninsula. its in our culture, our religion and our history. in this we are diffrente from every other nation. we are a "race" thet "came back to life". you think that in uganda the locals whould accepet 4m peoples who just pooped up? not to mention that alot of them are white? and in that ice hole in the end of the world, a great place heh?

Israel is our homeland. we didnt did it "just to get the arabs mad". actualy, you know how much arabs there were in Israel at 1918? most of them came from Iraq and sirya, after the jes brought ther western knowledge from europe {nothing racist here. its just demographical question. i do not say the arabs are leess smart, read the book "Guns, Germs, and Steel" by Jared Diamond}. even now, ther is not a single thing that uniqe the 'alestinians' from the rest of the arab nation. we, the jews, have no other place. in 1948, we agreed to the borders. you can see it in old videos, the Israelis dance in the streets, the arabs preapering to attack. as i told you befor, you know how the war "started"? a bus {line 2094} was attacked,

I'm really sorry, but the Jews were sent out of Israel millennia ago. It is not your ''homeland'' any more than it was for the Pre0Israelite people, the Arabs, the Romans, the Persians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Turks, and the Palestinians if we're using the whole ''It-once-belonged-to-us-therefore-give-it-back'' argument. While I do agree that there were always some Jews living there, and hence the Jewish majority areas of 1948 should be partitioned to them, most of the areas of Israel today were NOT occupied and populated by Jews before the post-WWII refugee waves.

Possibly yes, because Uganda has always had a Jewish population. The Russians too, in the end did set up a Jewish Republic as part of their Federation, yet close to no foreign Jews took that offer up.

that on the blood of the defenders of jerusalem, on the blood of my grandfather brother, who died in the ancient city of jerusalem, we need to say "ok, nice try, lets start again"? its was a wrong bet for them. its like nazi germany in 1945 was saying "well, you got us, lets go back to 1939 borders, ok?". a vetran came to our school, and he told us how his commander told them to not shoot first. he saw the sudaneas-eygep soliders puting the machin-gun, and only when they started to fire, then they shot back. the village next to mea {1 kilometer away, even less} was the major base against the eygeptian attack. in a place called "ad-alom" - in free translate "To this point" the Palmach and the just borned IDF stoped the eygeptian army. my grandmother saw the eygeptians tanks in the far. i can truley say, that if they didnt stoped them, i wont ws here today. because what we, the Israelis, wanted, was a state. what the arabs armies wantd, was to setroy us. yes, destroy us.

Yes, blood of defenders of Jerusalem, most of whom were refugees. They didn't exactly have any right to the land.
What about the Palestinians who were forced out during Al Nakba? Is their blood worth less?
1,627 posts

I have never blamed individual Israelis, I have blamed the IDF as an entity, as part of the entity of government, of Israel.

So, if American soldiers pee on dead bodies, and massacre 11 civilians, it's not the individual soldiers fault, it's the fault of the government? Yeah, because Barak Obama orders soldiers to kill civilians and piss on their bodies daily. You cannot blame an entire government, and by extent the entire nation for the actions of a few people. If your reasoning was acceptable, the Middle East would be a giant crater, Russia would be completely radioactive, and the United States would have sunk into the ocean.

It is a zone of the oppressed. I do have Palestinian friends, and Singaporean friends who work in the zone as volunteers. Of course it isn't a bombed out dystopia of WWII proportions, but it still is a land that is entrapped, starved, and plagued by human rights abuses.

That's nice. I have Israeli friends who tell me they walk outside their homes in fear. They tell me stories of waking up at 3am to sirens, and praying that they don't get hit by a missile on the way to the shelter. Stories of being in a café, and leaving before it explodes. My dad was backpacking through Israel once. He forgot his backpack, and when he returned to get it, the police were there, with bomb squads and everything. You think the people of Israel live in peace, planting daisies and eating giant ice cream cones? No. Some of them live in abject terror, just like the Palestinians. And some of them live in complete safety. Just like the Palestinians.

That's a really poor excuse. A person throws a rock at you, and you shoot back? These aren't exactly 18 year olds we're talking about, we're talking about young teens.

He means the soldiers. Most of them are barely able to drink legally. You think an 18 year old is going to be able to recognize the difference between a handgun and a rock when it's dark? And then be able to make split second judgement on whether or not this shadowy figure who could be aged anywhere from 15-25 is a threat? Nope. He's gonna shoot. To protect his own life.

But a zone that is still under illegal occupation despite being promised to be handed over to the Palestinians, a land that is blockaded, and prevented in having supplies shipped in, is still a miserable place to live in.

