ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Zombie Apocalpse Story

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Day 1

I Leon woke up due to the sound of lots of glass smashing i was inside my house and i thought that there were just some freak pranks so i sticked my head out the window and yelled at the kids until i realized they weren't kids at all! I checked the News and the Reporter said "There has been a zombie outbreak here in Rost Town... There will be Planes and Boats leaving for a secured area in 50 Days... Hurry up or the Zom-" After that a Zombie started gnawing on his head and the Reporter died a chill ran down my spine it was a live or die situation i grabbed a crowbar from my basement and picked up a combat knife... I then broke down the front door i stealth-fully moved quietly i knew that 1 false move i would be running from zombies i hid anywhere i could hide and then a zombie saw me! the zombie moaned and alerted 4 other zombies i ran towards the zombie and lunged at 1 and the crowbar was sticking out of it's head i flipped and tossed the zombie against the others the zombies were stunned so i threw my crowbar at them knocking off all their heads. I started running towards the police precinct i thought their had to be some survivors somewhere I entered the cold,damp and dark building i heard a scream as i entered i went up the stairs and found a cop fighting off a zombie i snuck up behind the zombie and slit its throat with my knife. The cop told me his name was Jeffrey he gave me a handgun as he had some extra we looked around the whole building and grabbed 10 boxes of handgun ammo after that it was finally the light of day... The zombies started dying and i knew me and Jeffrey had 12 hours to either get to another town or find some survivors. We searched for 6 Hours and found 10 Grocery Bags full of food and also found someone hiding inside the corner store he told us his name was Aaron he was just hiding when the customers started turning into zombies luckily he had a Handgun to defend himself we took him with us and we found a car full of gas we rode the car to take to the city we saw a bridge and the bridge started to rise like it had a mind of it's own there was a chance we would die or live from this jump i revved up the Car's speed to max and we crossed our fingers we almost didn't make the jump! the car crashed into the other side of the bridge and then we got out the car started to catch fire and then it exploded. We were all feet by now... 3 more hours til night i thought... We started walking until we got to the town we had wasted one hour we found an abandoned house and took 2 hours to build a crafty barricade out of wood,nails, and other strong materials this might not be sturdy but this will hold them off for a while i thought to myself then the sun went down and the moon rose the zombies were charging at us... We all fired our weapons at them there were splatters of blood everywhere not 1 zombie even touched our barricade then we heard a loud noise a large zombie about 15 Feet tall approached us we started firing at it's head it seemed really irritated we wasted 2 boxes of ammo the zombie was stunned i loaded my knife into my gun the gunpowder would increase the normal force of a knife thrown i shot my gun into the zombies head and it fell over we all cheered as the sun rose back up... I took back my Combat Knife and searched the Zombies body the zombie had some metal parts in it's body we decided to reinforce our barrier with the metal...


  • 14 Replies
704 posts

reminds me of Last stand and resident evil. they were very the same. nothing new here. well that is what i think

for a second there Leon already reminds me of resident evil and planes and boats reminds me of the rescue thing on last stand.

yeah pretty much! nothing new here, but on the other side the story is good.

4,825 posts

Yep but the Leon here doesn't have destructive guns yet! i am already thinking of a Day 2 thingy and something new to add...

4,825 posts

Day 2

Me and my team left for another town while there was still some daylight we all had ours guns in hand and clips on our belts to reload faster just in case we encounter more zombies we only had 5 boxes of ammo left so we needed to find some more ammo... We kept walking and walking for hours we had 8 hours until dark and we finally reached another city we searched the gun shop here and found 10 boxes of ammo and found all the guns destroyed we went to the market and got 5 pieces of meat and 5 pieces of leafy vegetables we only had 3 hours left me and my team knew that we had to reach Draconis City before Day 50 we knew it was miles and miles and miles away there so we made it our priority. We found a small house and barricaded it after 3 hours the zombies started coming out to attack us we all loaded our clips and started firing! There were puddles of blood and blood splats our barricade was bathed in blood and so were we then some brown zombies came running towards us on all 4's! They were very fast and agile and we knew that they could jump over our barricade we shot and shot them but 1 managed to jump past our barricade! It scratched me and i immediately finished it with my Combat Knife i felt a pain in my arm i screamed in pain and agony Jeffrey ripped a piece of cloth from his clothes and wrapped it around my wound soon it was daylight even though i had this wound i knew we had to keep going... We found a car and then we started driving on the road we saw a human we stopped our car and checked him he was not infected and he looked pretty fit and he has a handgun we let him join us he told us his name is Tom and that he was a doctor he saw my wound and treated it after an hour it was all better we had 9 more hours until darkness comes We drived for another 3 hours and finally reached another town. We went to the local gun shop and found 5 boxes of revolver ammo and we also found a Revolver i checked the revolver and it seemed to have a large magazine capacity so i took it and left my Handgun there after more searching we found 3 grenades hidden in a house it was night and we had no barricade we had to defend ourselves now the zombies started coming now. I shot my revolver 5 times and killed 6 zombies they all shot their handguns in the process killing 14 zombies there were still a lot more so we started running while running we started firing at the ones chasing us we killed 10 of them and then we started running again i threw a grenade and it killed 20 of them sending flying zombie bodies everywhere we found a car and i quickly started it up and ran over the zombies and killed 30 of them before they all got a grip of the car we escaped the car and shot the gas tank killing all the zombies soon it was day... We searched the zombies bodies Tom found a way to convert the normal zombie blood into a potion that would make us be able to withstand more of their punishment he made 4 potions and we each drank one and we felt power running through our veins and then we set off...


