i am doing the 1024 upgrading method and comparing with 16-method. both start with 32 mana gem creation.
here is the 32-16 gem grade 20
and the mana equi 32-1024 grade 21 gem
But in this case I'm just asking myself if its worth the pain. My new way is 64 combine. From G5 > G25 just one copy of ROB, the other 63 copies OB. I was interested what the result is at G21, so I quickly one:
Quite close to the monster you're trying to tame, isn't it?
I don't want to brake your craziness though - just tell about this variant
(At upgraded separetely for the ROB and the OB one at G25, next separete upgrade was at G50, don't know where is the limit yet)
I was asking chronos. When you make 32-specc gem it is lvl 5 and the after each upgrade with 65-spec it increases by 5. Not to mention that gem on lvl 20 has 452,984,784 value.
takes me about 20 minutes to upgrade with this mehtod.
i am about to find out if its worth it. but i think i might be good to use this method once ore twice in the beginning, then go down to 64, then 16. depending on how long you would need to wait until you can perform an upgrade.
Later ill make scar divi script to check how fast i can do it Now its BBQ time Also Im wondering wouldnt it be better other way around? I mean that at the begining itll be hard to gather like 1M mana with 5-grade gem so using 16 or 64 method wouldnt be better?.
1024 version 103% better will keep a copy of the g69 and upgrade with 16-method now. if i get 2e29 mana i will compare. straight 1024 upgrade, 1024 g69 upgraded by 16 method and normal 16 method