So you think Israel should just have a laissez-faire approach to the Palestinian territories? They tried that with Gaza. They get rockets in return. Before the Palestinians ever have their own nation, they must recognize Israel as a Jewish country, and have peace. The blockade would be lifted at a moments notice if Hamas wasn't trying to smuggle in weapons to fire intentionally on Israeli civilians. If you think any country will place the lives of a non-citizen over that of their own, you really need to wake up and smell the hummus.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

So, if American soldiers pee on dead bodies, and massacre 11 civilians, it's not the individual soldiers fault, it's the fault of the government? Yeah, because Barak Obama orders soldiers to kill civilians and piss on their bodies daily. You cannot blame an entire government, and by extent the entire nation for the actions of a few people. If your reasoning was acceptable, the Middle East would be a giant crater, Russia would be completely radioactive, and the United States would have sunk into the ocean.

There's a difference. The IDF soldiers have to do it because they weed out the militants out of the civilian population. They are ordered to do so, to go into Gaza. Are the American soldiers ordered to pee on their foes and deliberately target civilians? No. One is a case of having to obey orders, and one is the case of going on a rampage.

That's nice. I have Israeli friends who tell me they walk outside their homes in fear. They tell me stories of waking up at 3am to sirens, and praying that they don't get hit by a missile on the way to the shelter. Stories of being in a café, and leaving before it explodes. My dad was backpacking through Israel once. He forgot his backpack, and when he returned to get it, the police were there, with bomb squads and everything. You think the people of Israel live in peace, planting daisies and eating giant ice cream cones? No. Some of them live in abject terror, just like the Palestinians. And some of them live in complete safety. Just like the Palestinians.

No. The entire Gaza Strip is blockaded. Is the whole of Israel blockaded? Is the whole of Israel in the range of rockets? No. Do many Israelis have bomb shelters? Yes. Do the Palestinians? No. The Palestinians are suffering much more than the Israelis, because on top of warfare, they lack food, water, medical supplies, and the lot.

He means the soldiers. Most of them are barely able to drink legally. You think an 18 year old is going to be able to recognize the difference between a handgun and a rock when it's dark? And then be able to make split second judgement on whether or not this shadowy figure who could be aged anywhere from 15-25 is a threat? Nope. He's gonna shoot. To protect his own life.

You totally cannot make a guess here.

Who said it was in the dark? The protests were in the day.

So you think Israel should just have a laissez-faire approach to the Palestinian territories? They tried that with Gaza. They get rockets in return. Before the Palestinians ever have their own nation, they must recognize Israel as a Jewish country, and have peace. The blockade would be lifted at a moments notice if Hamas wasn't trying to smuggle in weapons to fire intentionally on Israeli civilians. If you think any country will place the lives of a non-citizen over that of their own, you really need to wake up and smell the hummus.

For one, the peace deal was already hammered out, yet Israel failed to keep to the bargain. There's nothing of the bargaining bit left, since everything was cleared up, yet Israel just left it there. Totally for peace.

If you think any country will place the lives of a non-citizen over that of their own, you really need to wake up and smell the hummus.

The same can be said for the Palestinians. If you think they're going to simply lift their rocket attacks, one of their bargaining chips, which can help their citizens, you're wrong.
1,627 posts

There's a difference. The IDF soldiers have to do it because they weed out the militants out of the civilian population. They are ordered to do so, to go into Gaza.

Which, as you conceded, is to weed out the militants. Just because the militants live in a civilian population means they should get off scott-free?
"General, the militants fired 3 rockets on us, and then ran into a city. What should we do?"
"Lolz, they shot rockets at us? Hahaha give them hugs and kisses "

As soon as Hamas stops firing rockets, as a gesture of goodwill as Israel has done countless times in the past. As soon as this happens, and when Hamas renounces violence, the blockade will be lifted, and life for the Palestinians will improve dramatically. Stop firing rockets. Is that so hard?

One is a case of having to obey orders, and one is the case of going on a rampage.

If civilians get in the way of the line of fire, after sufficient warnings, it's their own **** fault. Israel dropped countless numbers of leaflets and made dozens of phone calls to warn civilians of impending attacks. Any that were still there intentionally placed themselves in harms way.

No. The entire Gaza Strip is blockaded. Is the whole of Israel blockaded?

The blockade will be lifted when Hamas renounces violence.

Do many Israelis have bomb shelters? Yes. Do the Palestinians? No.

