ForumsGamesLiberalism should not be exploited to sell video games

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When I play a game, I don't give a **** about the character's gender, ethnicity, beliefs or sexuality. As long as the characters are well written and believable it's all good. I've seen plenty of games with well written characters where their sexuality didn't feel forced.

Bill from The Last Of Us, Volgin from Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater are a few good examples. Playing through these games, I was like 'oh **** he's gay'?' It was cool because it didn't matter and I continued playing. It was was just another layer of their personality to be discovered.

Now it seems devs feel they specifically need to create stories and characters that are politically correct and represent all groups of people just to play it safe. **** writing a good story. Let's focus on reaching out to as many groups as possible. Like look, here's a gay, asian atheist NPC just to be creative and different.

Here I am trying to unite the galaxy to fight an eminent Reaper invasion, yet every time I step into the cargo area, I hear my pilot sobbing over audio tapes of his dead husband? He's gay, I get it already.

It's cool for any game to have elements of reality in it. But what happened to just creating cool back stories for characters and telling the story you want to tell without trying to appeal to every single group of people. Like the old saying goes, you can't please all the people all the time.


  • 6 Replies
3,525 posts

qq harder plis, i want moar tears

9,808 posts

I have never experienced this in any game I have played. Is this confirmation bias on your part?

Here I am trying to unite the galaxy to fight an eminent Reaper invasion, yet every time I step into the cargo area, I hear my pilot sobbing over audio tapes of his dead husband? He's gay, I get it already.

"Here I am trying to unite the galaxy to fight an eminent threat, yet every time I step into the cargo area, I hear my pilot sobbing over audio tapes of his dead wife? He's straight, I get it already"

Yeah..because no one would mourn over their dead spouse
317 posts

Games are art. As much as Modern Art is absolute trash, it's still art.

We're breaking new ground with digital games. Before, it was pretty straight forward. Yes, there were undertones of political/racial/religious themes but now they are more out and in the open. The old metaphors are coming out and the new metaphors are sinking in. You would be amazed, when reading, how much information can be picked out of a single sentence. This is why word structure and conjugation is so important. It's the same for art, every little piece has it's place to call it's own. The same goes for games (of all types).

I guess it just depends how deep you want to look?

Yes, political correctness is a poison that has hit this country hard. I can agree to that. It can get down right sickening at times but it's a phase that will eventually pass away. Until then, stand fast.

3,525 posts

hit this country hard

Bioware is a Canadian developer. Check your privilege cis scum.
479 posts

If it contributes to a more interesting story, I don't see any problem with it. Look at all the old kids TV shows. The boy, the girl, and the black/asian/not white friend. I don't understand why it is that way but it is. It's silly. But I'm pretty sure they aren't like "oh, we will sell more copies to people of X gender/sexuality/religion because we have a significant character that has X quality, and thus make more money."

TL;DR I don't think its being exploited really

3,171 posts

But I'm pretty sure they aren't like "oh, we will sell more copies to people of X gender/sexuality/religion because we have a significant character that has X quality, and thus make more money."

Actually, that isn't very far off. It's more like "how can we make this game different enough from the mainstream to get noticed", but these games are marketed with that sort of thing in mind.
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