Sorry if there is something similar to this topic. this question is kind of limited to americans, ah well. I think our country is in a very bad state i think we have a very bad system going here and its practically a two party dictatorship. May be a bit extreme but rediculous things are just being brushed off by americans and im not a big fan of it. This is my opinion and i want to hear yours.
i think our government is corrupted and don't want people to have true "freedom" look at the laws they tried to pass on america SOPA PIPA ACTA NDAA and others. they are basically like rome. too much money on the military and our government is losing money themselves and cant keep up with the people and public services.
Someone that gives up freedom for security deserves neither
I think we are in quite a bit of trouble because we are more than 15 trillion dollars in debt. I mean, we own OURSELVES 15 trillion dollars and counting! Eventually, the economy's top is going to blow and the whole nation will be thrown into chaos. Many people will be armed and robbing any place that stores resources that would become precious in any kind of devastating disaster.
I think we are in quite a bit of trouble because we are more than 15 trillion dollars in debt. I mean, we own OURSELVES 15 trillion dollars and counting!
I'm sorry but it's not we, it's the rich criminals who are abusing the country who are responsible for this mess, not us. Maybe it's time to elect real people instead of corrupted weasels. That's just my opinion.
Seriously though, as far as the US's economy goes, it's not that bad compared to other countries. The US is still a main economical power, our standard of living is still incredibly high, and we still have money to keep the country intact. I don't see what the big deal is. Compared to the 1930's Dust Bowl and the Great Depression, our country is doing fine. The only reason why some think we're in trouble is because we're warring and we're not used to being in any economical trouble as this is the first generation to face it in a long time.
When I feel in trouble, I say, "Hey, at least I'm not Greek."
Eventually, the economy's top is going to blow and the whole nation will be thrown into chaos. Many people will be armed and robbing any place that stores resources that would become precious in any kind of devastating disaster.
That will never happen. You're obviously not familiar with the US Constitution if you think this will happen. There are safety nets and reassuring things that will prevent this. If we are ever faced with complete oblivion, we will surely have protection from our allying countries.
Dear Salvidian, What you quoted from me wasn't actually my opinion, I was just sharing other peoples' peculier thoughts. And yes, I am familiar with the U.S. Constitution.
I'm sorry but it's not we, it's the rich criminals who are abusing the country who are responsible for this mess, not us. Maybe it's time to elect real people instead of corrupted weasels. That's just my opinion.
these "criminals" have a debt of 15.8 trillion indeed. but you all have a debt of 41.1 trillion dollars.
The problem lies within the people. Everyone has an opinion, everyone wants to complain about every little thing they find wrong with the Government. We have bad leaders from one party, so people complain and then vote for the other party, and the same thing happens. People complain. It's not the fault of the rich, it's not the fault of the poor. It's everyone's fault. Every monetary crime is all across the board. Middle class, lower class, and upper class all evade taxes the same. Yet we demonize the rich because they have all the money. They worked their *** off to get there. We have people who live off the government because they are too lazy to get a job (not everyone, but there are quite a few people who do it. Certain people actually need some help.)It's people who just complain to complain who make it worse. If you want the Government to change, do something about it. It's not the government, or the rich who have screwed up the economy, it's everyone. As far as hot button issues, we already have a bad reputation with many, many countries as a land that doesn't care. We have lose laws on things and we don't really do much about it. Maybe next time a government makes a decision, like keeping drugs illegal, or keeping abortions illegal, maybe it's to try and keep what shred of dignity this country has left. You can look at it the other way, too. Allowing abortions or gay marriage may help the country's reputation a little bit, but it's hard to tell. It's also the media's fault. The media loves to demonize the government and what they do because it makes such a good story, while the news that needs to be reported is largely ignored. The people from the Occupy movement were looked at as heroes and revolutionaries, when they really just destroyed. There is no justice in violence when peaceful action can do the same, if not a better job. People like to demonize the war, too, because they simply don't understand what's really going on. People read biased reports of selective news that demonizes the war, without looking at the facts. Yes, soldiers screw up, they're human, but that doesn't mean that we should end the war. The mission is to bring peace and stability to the middle East, so that the government can take control, and something like what happened on 9/11, 2001, or worse, can never happen again. There are still threats against America and its people, and personally, I don't want to be bombed. The best way to get rid of the threat is to cut the serpent off at the head. In short, yes, the government makes mistakes, the government is corrupt, and they take back door deals. If you don't like it, do something about it. Dissolve the parties, sitting here complaining on an insignificant site is doing nothing. There is also the option to move out of the country.
Dear Salvidian, What you quoted from me wasn't actually my opinion, I was just sharing other peoples' peculier thoughts. And yes, I am familiar with the U.S. Constitution.
Error 404: Sarcastic reply not found. Recommendations: Explain why this user is wrong. [Selected]
Explanation: How would I know that? You specifically said what I quoted. If you were saying that other people thought that, then why did you not actually say that in your post?
I am Canadian not American but I do try and stay on top of American news. I think that the US is on the verge of collapse. Many similarities can be drawn between it and Rome. Although I do not think It will happen if Obama gets reelected or Romney wins as some people do, I think that in 20-25 years the US will not exist as we know it.
Many similarities can be drawn between it and Rome
Yes, like the master of the World attitude. The USA didn't achieve half of what the mighty Rome did and it won't survive as long as the Romans and that's without including the time that the Eastern part lasted before the Ottoman took Constantinople(Byzantium).
Rome fell because they overstretched themselves, they fell into decadence and their economy could not sustain themselves. The Us has overstretched themselves, they have soldiers deployed all over the world. They have fallen into decadence. They average person has become a slave to tv, video games, and all the luxuries of life. Also of course the US economy. It is at an extremely low point and unless something drastic happens it will not recover to be sustainable levels.