In no way does this excuse the atrocity of INTENTIONALLY launching rockets on civilians. You don't seem to get the relationship between the intent to harm, and accidental harm. There is collateral damage in EVERY war. It's just when Israel inflicts collateral damage, there is a huge scandal. However when Syria is killing their own civilians, hardly a peep is heard from the U.N.

You totally cannot make a guess here.

At what?

Who said it was in the dark? The protests were in the day.

Yes, because you find 3 pictures of protestors throwing rocks at daylight, it means automatically that no protests could have occurred at late evening or night. How silly of me to question your wisdom.

For one, the peace deal was already hammered out, yet Israel failed to keep to the bargain. If you mean the Oslo Accords, those were a valiant step, but still a far cry from a permanent peace. And if you mean the resumption of settlement buildings in the WB, Israel waited a year at the table, and yet the Pals wanted more and more and more and more and...well, you get the point.

The same can be said for the Palestinians. If you think they're going to simply lift their rocket attacks, one of their bargaining chips, which can help their citizens, you're wrong.

The only way it helps their civilians is by drawing negative media against Israel. Otherwise, it completely harms them.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Which, as you conceded, is to weed out the militants. Just because the militants live in a civilian population means they should get off scott-free?
"General, the militants fired 3 rockets on us, and then ran into a city. What should we do?"
"Lolz, they shot rockets at us? Hahaha give them hugs and kisses "

You don't mass bomb the civilian populations or bomb them with tanks. Violation of the Geneva Conventions.

Again, your example of American soldiers is both fradulent and off-track.

As soon as Hamas stops firing rockets, as a gesture of goodwill as Israel has done countless times in the past. As soon as this happens, and when Hamas renounces violence, the blockade will be lifted, and life for the Palestinians will improve dramatically. Stop firing rockets. Is that so hard?

As soon as Israel actually sticks to its words to stop building more settlements too. They just increased it a few weeks back. With such a creeping invasion despite promises of peace, the Palestinians have no choice but to hit back.

If civilians get in the way of the line of fire, after sufficient warnings, it's their own **** fault. Israel dropped countless numbers of leaflets and made dozens of phone calls to warn civilians of impending attacks. Any that were still there intentionally placed themselves in harms way.

They have no way to get out of the line of fire, that is their home. They have no way to get out of a mass bomb like Operation Cast Lead. They do not intentionally place themselves in harms way, in fact, they have no where to go. If anything, the soldiers are violating their space. Whilst it is true that Israel has been using more precision guided missiles, these still damage the homes and infrastructure of many Palestinians; that in itself is upsetting.

The blockade will be lifted when Hamas renounces violence.

Israel was in the wrong in the first place, calling for the partition of a land that was as tenacious as a cotton tightrope across a cliff; if we go back to the cause and effect argument, Israel has always been the one who caused it all.

In no way does this excuse the atrocity of INTENTIONALLY launching rockets on civilians. You don't seem to get the relationship between the intent to harm, and accidental harm. There is collateral damage in EVERY war. It's just when Israel inflicts collateral damage, there is a huge scandal. However when Syria is killing their own civilians, hardly a peep is heard from the U.N.

Yes, but the collateral damage here is huge, and affects the entire population. Israel has enacted a slow suffocating oppression and wall designed to downtrod the entire Palestinian population. No other nation has enacted such a complete oppression on an entire population of a people before.

Yes, because you find 3 pictures of protestors throwing rocks at daylight, it means automatically that no protests could have occurred at late evening or night. How silly of me to question your wisdom.

How silly of you to accuse without evidence? It's not just two or three, close to a thousand in the past five years alone. And those are just the one's arrested. Even Israeli rights groups have acknowledged that while Israeli authorities needed to enforce the law, they said night raids, handcuffing, blindfolds, interrogations and the denial of access to lawyers for children for hours at a time were frequently disproportionate to the crime. If you mean the Oslo Accords, those were a valiant step, but still a far cry from a permanent peace. And if you mean the resumption of settlement buildings in the WB, Israel waited a year at the table, and yet the Pals wanted more and more and more and more and...well, you get the point.

Oslo was a fraud because the Israelis never cooperated with it. After the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, the peace process eventually ground to a halt. The Palestinians living in the territories did not see their living conditions improve. No attempt was made to dismantle the Israeli settlements, in fact the opposite was the case. The settlements' population almost doubled in the West Bank.

In the 2001 Road to Peace plan, Israel dismantled only minor post-March 2001 settlements and has actually expanded others.