4,825 posts

Day 3

It has been 2 days Since me and my team have started to set off we have 12 hours to travel and get to another town before the zombies come out... We found a car that has crashed while walking. I checked the back of the car and found a sack i opened the sack and a zombie jumped out i stabbed it with my knife and threw it away... then i checked the back some more and found a wallet that contained 100$ i took the wallet and put it in my bag cause this could be useful someday when this whole virus is over! and then i checked the inside of the car i found a briefcase with nothing inside and took it and then we set off for another city we have been walking for 6 hours and my men are getting cranky we finally get to a town and we find a hotel so we go inside and sleep for 3 hours after awakening me and my men feel refreshed! I checked the basement of the hotel and it seemed to have 2 boxes of revolver ammo and 5 boxes of handgun ammo and then i found in the fridge 5 pieces of meat topped with some vegetables i took all of the things i found and continued it was getting darker and darker it was a full moon today and i knew that the moon made the zombies stronger... and then before us a zombie about 30 Feet tall stands before us it didn't notice us so we each loaded a clip in our guns and waste like 5 clips shooting the zombie's arm it soon falls off and then the zombie notices us! me and my gang find a car and then i pushed the pedal as hard as i can and then i said on my signal jump! and then i rode the car towards the zombie then i gave the signal to my men we jumped out of the car and the car came crashing towards the zombie the zombie fell down hard but it's still alive i loaded my knife into my Revolver and shot it at the middle of the head of the zombie and soon my knife came crashing towards a building and got stuck there the zombie moaned in pain and agony we decided to end its misery and loaded each a clip into our guns and shot the zombie as fast as we could very soon the zombie was dead and the sun started to rise i took back my knife and then we salvaged through the parts of the zombie i found a shotgun and told myself this could be useful i put it in the briefcase... and the sun started rising and the zombies started dying and then we set off once more...


4,825 posts

Day 4

Me and my team have started walking towards a small village that we heard on our radio was not infected so we made it a priority to try and get to that small village we heard it was isolated from all civilization and that's how the villagers there survived we walked for 6 hours and we finally reached the town the villagers seemed to be happy to see us they gave us all rooms in the inn we decided to go to sleep and once it was sundown me and the gang heard some gun shots the villagers were fighting the zombies! We quickly picked up our weapons and ran down stairs but i kinda decided to jump out of the window we started to open fire on the zombies after a while the zombies started to stop moving and then all of them turned into a green puddle... the villagers cheered but after a while the green puddle turn into a big brown zombie it seemed like it had something in it's eyes like a scanner of some sort it lunged towards me but i flipped and landed on it's back and stabbed it with my knife! the zombie went wild and i got knocked off Jeffrey,Aaron,and Tom started to open fire but the giant zombie just swept them away and knocked them against a huge rock i charged at the zombie with my knife in hand it tried to hit me with it's claws but i jumped on it's hand and stabbed it it tried to hit me with it's other claw but i jumped onto it's head and it ended up hitting itself! i climbed up the head and stabbed it hard in the eye but i knew this wasn't enough to kill it i got down while the zombie was stunned and loaded some ammo into my Revolver and fired 8 shots into it's chest the zombie started moaning in agony and it started roaring i was pushed back because of the shock-wave and i hit a tree it started to charge towards me and i quickly chopped the tree with a nearby axe and the tree fell down upon the zombie then i got onto it's back and fired 5 shots and then stabbed it and then the zombie knocked me off again as i slid down its body i used my knife to get a grip but instead i ended up ripping an opening in the zombies body i could see the heart i aimed with my Revolver and fired 3 shots into the heart the zombie stopped breathing and the sun started to rise i checked if Jeffrey,Aaron,and Tom were all right they seemed to be alright but badly hurt i told the doctors in the village to cure them i walked towards the zombie while spinning my knife and then i picked up the scanner inside it's eye it seemed to be scanning my every move i put it in the briefcase and then i soon went to sleep...


