Say how you would react if the above avatar popped up in your bedroom all of a sudden while you sleep.plz don't say anything offensive.enjoy
I grab it and keep it until it is worth a substantial amount of money and then I move into the country and build a mansion for cheap.
Start rubbing the bark of of his trunk with my sharp antlers, with the ghost of a smile on my face.
Ahh! A deer! *shoots it by accident*
ooh a pretty lady!
It's an orange shield. What are you trying to do, exactly?
oh no it is a killer bunny! better take out my orange shield!
Okay. So I have an orange shield here. I'll just send it to the scrapyard.
Well, you're a girl. I has no clue. Maybe adopt her, but I dunno..
O hey,it's the sun.Hai ther
Leave the room, grab a camera, make a pic... then sell it on ebay!
Huh... Still getting more and more interesting...
I would forcefully attempt to pet you and adopt you afterwards.
I would rear up and box you in the face and raise my hackles if he comes near me again.
I would s**t my pants
About me or JACKinbigletters?Anyway you don't seem so frightening just please don't burn my room down.
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