ForumsThe TavernThe Seven Deadly Sins

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and Pride

These are the dreaded Se7en Deadly Sins. A lovely thing to talk about, no?

I'm not sure what direction I want to take this thread, as I always enjoy a general discussion of them in general (like, did you know, if you were to list them in apparent 'severity' of deadliest to least deadliest, gluttony is the worst?), but I was originally going to have personal discussions of us breaking or winning over said 'sins' (of course, please abstain from lust, due to the nature of it and the nature of this site. If you can connect lust but keep out the obvious intention of it, good on you).

Take it the direction you will, oh Tavern.

  • 17 Replies
3,174 posts

Hey, I searched both gluttony and seven deadly sins on wikipedia (best source right?) and couldn't find anything putting gluttony above the other sins. Where did hear that it was the most severe of the seven?

4,484 posts

If lust is a deadly sin, everyone who has ever been a teenage boy is going straight to hell. Sorry, 99% of Armor Games.

340 posts

About greed, they say money is the source of all evil..........BUT its not. You see, if you are greedy you will want more money. We need money because a monetary system makes things easier.

13,344 posts

Rumor has it that the characters from a certain beloved undersea cartoon were based on the seven deadly sins.

Yahoo Answers can't be wrong.

9,808 posts

Hey, I searched both gluttony and seven deadly sins on wikipedia (best source right?) and couldn't find anything putting gluttony above the other sins. Where did hear that it was the most severe of the seven?

The Bible condemns it constantly, and I believe there is a proverb (can't recall which one) that tells a story with the idea that gluttony can cause the other sins. Thus making it the worst.
The proverb, simply put, was of a man that drunk himself into a stupor, walked into a random house where he found a woman sleeping. He proceeded to rape her (lust), when the woman's husband came in. The drunkard, out of anger (was either getting attacked by man or just angry for being interrupted) killed the man. When the drunkenness passed, it turned out he had raped his mother and killed his father. (A little overkill in the story to really drive the point home).

How gluttony is viewed

Also the practicers of which âwill not inherit Godâs kingdom.â (Ga 5:19, 21) taken from some dude on Yahoo answers
3,174 posts

Hmm, interesting, but I always thought the consensus was that Pride often trumped all the other deadly sins. I also thought there was no strict order (one could put any of the seven at the top as the worst.)

I read the Wikipedia article more fully this time around. I got this.

Source: Seven Deadly Sins (Wikipedia)

(Pride (Seven Deadly Sins, Wikipedia))

In almost every list, pride (Latin, superbia), or hubris (Greek), is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and the source of the others.

(History, (Seven Deadly Sins, Wikipedia))
In the order used by Pope Gregory, and repeated by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) centuries later in his epic poem The Divine Comedy, the seven deadly sins are as follows:

luxuria (lechery/lust)[10][11][12]
gula (gluttony)
avaritia (avarice/greed)
acedia (sloth/discouragement)
ira (wrath)
invidia (envy)
superbia (pride)

Note the bottom listed sins are more severe than the top listed. Thus, pride is number one in the list above.

Source: Seven Deadly Sins (Simple Wikipedia)

Ranked in order (worst sins listed last) like in Dante's Divine Comedy (in the Purgatorio), the seven deadly sins are:

Lust (fornication)...
Sloth ...
Wrath (anger, hate)...
Envy (jealousy)...
Pride (vanity)...

I've read a few other places there is no order. But I'm sticking with the order that the Wikipedia entries and Dante's Divine Comedy give. :]
14,745 posts

Well... a quick search got me this in under a minute... =)

Of course I had to work my way through a bunch of ridiculous screencaps of a seemingly 'Sim-esque' game called "7 Sins"... but it seems Social Media Week agrees with you pang. 'Gluttony' is the biggest sin of them all! =0

5,001 posts

I find it intriguing that Evagrius Ponticus (the 'creator' of the list of sins) has several historical accounts and records that describe his life and times. Which was around 350 A.D.

Yet there is little historical evidence of Jesus, the single most prominent figure in Christianity.

14,745 posts

Maybe this has something to do with Ponticus accepting his sins and bettering himself after acknowledging their existence and Jesus simply was free of sins?

5,001 posts

He apparently only became a monk because he fell gravely ill and confessed his sins to a woman who was a figure of the Christian ascetic movement. She pushed him to become a monk while he was sick.

I think that is kind of preying on the weak.

Ponticus was kind of a celebrity at the time. He was a great speaker and writer. For me, it's the equivalent of a famous Hollywood celebrity becoming a religious fanatic overnight because they had a near-death experience.

3,174 posts

[Start No-Fun-at-Parties-Guy Mode]

..but it seems Social Media Week agrees with you pang. 'Gluttony' is the biggest sin of them all! =0

Except Pang said:, did you know, if you were to list them in apparent 'severity' of deadliest to least deadliest, gluttony is the worst?

Here's a link to an article that uses the info graph with the percents:
Seven Deadly Sins Social Media
and a quote:
Advertising firm JWT surveyed 562 adults on how they behave online, and discovered that around 70 percent were guilty of at least one of the seven deadly sins â" gluttony, lust, greed, pride, wrath, envy and sloth â" in their social media activity.

The graph is derived from a survey that show how many people committed what deadly sin as seen through social media. The graph is percent of what sins committed, not the severity of the sins.

Pang wasn't talking about the popularity of gluttony, but it's severity.

Google order of seven deadly sins and see what comes up.

One more from Yahoo answers with Pride at the top.

[/Stop No-Fun-at-Parties-Guy Mode]

Okay, sorry for all that guys. :[ I'm just sucking all the fun out of this? lol Maybe I'm just tired.
9,808 posts

I also thought there was no strict order (one could put any of the seven at the top as the worst.)

I don't really think there is, honestly, I just remember seeing something with a theology professor talking about the sins and how Gluttony is the worst using the analogy I mentioned earlier.
3,171 posts

I don't really think there is, honestly, I just remember seeing something with a theology professor talking about the sins and how Gluttony is the worst using the analogy I mentioned earlier.

Well, the analogy you described didn't run through the whole list. Is it possible that some other sin led the guy to drink?
3,087 posts

I like this theory

~~~Darth Caedus

5,340 posts

hmmm i actually thought about this randomly myself.

i think all the sins are equal but and that we all share them in some different amounts.

i also reached the conclusion that being pure of those or just one isnt that great either and that we all need a good balance of those as humans.

as humans we need greed to survive. sad but its true. with no greed you have no value of money at all, you cant handle it right and you wont survive as an adult.

no gluttony means no enjoying of food/drinks. for individuals thats kind of sad. its kind of like having no sense of taste.

no wrath means you dont get angry at all. we need anger and that passion to become better then other people and be competitive. no wrath means we will accept situations that can be unfair to us and just wont have the strength of will to fight.

no pride is about the same as no wrath i guess. and i think a person with no wrath would be very submissive and passive.

i think that lust isnt just about sex. i think its about being loved and getting attention. so its also what connects us all and without that we will become very lonely and not caring for other people.

no sloth means we cant enjoy free time. we always have to be productive and do something.

no envy means we cant compare ourselves to others. it means we dont want to become like other people or reach their achivements. envy make us want to be or have what others are or have and make us grow as people by giving us a point of view of another person.

i think those sins only become sins once we cant control them too much. but lacking any of them isnt any less fatal for us as individuals.

so... whats the order of the most active to the most passive sin for you? :P

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