I have analyzed your mental poop (pp. 1 - 2) and came to the following conclusions. These conclusions are not a complete analysis and are not meant to be taken seriously, because these pixels are randomly placed. If they are at all accurate, it is because I am an expert at pixel reading.
Freakenstein sees a sinking ship. The parabola is the body of the ship and the line segment is the smokestack. An upward pointing parabola indicates a downward trajectory for him. Freakenstein is figuratively sinking as he take on water from the fickle sea that is Life.
StormWalker sees a pair of mushrooms. The parabola is the cap of one mushroom and the line segment forms part of the other mushroom's cap. StormWalker has been mushroom foraging for mushrooms. That or she recently had straw mushrooms. The purple color indicates that these might be poisonous, so she probably plans on poisoning someone soon. Who? Well, the analysis can only go so far.
Guest_Pegasus1234 sees a bridge between two mountains and also Patrick with a jellyfish net. The parabola is a mountaintop and the line segment is part of the bridge. Guest_Pegasus1234 is an open an friendly person as she sees the line segment as a connection, between two mountains or between two friends with similar interests.
kegaumongo sees a starfish. The parabola forms one arm and the line segment forms part of another. These lines represent stretching out and relaxing. Unlike Freakenstein, kegaumongo is not figuratively sinking in the fickle sea of Life.
FishPreferred sees a detailed diagram. The lines are lines, meticulously drawn with precise measurements with small tolerance. FishPreferred is a pragmatic and detail-oriented person.
Saphire24 sees a toothy reptile. The parabola forms part of the snout and the line segment forms part of the eye. Saphire24 likes Pokémon, especially the cute ones with sharp teeth that could bite your face off but won't, because they're nice.
Darkfire45 sees a Piplup. the parabola forms the right wing and the line segment forms part of the torso. Like kegaumongo, these lines represent stretching out and relaxing.
And that's the way your world turns.
Now, can you show me what this is?