ForumsNews and FeedbackAbout this downloadable Player needed to play some games..

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I just need to say this since this (used) to be my top site for light gaming... and when i say top i mean i even reccomended it to friends...

Since this downloadable player came out i cannot play any of the new good games and i have absolutely lost faith to this site... non of the other major game sites give me any problems.... my pc is overly able to play those kind of games but block me from downloading this player (work pc).
So anyway i am still browsing and trying to find something playable even though i am dissapointed...

Just my humble opinion...


  • 22 Replies
7,042 posts
Grand Duke

Downloadable player?... Well, you need a Flashplayer (Adobe...) and sometimes (MMOs) Java, you dont need any other players.
Besides that you need nothing.

If you havent them on your work PC and you cant download them.... its not AGs fault!
Your boss (company, whatever) block it.

3,174 posts

I have yet to play a game on Armor Games that requires a downloadable player. Yes, these games do require Adobe Flash, but this is why the games are called Flash games. Any site that has flash games (Armor Games, Kongregate, Xgenstudios, Miniclip, etc.) will require the flash player.

If you can post the link the to the games that require this, I can tell you if I run into the same problem.

In the mean time, try to keep in mind, are you certain you weren't visiting a different site and just thought you were on Armor Games?

Also, is your computer infected with any viruses or malware, I'm not 100% certain, but it may be a virus that is asking you to download a 'downloadable player".

3,675 posts

Are you talking about the MMO games? A couple of them require Unity to run.

Aside from those, no game here needs a (non-standard) downloadable player.

1,315 posts

A couple of them require Unity to run.

Indeed; and, last time I ran into it, though ostensibly installed I don't think I've ever gotten it to work yet on my box.

Oh well. There are plenty of games that don't require it, or if you insist, I'm sure there must be ways to get it to work Over to reading up on it on the web!
470 posts

Indeed; and, last time I ran into it, though ostensibly installed I don't think I've ever gotten it to work yet on my box.

Glad I'm not the only one who could never get that program to work!
1,315 posts

Glad I'm not the only one who could never get that program to work!

'Tis a funny lil piece of software, innit.

Oh well, can't say I ever put much effort into it. So maybe it's just me/us, then. Could be something for a thread for aficionados to explain? Unity Player: My Life & Tribulations With It
858 posts

the Unity player is a self-install/update on Chrome (at least for Windows)... Flash as well.

So if you try using Chrome you won't have any issues with getting Unity to work. I chime in since you'll be seeing more Unity content on the site in the coming months.


1,315 posts

So if you try using Chrome you won't have any issues with getting Unity to work.

How's about in Firefox?

I've honestly never looked into it much, maybe all it takes is a little attention from the user and it will be fine
1,315 posts

ps If someone wants to drop a link here to a game or two using Unity Player, I don't mind having a look at getting it to work at my end.

And, Tass, I guess it's safe to say then that it doesn't just automagically run, for all. If you're involved in such circles, maybe it'd be something for them to take along; although you'd think they'd already be aware of it.

121 posts

Here's a link to a game using Unity:

1,315 posts

Here's a link to a game using Unity:

Ta, but I was thinking specifically at AG

Anyhooz, I'm a little busy, maybe over the weekend or so. Should be fun to fool around with some, I'll let you folks know.
2,155 posts
Grand Duchess

Ta, but I was thinking specifically at AG

If I'm not mistaken, these two MMO use Unity: Battlestar Galactica Online and Crazy Fairies. Probably, there are other games, though.
1,315 posts

Thanks, Keg. Will have a look.

858 posts

Crazy Fairies is definitely Unity.

Firefox does not auto-install / update Flash or Unity... so you'll need to install the Unity Web Player in FF (same as you have to install FP updates). If you use Chrome, FP and Unity Player will auto-install, auto-work, and auto-update... so they SHOULD work automagically. Just one more reason why Chrome is the bestest.


1,315 posts

... Okdidoki, I tried (using Crazy Fairies as my playground), and am giving up again for now.

I can't get Unity Player to work, neither in Firefox (nor it with all add-ons disabled), nor in Internet Explorer.

In Firefox, I got to download and install the player again; then, tweaking some bells & whistles and/or trying without add-ons, I get no further than an error message "Failed to start Unity Player." That screen meanwhile suggests clearing cache and retrying, which of course does nothing.

In IE, which shouldn't be blocking much of anything at my end, upon getting to the Crazy Fairies main page, the &quotlay" button there does nothing at all. Trying the Windows installer there (and expecting it to trigger the installer again), rather than attempting to install Unity Player, what it wants to run is what looks to be some Crazy Fairies installer. I don't usually do, by default; and either way, my guess is it's not what we're looking for: Presumably that would be some standalone donwloadable game version. Correct? And anyhows, if all of their games require a separate installer for each game, that could be argued to be a bit much; indeed I don't personally feel tempted to.

Checking their forums on the matter typically leads one to no results, or unhelpful ones ("uninstall all you've got & try again" -- down to a Windows reinstall, sure baby. Or right-click the Player content to go to your settings -- very helpful if you can't get to that content. Never to worry, I did get to those settings -- featuring nought but a cache control page, which is duly set to on as it should be, so that can't be it, either. What is annoying is that there is no further control panel or anything for it, or not as far as I can see.)

Oh well, so I won't be playing no Unity games for the foreseeable future, it arguably is no skin off my back, I've gotten along fine without it before.

Strangely, I can run some of their demo material at -- although trying to play in one crashed my machine, LOL. Yes, yes, that's probably just my machine not being up to speed, whatever.

Just one more reason why Chrome is the bestest.

Yes, well, and in all friendliness, but I wouldn't consider one's program working just in one browser a point of pride; rather of course, it should preferably work on all platforms, or as many as possible.

Re: the link, if any, between Google Chrome and Unity Player, this thread in their forum should be of interest: , spawned by this article: .

Another annoyance of course would be that all the documentation on their site is heavily tilted towards developers, not end users of their Player.

Again: It really isn't much of a bother to me, and neither is this any sort of attack on you, Tass (why would I); but if these critical remarks somehow spill over to the Unity crew, then fine.

If anyone can add to how they get it to work at their end, or what we're doing wrong or where we have our heads up the wrong end, then please go ahead.

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