ForumsThe TavernThe ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

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So, most of you should already know that there is a new trend going around the internet, and this one is actually for a good cause. The Ice Bucket Challenge is supposed to help support finding a way to cure ALS, for those of you who don't know what the disease is, Steven Hawking has it. And I'm sure most of you know who he is. Basically what happens with the challenge is you pour a bucket of ice cold water on your head, you then nominate 3 people(I believe), and then give $10 to charity.

So what do you think of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? Do you think it's a great idea? Do you think it's a dumb idea? Have you done the Ice Bucket Challenge? Have you been nominated? Would you do it if you were nominated?

  • 12 Replies
697 posts

I think its helpful since , the challange is to feel for a sec what the people with ALS feel , so that shows how horrify it is , for other part i think you can donate more dollars if you want too, also i saw that some people believe it to be bad to cover yourself in water since african people dont have water and the people who didint like that idea did some digital things and then donate the money for them i dont know if its good or helpful , i think i would just donate and get done with that .

14,988 posts
Grand Duke

Nah, it's either you donate or do the challenge. Which has led to alot of criticism because it's a form of slacktivism, and people eventually forget the whole point of it when they are caught up in the fun and hype.

Personally I feel, whatever. It's been helping the ALS charities in a huge way as donations have certainly skyrocketed. My only worry is that it is certainly cannibalizing potential funds from other far less known donation drives because everyone wants to have fun with the challenge.

3,770 posts

Most celebrities have been doing the challenge and donating the 100 dollars. It has done a great job of getting the word out and because of it has made tons of money for ALS charities. And if you were wondering, I did do it.

8,232 posts

I haven't been nominated, since the closest thing to social media I use is this site.
My sister has because she has instagram and my cousin gave her a shoutout, but she didn't do either. Lame.

3,087 posts

I thought it was Donate $100, or do the ice and donate $10.

~~~Darth Caedus

8,259 posts

People have already died by performing the challenge. Just saying.

While it is certainly a good thing to increase awareness of the disease (even if temporarily), I find the idea of making it a challenge utterly ridiculous. I think most people do it because it's become a viral "trial of courage". Who cares for their motivations as long as they donate, you will say. Well, you may be right. But perhaps you would also appreciate some food for thought.

5,956 posts

I have already been nominated and done it, but I don't have moneys to donate at the moment.
As for the rest of this, the challenge idea is clever. It certainly does what it was meant to do, raise awareness. It is entertaining for people to do/friends to watch, and it spreads like wildfire.

But perhaps you would also appreciate some food for thought.

No one is actually forcing these people to donate, and I hope they are smart enough to develop their own opinions and do not just blindly throw money at ALS. I don't see a problem with what the ALS group is doing, and other organizations will probably follow in their footsteps soon. All the others have charity walks and things like that, but none of them are as easily done, widespread, and (arguably) as entertaining for the masses. Of course, no one is making you do anything. In the end it comes down to what a person wants to do with their own money, not what celebrities are doing.
3,770 posts

People have already died by performing the challenge. Just saying.

People die doing anything.
9,363 posts

I've been nominated.
I've done it.
And I've donated.

Really I try to donate where I can, but that's not a lot of the time unfortunately. Yes I know that people are distracted by these big specticals when their money could be going to a better cause. One that hurts more people, one without a cure. But it comes down to marketing which is an awful thing. It comes down to whoever has the biggest fanfare that week or month to where the public's money is funneled to. That is what I think is shameful, along with dishonest aid agencies. This will blow over and the ALS foundation will have gotten their piece of the pie but then they won't get much more after. Ya sure they will have some hangers on who keep up the donations but they'll flit away at the sign of something shinier, something bigger, then another foundation will step into the spotlight and will get their piece of the pie. This is how it works. It's like a food station for the homeless, all the charities lined up to get their meal of money. However some of them are pushed to the back as someone pushes up the line and cuts the cue to get a bigger cut, and what then for those that are pushed back, they get a smaller dish of dollars this turn around. The ones that are the loudest get the most, not the ones who need it more. The ones who are the loudest take from those who need it more.

1,980 posts

I havent been nominated, and even if i did, this is my only social media. Personally, i think its a great idea.I mean, THAT much money raised (I cant remember the exact amount) is just AMAZING!!!

I have had ice water dumped on my before, at a swim meet, on the block, and what i felt is NOTHING compared to what people with ALS feel. I know some one that has it, and they said that a bit of ice cold water is nothing to the pain. But i like what going on here!! Keep it up!!

1 posts

it's good for humanity to organize such events.

9,808 posts

and even if i did, this is my only social media

ya but this isnt a social media platform

u 2 storm. bad
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