When you claim that Israel stopped all settlement building, that is false. On 25 November 2009, Israel did impose a 10-month construction freeze on all of its settlements in the West Bank. But, Israel continued construction on 3,000 pre-approved housing units in the West Bank, and did not extend the freeze to East Jerusalem, which Israel annexed in 1980, and regards as its sovereign territory.

The only way it helps their civilians is by drawing negative media against Israel. Otherwise, it completely harms them.

Help is help, given how powerful the media is. If they don't act, they get nothing.
1,773 posts

you know what, you are right. we should all pack up and go back. i hope my grand grand father home in the czech republic is still there. oops, got destroyed in wwii. like mose oh the jews homes in europe and some of north africa. and that almost our entire religion is based on this place? who care? its not like you the magnificent singapoorians, who can live in harmony.

belive me dear friend, you and 'your people' are not so diffrunte from us. in the same Circumstance, ask yourself what will happen.

and back to the intifada, the first one was misrble indeed, and was responde with too much brute force. we handle it now very good. so those pictures of kids playing with the tanks is not that relevante. its like showing los-angeles 1994 as now days protests.

and, just to remind you, and as i heared, punisher can be my witness, suicide bombers are not quite the right way to show your opinion on the situation. when i was like 10, when it was almost daily bases hearing about a bus got exploded, a cafe who blowed up. so yea, i think that a goverment need to make her citizens safe.

again, there were bad things, some of the 'irgon' as you called it, we call it 'etsel' did some horrible things. but, a country its like a baby. it never get out without blood {well, exept of IVF children, like jorden and sealand}.

singapor didnt realy revolted, so you dont have the colective feeling for your countries us i do {i dont say you dont have one, but it diffrunte}. like the french want france to e france, and not {whatever most people will be". its not realy fair that the only israelis in the world will be another arabic country, just because people like you say "its not democratic".

so lets please put aside history and news, and talk about this.
sometimes, yea, democracy and freedome coolide. Israle can not let herself have a majority of arabs, even a open minded man like me, comepletly atheist, soppurt gay marrige, think taht every rational man who want to be an israelian may join, think that the palestinians want a Medieval socity, wher gays, peopel who dressed wrong, almost any non-conformal get stoned. this is no israel-arab war, not even west vs east, its radicals against atheistic ideaoligy. open mind agaisnt robots. i want to be able to folfil myself. and, sorry to say, your other options arent so nice too. saw how hamas took over gazza from patah? watch in youtube, some horribel peopels put it there. saw teh arcticle about waht a kindergarden did? they teached the kids what they want to be when they will grow up! shaids!

again, i dotn say that all arabs are liek that, but its seems that you look at us like dictators, when the arabs in Israel are much more free than the ones in afganistan, in syria and Iran.

its not zombieland in the west bank, no.

when does USA {should have} got out from Iraq? when the people suffer? with all teh hard feelings, no. when they know, that the next week there will be no another 11\\9. we will let gazza to because the mega-city that her brilliant goverment want to make it if we will know that no more rockets will be shot at us. that no more suicde bomber {which there are no more of tham - thanke you wall!} and no more kidnapping will be. as i said, when i was 10, i couldnt get out to hang out with friends in resturants. my parents were affraid. going on a bus? with all that happened, it was scary. to this days i dont use buses, as a habit. i dont want to get back to ther.

so no, again, we are here to stay. and no, we dont go back to 1948 because tghey keep lose. what happened in 1973? i will make it short.

eygept, syria, jored adn everyone attacked us. in suprise. in one of the most holiest days in our fate.

we drived that away, and then the UN told us to stop and give them back the lands we took over. if they would took some of our lands, belive me, we wont get the citizens back.

and geez, yuo talk like in cast lead {what a grat name heh? PM me for the full meaning behind it} was drezden. our lancasters throw naplam all over gazza, and evryone died.
so no. opretaion get canseld cuz ther are civilane population in the line of fire. we drop Leaflets to warn the people to get out befor we bomb a house who became a rocket launcher base or warehouse of weponse.

and yes, if we will do this and this adn this they will accept to start talking with us. but what we get in retune? its like this:
"you will give us jerusalem, and the north side, and the negev, and judea {the name is not conected to the word "jew" in any conection right?} and the shomron, and in returne we will stop lose. we will stop crying to the UN and to other peoples".

we did a peace threat with eygept. now, the muslim brootherhood is on the head of eygept, and they "questioning" it. so we didt compromised. we Evacuated Yamit, after a fight with teh citizens, we get everything out, gave back land almost 3X israel, and now the yquestion the threat. so sure, free land! promise to stop and get Israel!