4,825 posts

Day 5

After Me,Jeffrey,Aaron,and Tom woke up we heard what seemed to be a riot the villagers were all running wild they were firing their shots at each other it was a total gore fest! i tried talking to one of the villagers but he replied by punching me in the face and i replied by cutting off his throat there seemed to be weird viruses on their faces the Z-Virus not only spread from zombies but also from this new virus... We decided to call this virus "Plagas" (Resident Evil 4 Reference) the party was getting wild and even too much for us to handle even if we have killed 1000's of zombies! We checked every house and gather 10 boxes of shotgun shells 3 boxes of revolver ammo and 5 boxes of handgun ammo after that we tried to get out through the back entrance to the docks but there were 3 villagers blocking our way the Plagas has spread from their face to their arms they ran towards us and they were faster than normal i barely had any time to dodge they're attacks i loaded some shells into my shotgun and fired at them only 1 died and 2 remained alive Jeffrey,Aaron,and Tom started firing and managed to kill one the other one's plagas started to develop it soon took over the villager's whole body i took out a grenade and lodged it into the villager's mouth and there was soon a rain of body parts we quickly ran towards the docks and got a speed boat and then we set off to find civilization where this new virus hasn't spread fare and wide...

241 posts

This story is very good. Keep on going!

4,825 posts

Day 6

When we were on the Speed boat for about 2 hours now it was until we noticed a box under the bench we opened the box and it contained... Revolvers! and some 5 boxes of revolver ammo so i gave them all revolvers and we threw out all those pistols we continued riding the speed boat for 2 hours until we reached dry land we then saw a city in the distance and not too far we walked for another hour until we finally reached the city there was blood everywhere we looked there was blood blood blood... we continued until we saw a house that was bathed in blood we checked the inside and found dozens of dead zombies that were starting to rot we felt as if there was a presence so we started to walk away from the house... and then after walking a few blocks away from the house we felt the presence again! We turned around and saw a Wraith! a creature that was created from the souls of fallen people while they were working and befell before this creature as this creature kills it gets more powerful we knew that we had to use the power of light and then a marking on my hand started to glow! i took off my glove and saw a rune a rune is a birthmark on people that are in a amazing and legendary bloodline and i had just found out i was one of them i raised my hand towards the sun and then the light started to empower in my hand i threw the ball of light at the wraith and it started to fade away we heard tortured souls that were locked for many centuries thanking us for setting them free we had 6 hours to search for supplies first we searched the gun shop for an our and we found a box of shotgun shells,and 3 boxes of revolver ammo we searched the market for 2 hours and then we found enough supplies to last us for 5 days... and then the sky started to darken we knew there was no moon today so the zombies would be easier this night the zombies started to rise and we started to fire our revolvers 1 shot would kill 1 zombie there were 100 of them so we started to fire as fast and as accurate as we could they started to get close so i took out my shotgun and started to shoot them all! all the zombies died and then a brown zombie rised from the ground and lunged towards me but i quickly moved out of the way and threw my knife killing the zombie i took back my knife covered in blue zombie blood the sun started to rise and we continued our journey to find those survivors!


293 posts

I thought it was quite interesting, to say the least. I noticed that you have never ending sentences.(use commas or periods).

I thought the story was a bit sophomoric, but enjoyable and good.

keep going with this story, its turning out to be very good.

