ForumsGamesGemcraft CS: Unattainable Achievements

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Here's a short list of achievements that cannot currently be attained in the game due to bugs or oversight:

Almost - Kill a monster with your orb that would otherwise destroy your orb
Orb damage was removed in a recent patch

Flea Trap - Kill 45 cursed monsters with your orb
Orb danage was removed in a recent patch

Put the Lights Out - Gain 500 xp from destroying beacons
Beacon XP does not increase the counter for this achievement

Bone Shredder - Kill 600 monsters before wave 12 starts
The bar counts up, then keeps counting past 600 without awarding you the achievement

Stormy Weather - Have the beacon storm trait set to Level 7 at field N7
N7 does not exist, probably due to the bug with the third compass reward

Lockpick O4 - Destroy all wizard locks at field O4 before wave 18 starts
O4 does not have wizard locks. O6 does, but doing this in O6 does not award the achivement

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