i am willing to give lands. i soppurt it. not the golan, and even giving some of jerusalem. but be sure, there are some radicals in us too. and they are not nice like the IDF. the IDF is the must humanic army in the world. show me another one who need to fight in such populace places, and not ending in killing masses. if USA was attacking gazza, you could ask now "Gazza? wha Gazza?".

and, once again, if Israel want, there were no arabs in Israel for a long time ago. there are enough psycos who want it. but we dont do it.

i know you want the best for us, but keeping saying "Israel is the devil" wont get us anywher. you keep saying "you building". what whould you do? when we evacuate gosh katif, something helped? no.
and what a fight it was. polcie mans sieging that house, people throw rocks and economica on them. a brother of a friend of mine was ther.

and about the commenet on the Teen soliders, you are clearly livei n a eutopia. maybe i sould visit ther, a place wher the is no fear, you never scared from getting hit by a rock, wher there are no guns in 700 km around. but here in Israel, these "teens" get shot. from the fatehr of these "little kids who throw cobble stones.

littel stones you can clearly see in 2:15 the sling. just to remind you, these things kill. adn sending little kids so the camera will cach them fighting aginst some soliders its a very nice trick.

and here what your friend dont show you.
the dulphinarium . it was a clug, mostly for ex-russians teens, in the agge of 14-18. 21 died, 100 injured. the bomb add 'extra' nails and steel balls in it, so it will injure more peoples. in 0:24 you cann see the terroris father with the picture of his son.
and look what happened in Rammalha when they herd about it, 1:05.
it said that later some jewish kids throw stones at arabs cars, and after you can see a protest of some racist radicals.
how Israel react? we didnt did nothink. as Sharon say in the Video, even Restraint is strength.

just to show you, we dont kill masses of peoples. we dont. we want peace. but ther people out ther who want war.

and, for the last, do not question the existing of my country. no matter how mush you will talk, and what proofes that its ther home for a million years, its our homeland, like teh american are not gonna go out just becase the indian was ther befor, and you dont leace singapor because you took lands from the local who lived ther befor.

sorry if i go in circles, i write with emotion.
{why couldnt i write like that in a essays back in school?}

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

you know what, you are right. we should all pack up and go back. i hope my grand grand father home in the czech republic is still there. oops, got destroyed in wwii. like mose oh the jews homes in europe and some of north africa. and that almost our entire religion is based on this place? who care? its not like you the magnificent singapoorians, who can live in harmony.

belive me dear friend, you and 'your people' are not so diffrunte from us. in the same Circumstance, ask yourself what will happen.

No, I don't think Israel had any right to exist in the first place, but that doesn't translate to me thinking it should be destroyed now, given that Israelis born in Israel had no say in the matter. What I do believe is that Israel has to give back some of the land to the PLA and go back to the 1967 borders as a compromise solution, because ultimately they still are at fault.

and back to the intifada, the first one was misrble indeed, and was responde with too much brute force. we handle it now very good. so those pictures of kids playing with the tanks is not that relevante. its like showing los-angeles 1994 as now days protests.

Just quoted the recent stone-throwers statistics; it still is happening.

and, just to remind you, and as i heared, punisher can be my witness, suicide bombers are not quite the right way to show your opinion on the situation. when i was like 10, when it was almost daily bases hearing about a bus got exploded, a cafe who blowed up. so yea, i think that a goverment need to make her citizens safe.

Making more settlements certainly doesn't show the government cares about your safety. Both sides are at fault, but to shove it all on the PLA is woeful. If Israel really cares about it's citizens, it won't expand more and invite more reprisal.

eygept, syria, jored adn everyone attacked us. in suprise. in one of the most holiest days in our fate.

we drived that away, and then the UN told us to stop and give them back the lands we took over. if they would took some of our lands, belive me, we wont get the citizens back.

And yet Israel attacked Egypt and the rest first in 1967. I do have some quotes to show you, directly from the Israeli officials, that they knew Egypt wouldn't attack, even as they massed troops.

Israel claimed that Egypt had struck first, telling the council that 'in the early hours of this morning Egyptian armoured columns moved in an offensive thrust against Israel's borders. At the same time Egyptian planes took off from airfields in Sinai and struck out towards Israel. Egyptian artillery in the Gaza strip shelled the Israel villages of Kissufim, Nahal-Oz and Ein Hashelosha...' In fact, this was not the case. The US Office of Current Intelligence '...soon concluded that the Israelis â" contrary to their claims â" had fired first.'