If you want some more on this read this Article [url=] I suggest people read it.
The USA didn't achieve half of what the mighty Rome did
Since it is not like we changed the history of the world. Or did anything impressive, like...I don't know, put a man on the moon? Or advance technology at all...
t won't survive as long as the Romans and that's without including the time that the Eastern part lasted before the Ottoman took Constantinople(Byzantium).
It is possible, after all in the modern world things move a lot faster. But there is no foreseeable end for America's power, let alone it as a country.
Rome fell because they overstretched themselves, they fell into decadence and their economy could not sustain themselves
It fell for a ton of reasons, you didn't even mention things like the Germanic tribes invading.
The Us has overstretched themselves, they have soldiers deployed all over the world.
Do you know why ancient empires had trouble with large empires? Mostly communication. It would take months to send a proper message in a large empire from one side to the other. In modern times, I can send a message to China in seconds. It would be near impossible to overstretch ourselves.
They average person has become a slave to tv, video games, and all the luxuries of life
Oh no! How horrible of this falling nation, ENJOYING THEMSELVES! How dare they! Enjoying yourselves is definitely a good sign that the nation will fall.
Also of course the US economy
Oh yeah, that economy witch still dwarves pretty much everyone else on earth?
Also of course the US economy. It is at an extremely low point and unless something drastic happens it will not recover to be sustainable levels.
Apparently someone does not know how capitalism works.
The economy rises and falls, in a pattern. If you look at the pattern, it goes up and down. We have recessions then a great amount of wealth, then back down again. It is like a roller coaster. We have the Roaring 20s, then go into a great depression. We get out of the depression stronger then ever, then go back into a recession. It is quite fun, actually.
America though, is in rough shape. Big corporations, big politics--This is all politicians care about: Money. Money Money Money Money Money.
The don't care about us, the middle class. The UNIMPORTANT. Wanna see how bad of shape we are all in?
This is sad. Kids in the future will end up paying all the debt our country has accumulated. Personally, I really dislike Pres. Obama. He makes bad decisions, and big money for it. Come on, really? We don't even have money! I am glad that Mccain guy didn't go in office either.
If I became Pres. for one day, the first thing that I would do would be-------WOW. That is funny. Right as I am writing this, my house just got a phone call from a politician's assistant guy asking us to take a survey about our "political state".------ Now where was I? Okay, alright. Here I go again. If I became Pres. for one day, the first thing that I would do would be to stop imports from China. China's plan is to bankrupt America, glorious America, and then bankrupt our American companies. Then they will jack up all their prices for food and EVERYTHING. The banks are not helping either. They (take JPMorgan, for instance) are not doing so hot, and Obama calls them "too big to fail".
Too big to fail video here:
And Romney-a bad choice as well. I think Government-Federal Government is too big. Have the people (us) overthrow them, and take back our rightful country from all those politicians, and bankers. And the "Federal Reserve":
First of all, it is not helping us. They jack all of us up.
Well, I think this is a pretty big comment (almost like an article now) and hands are hurting.
Since it is not like we changed the history of the world. Or did anything impressive, like...I don't know, put a man on the moon? Or advance technology at all...
The creation of the US was, of course, a result of the American Revolution in the late 1700's. Frankly, revolutions were unheard of back then. During the rush to gather as many colonies as mother countries could, they oppressed their newly found lands and forced them to follow the ordinances they did. After the American revolution's news spread, Haiti, India, Canada, Central America, and many other countries that were once colonies got the idea to do what the US did and tried to become independent. Not all were successful as the US's attempt, however. Haiti received independence but were left with a huge casualty list and millions in debt. India tried for independence several times, each resulting in widespread disasters, until Gandhi rose up and won them what they wanted. Central America had also tried several times to be rid of Spain and France, only to be oppressed again and again, until they got lucky and got what they wanted.
This is called a Domino Effect within revolutions.
If I became Pres. for one day, the first thing that I would do would be-------WOW. That is funny. Right as I am writing this, my house just got a phone call from a politician's assistant guy asking us to take a survey about our "olitical state".------ Now where was I? Okay, alright. Here I go again. If I became Pres. for one day, the first thing that I would do would be to stop imports from China. China's plan is to bankrupt America, glorious America, and then bankrupt our American companies. Then they will jack up all their prices for food and EVERYTHING.
You know very little about America's dependence on China. Look at your computer, your iPod, your phone, hell, even look at your bed frame and it will probably say "Made in China." I'm not sure on the actual percent, I believe around 70% of the household goods that are imported to America are exported from China. Cutting trade off with China would do nothing but worsen the economy, because goods would be limited by the companies that would make them because there wouldn't be enough to go around. What would be available would be extremely costly.
Oh yeah, that economy witch still dwarves pretty much everyone else on earth?
As I pointed out before, the US economy is no way in comparison to the shape it was in in the 1930's era and The Dust Bowl. But even then it wasn't in "dramatic shape."
The Us has overstretched themselves, they have soldiers deployed all over the world. They have fallen into decadence. They average person has become a slave to tv, video games, and all the luxuries of life.
Those soldiers are doing a fine job with dealing with America's many enemies. This is a time where one must ask themselves, "What's more important? My security or the price of my toilet paper?" As far as our standard of living goes, it's wonderful. Besides, what does living in pleasure have to do with our economy? Buying those goodies will only help us.
Oh, I'm sorry Salvidian and so should you. Me and everybody else don't need you criticizing our posts!
Welcome to the WEPR. I'm not trying to criticize you as an individual; I am merely sharing my point.