They are alright. Too simple and don't look good enough. But for the love of god don't bring animated sigs to AG. I really don't want to start having to look at these all the time...
Good animated ones are usually not long like the second and just having something moving or other. Like a person breathing or powering up. They are short, loop perfectly and just look cool. Try that out.
1) I agree with Klaushouse- too many animated sigs would make viewing AG hell. On the other hand, with the new size restrictions, it may be a little more bearable.
2) Fortunately not many people can do their own animated signatures. I personally like that little kitschy touch where those who can give it a shot so the results are, for want of a better term, noobish :P I totally lol'd at KR's second example...while it's not like totally pwnsome or l33t or whatever you might find in some hardcore videogaming forum, I don't care. And it probably saves on bandwidth- remember there's also a filesize limitation of 40kb.
To that end when signatures first started becoming popular, I whipped one up to see whether I could do something animated with a bit of lulz and keep it within 40kb. And guess what, I can!
But I don't ever intend to use a signature. That would not be the ninja way.
bummer, i personally dont like animated pictures, and if someone starts offering to make them free, 9 out of every 10 people on AG will probably ask for one, and then that person will most probably quit due to too much requests and spam and stuff
It did not own yours. Yours is actually hilarious. For some quirky reason I love it.
The frames were done using basic raster tools (like in MS Paint)- but I also used the 'motion blur' in GIMP. After that I converted to index manually and reduced the color levels to 6 or something, which is why I managed to squeeze 32 frames into 40kb.