Mordechai Bentov, an Israeli cabinet minister who attended the June 4th Cabinet meeting, called into question the idea that there was a 'danger of extermination' saying that it was 'invented of whole cloth and exaggerated after the fact to justify the annexation of new Arab territories.' Menachem Begin said that 'The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We decided to attack him'.

and geez, yuo talk like in cast lead {what a grat name heh? PM me for the full meaning behind it} was drezden. our lancasters throw naplam all over gazza, and evryone died.
so no. opretaion get canseld cuz ther are civilane population in the line of fire. we drop Leaflets to warn the people to get out befor we bomb a house who became a rocket launcher base or warehouse of weponse.

Didn't say it's like Dresden. I did say Israel did use precision ammunition, but that also destroyed their homes, and inadvertently did kill people. Even if you sound the alarm, you still did drop the bombs. It's like telling you I'm going to speed my car to a zebra crossing, yet claiming it's your fault for still being in the way.

we did a peace threat with eygept. now, the muslim brootherhood is on the head of eygept, and they "questioning" it. so we didt compromised. we Evacuated Yamit, after a fight with teh citizens, we get everything out, gave back land almost 3X israel, and now the yquestion the threat. so sure, free land! promise to stop and get Israel!

Never was Israel's land to ''give back'' in the first place.

and yes, if we will do this and this adn this they will accept to start talking with us. but what we get in retune? its like this:
"you will give us jerusalem, and the north side, and the negev, and judea {the name is not conected to the word "jew" in any conection right?} and the shomron, and in returne we will stop lose. we will stop crying to the UN and to other peoples".

Link or no cigar.

littel stones you can clearly see in 2:15 the sling. just to remind you, these things kill. adn sending little kids so the camera will cach them fighting aginst some soliders its a very nice trick.

Israel itself has admitted the use of force back was disproportionate. Go and compare the stats on how many Palestinian children were killed for every IDF soldier killed by a rock.

i am willing to give lands. i soppurt it. not the golan, and even giving some of jerusalem. but be sure, there are some radicals in us too. and they are not nice like the IDF. the IDF is the must humanic army in the world. show me another one who need to fight in such populace places, and not ending in killing masses. if USA was attacking gazza, you could ask now "Gazza? wha Gazza?".

I call BS on this claim that they are ''humane'' all the time. No army that uses white phosphorus can claim so.

And no, don't bring in USA and cloud the discussion, because the USA is not the one attacking.

and about the commenet on the Teen soliders, you are clearly livei n a eutopia. maybe i sould visit ther, a place wher the is no fear, you never scared from getting hit by a rock, wher there are no guns in 700 km around. but here in Israel, these "teens" get shot. from the fatehr of these "little kids who throw cobble stones.

Yes. And young Palestinians get shot and jailed for holding rocks. Totally proportionate.

and here what your friend dont show you.
the dulphinarium . it was a clug, mostly for ex-russians teens, in the agge of 14-18. 21 died, 100 injured. the bomb add 'extra' nails and steel balls in it, so it will injure more peoples. in 0:24 you cann see the terroris father with the picture of his son.
and look what happened in Rammalha when they herd about it, 1:05.
it said that later some jewish kids throw stones at arabs cars, and after you can see a protest of some racist radicals.
how Israel react? we didnt did nothink. as Sharon say in the Video, even Restraint is strength.

My friends did show me that. But they also showed me pictures of, and I had conversations with the starving people until the IDF cut the power and the conversation died. On one hand, we have relatively sporadic terrorist attacks, on the other, we have an entire starving and suffering population of millions. Now you tell me
1,627 posts

My friends did show me that. But they also showed me pictures of, and I had conversations with the starving people until the IDF cut the power and the conversation died.

How do you know that the IDF cut the power? It could have been just a simple blackout, or perhaps Hamas doesn't care as much about their citizens as you might think.

You don't mass bomb the civilian populations or bomb them with tanks. Violation of the Geneva Conventions.

And you don't hide in civilian populations or launch rockets from them or dress in civilian clothing if you're an armed combatant. It places civilians in danger.

As soon as Israel actually sticks to its words to stop building more settlements too.

Again, they stopped settlement construction in disputed territories (Jerusalem is Israel's capital. The Pals need to realize they're not getting a single block of the city). For one year. And then they said, "Hey, can we also say that we're gonna start with the 1967 lines and East Jerusalem as our territory? Maybe then we could sit down and think about talking."

Israel was in the wrong in the first place, calling for the partition of a land that was as tenacious as a cotton tightrope across a cliff; if we go back to the cause and effect argument, Israel has always been the one who caused it all.

Wanna blame someone? Blame the U.N. If they hadn't allowed the partition to occur, then none of this would be happening.

Yes, but the collateral damage here is huge, and affects the entire population. Israel has enacted a slow suffocating oppression and wall designed to downtrod the entire Palestinian population.

A blockade is a valid military strategy designed to force an enemy's surrender. As soon as Hamas "surrenders" (stop launching rockets), the blockade will be lifted. And you see the wall as a means of "oppression." I see it as a way to protect Israeli citizens from suicide bombers.

No other nation has enacted such a complete oppression on an entire population of a people before.

I almost gagged when I read this. I don't play this card. EVER. But now, it's warranted.

It's not just two or three, close to a thousand in the past five years alone. And those are just the one's arrested. Even Israeli rights groups have acknowledged that while Israeli authorities needed to enforce the law, they said night raids, handcuffing, blindfolds, interrogations and the denial of access to lawyers for children for hours at a time were frequently disproportionate to the crime.

Disproportionality is relative. How is an interrogation of a child who was throwing stones at people disproportionate? I see how blindfolds are, however handcuffs? They are a simple means of restraint to protect the arresting person. Denial of lawyers is outrageous, however not every technique laid out here is disproportionate.

But, Israel continued construction on 3,000 pre-approved housing units in the West Bank, and did not extend the freeze to East Jerusalem, which Israel annexed in 1980, and regards as its sovereign territory.

Because they regard it as freaking sovereign territory! They have a right to build in their territory, and EJ is definitely not, nor will it be after any peace treaty, Palestinian territory.

Help is help, given how powerful the media is. If they don't act, they get nothing.

If they don't act, they get peace. They get the lifting of the blockade. They get all the things they wanted.
1,773 posts

nichudemos, you speak like we want to slay them all when the world wont notice.

we dont bomb gazza in will. every 4 years, when the Gov get enough from hammas, we give them a nice slap. its like saying that its realy wrong how USA attacked japan, with such brute. what they did? killed 3000 peopels? USA kild X2 more, or even more.

understand what i say?

and anotehr thing. i am preety tierd of this copy paste arggue. lets talk, and not just quote each other?

so, please tell me, how singapor will react if a near imaganey islan of the native who used to live in singapor, will start to bomb singapor? mmm? what is your offer?

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

How do you know that the IDF cut the power? It could have been just a simple blackout, or perhaps Hamas doesn't care as much about their citizens as you might think.

How do you know they don't? How do I know they do? Because they do.

And you don't hide in civilian populations or launch rockets from them or dress in civilian clothing if you're an armed combatant. It places civilians in danger.

Never said thaat Hamas is in the right. What I do state and have shown is that the IDF is frequently in the wrong too, and Israel has no right to claim media bias.

Again, they stopped settlement construction in disputed territories (Jerusalem is Israel's capital. The Pals need to realize they're not getting a single block of the city). For one year. And then they said, "Hey, can we also say that we're gonna start with the 1967 lines and East Jerusalem as our territory? Maybe then we could sit down and think about talking."

Stated earlier on that Israel has never actually stopped construction. When you claim that Israel stopped all settlement building, that is false. On 25 November 2009, Israel did impose a 10-month construction freeze on all of its settlements in the West Bank. But, Israel continued construction on 3,000 pre-approved housing units in the West Bank, and did not extend the freeze to East Jerusalem, which Israel annexed in 1980, and regards as its sovereign territory.

Israel must also realise that they have been the one's perpetually in the wrong since 1948, by virtue of the fact that the vast majority of them were the ones flooding into Israel and claiming other people's lands.

I almost gagged when I read this. I don't play this card. EVER. But now, it's warranted.

No other contemporary nation now. I almost gag whenever Jews use Holocaust as a permanent excuse to push off other people. Since they have been bullied before, it now seems justified to push off others who were unrelated to the conflict. Smart card! Which sleeve did you get it out from?

Wanna blame someone? Blame the U.N. If they hadn't allowed the partition to occur, then none of this would be happening.

I don't blame the UN. I blame the Zionist terrorists who started the terror campaign against British officials in Palestine, which forced them to turn over the territory to the USA, which used propaganda and post-WWII sway to get its way in a miniaturized UN.

A blockade is a valid military strategy designed to force an enemy's surrender. As soon as Hamas "surrenders" (stop launching rockets), the blockade will be lifted. And you see the wall as a means of "oppression." I see it as a way to protect Israeli citizens from suicide bombers.

Given that both sides have declared ceasefires, yet the IDF has continued to push in a blockade despite being in ''eace'', no it is not a valid ''military'' strategy. In fact, it's just a poor cover.

Disproportionality is relative. How is an interrogation of a child who was throwing stones at people disproportionate? I see how blindfolds are, however handcuffs? They are a simple means of restraint to protect the arresting person. Denial of lawyers is outrageous, however not every technique laid out here is disproportionate.

I think its pretty obvious to most that shooting a child just because he threw a rock is disproportionate, and pulling ''relative'' out of your bum-hole is just trying to hide the reality. So too is jailing a child without trial.

Because they regard it as freaking sovereign territory! They have a right to build in their territory, and EJ is definitely not, nor will it be after any peace treaty, Palestinian territory.

The WB is not their sovereign territory, in fact Israel did sign an agreement to release the WB back to the Palestinians. Claiming that it still is their territory is anachronistic baloney and if that's the case, shows the untrustworthiness of Israel. If Israel goes back on its words so easily, why should Hamas follow?

we dont bomb gazza in will. every 4 years, when the Gov get enough from hammas, we give them a nice slap. its like saying that its realy wrong how USA attacked japan, with such brute. what they did? killed 3000 peopels? USA kild X2 more, or even more.

I don't care how much or how many other countries kill, that doesn't alleviate the wrongs of the IDF. The IDF doesn't go on blatant rampages yes, but what I have shown is that they put a continuous strange on Gaza which affects millions tremendously.

so, please tell me, how singapor will react if a near imaganey islan of the native who used to live in singapor, will start to bomb singapor? mmm? what is your offer?

We have never had the case because we have always cultivated a good relationship with the Muslim community; neither defining ourselves as Chinese just because we have a Chinese majority. So, I don't see how this is applicable. In the case of such incidents, yes we have had such terrorist attacks recently, which we have squashed. But our scenario is different; we don't have a large hostile population across the border that has once lived on the land which we live now.
1,627 posts

Never said thaat Hamas is in the right. What I do state and have shown is that the IDF is frequently in the wrong too

If the IDF is in the wrong, it's because Hamas forces the IDF to respond to attacks against Israeli civilians. The IDF then targets the militants, and tries to minimize collateral damage. The opposite of Hamas.

Israel must also realise that they have been the one's perpetually in the wrong since 1948, by virtue of the fact that the vast majority of them were the ones flooding into Israel and claiming other people's lands.

Yes, Israel is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and sooooooo wrong.

I dare you to read those. You might learn something about the "heroes" of Palestine.

You know what? I think the Palestinians are lucky that Israel is even willing to negotiate with them...I sure as hell wouldn't after what they did to my countrymen.

No other contemporary nation now. I almost gag whenever Jews use Holocaust as a permanent excuse to push off other people.

I never use it as an excuse to permanently push off other people. However when you claim that no nation has ever committed such "atrocities" which you think Israel commits, I will bring up the Holocaust because you're plain wrong! And you never said any "contemporary nation now." You said, "No other nation..." Go ahead and disregard history if you want to though.

I don't blame the UN. I blame the Zionist terrorists who started the terror campaign against British officials in Palestine

Wow. You're starting to sound like some of the neo-Nazis I've met...but moving on. If you want to play the cause and effect game, then let's play! How about we don't blame the U.N. Let's blame...Hitler! Yeah, that's a good idea. He started the Holocaust, right? Wait...what led to his anti-Semitism? Oh right...the Treaty of Versailles. So let's blame that. But wait! If we're blaming the Treaty of Versailles, let's blame WWI!!!!!

You really wanna play cause and effect?

Given that both sides have declared ceasefires, yet the IDF has continued to push in a blockade despite being in ''eace'', no it is not a valid ''military'' strategy. In fact, it's just a poor cover.

Yes, because Hamas is soooooooo good at keeping peace. You think that the word "truce" would have a meaning to them. I guess terrorists don't like playing by the rules.

The WB is not their sovereign territory, in fact Israel did sign an agreement to release the WB back to the Palestinians. Claiming that it still is their territory is anachronistic baloney and if that's the case, shows the untrustworthiness of Israel. If Israel goes back on its words so easily, why should Hamas follow?

I never said the WB was their sovereign territory. I said East Jerusalem was.

but what I have shown is that they put a continuous strange on Gaza which affects millions tremendously.

Then you should be against any war. Or at least the invading army. In any war, millions are put into stress. Just because it's Israel vs. Palestine doesn't make it anything special.
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