4,825 posts

Day 7

Me and my gang woke up in an abandoned house all i remembered from yesterday is that we were running from something but i couldn't quite remember what it was all i remembered that there was a shadowy figure that followed us everywhere i got tired of it and looked back and then I'm here i couldn't remember the face of that figure i woke up the others and told them "Wake up guys!" and they soon all woke up Jeffrey said "Come on lets go!" and then Aaron and Tom said "Yeah we agree!" we decided to search the house before leaving... We found nothing but then we noticed a loose floorboard we ripped off the floorboard and found 1 incendiary grenade! I put it in my bag and then we left the house we noticed that it was already getting darker and darker! And then zombies started coming after us! We all screamed and started running! I took out my shotgun and started shooting i managed to kill some but one managed to hang onto my arm i cut the zombie off with my combat knife and shot it with my revolver we continued running until we were in a dead-end! I threw a grenade at the zombies and zombies started flying everywhere! I took out my shotgun and they took out their revolvers and we started shooting! and then we wasted all the zombies a sigh of relief came from all of us and then the sun started to rise and go down again over and over! I saw the shadowy figure and used my powers over light to destroy it and then the sun finally rised up again! We all sat down on the ground and started to rest... "Woah! That was a little too much" I said and the others kind of agreed with me after we got our strength back. We searched the 7/11 store for some weapons we managed to find a razor sharp machete i took it and put it in my bag after searching all the shops we went to the docks again and i noticed we never seemed to get hungry anymore i thought to myself "Are we turning into Zombies?". I decided to ignore this and think of it as a gift, I started up the Speedboat and loaded up some gas. We went to another part of America and we reach Valor City... It was a rather big and huge town and we knew it had some great weapons! We rested in the abandoned Inn for a while and then we soon were all asleep...


P.S I am not very good with commas or periods

372 posts

pretty good story.cant wait tiill the next part

4,825 posts

Day 8

I was out of teammates Jeffrey,Aaron and Tom they were all dead i was running alone from zombies i kept running just to survive then a zombie got a hold of me and then started to kill me i knew this was the end when... "Leon wake up!" Jeffrey said while shaking my head "Huh, What Happened..." I said "You were having a bad dream good thing we woke you up..." Aaron said with a serious voice... We had just noticed that we had survived for 1 week now it was just a few miles until we reached Draconis City far more earlier than we had thought we went out the home we were hiding in and we searched the gun store... We found a Magnum which i put in my briefcase... and we searched the Market and found a side bag. We soon continued into the distant morning. I kept thinking of my family i wondered if my Parents were okay or my Wife or my Children... But this wasn't important right now all that mattered was survival. I wouldn't let sudden emotions ruin my team's escape to the Airport of Draconis City... We continued walking for what we didn't notice what seemed to be 10 hours and then the sun went down and it was night i took out my Revolver and Magnum each weapon in 1 hand the zombies soon started coming out i fired my weapons like a mad man and the team soon followed we started running while firing our weapons at them managing to kill lots of them while running soon a huge pile of cars was blocking our way! i threw a grenade at the pile and cars started flying and hitting zombies we didn't have time to destroy the remaining cars so we climbed up the remaining cars and the zombies couldn't seem to climb up we were very lucky this day... as the sun came up a sigh of relief came from us and the fear was gone we continued on our dangerous journey to Draconis City we knew with every passing day the zombies got stronger so we needed to get there as soon as possible...

To Be Continued

4,825 posts

Day 9

We have been walking for days now with no other means of transportation other than our legs... We started walking until we saw someone on the road we examined him and he was not infected we woke him up and introduced ourselves he woke up and told us "My name is Kevin" we noticed he had a shotgun that he used to survive this Apocalypse! He explained everything to us he was at home watching TV when a newsflash came in when he was watching at first he thought the reporter was joking and then when the zombie ate his head he went to his basement and grabbed a shotgun and he heard on the TV that Draconis City would be evacuating all survivors that would get there so he started to make way but then he fainted here... We gave him some food and then we continued on our dangerous journey... We took him with us and then after walking for 2 hours we finally found means of transportation! A van full of gas we buckled up and i revved up the car to maximum speed! and in the distance i found pillars of stone we were lucky i pushed the brakes in time... We knew that we couldn't destroy these pillars so we climbed up... after a few minutes of climbing we could see Draconis City in the distance! You can probably tell with the Huge dragon statue at the city square... and then it soon started to get darker and darker... a Huge Colossus zombie was right in front of us it was bigger than the biggest building here in Draconis City... We knew that this was the final battle!

To Be Continued

Zombie Apocalypse Finale

This is the final battle we all thought not too far from us there was a grappling hook i thought this would come in handy so i packed it into my bag and then we started running towards Draconis City! There were zombies blocking the entrance we all started firing at them and they soon all died we climbed up the gates and got into the City the Bio-Hazard Team and Military were glad to see more people with weapons they needed more help with the Colossus even the slightest bit of weapon they needed to kill the Colossus they ordered a chopper for us which we soon climbed on and then we were facing the Colossus's Body this was as far as the chopper could take us we jumped onto the Colossus's back... We used our combat knives to climb up it's back The Colossus noticed us and it started trying to shake us off! I took out my Magnum and started firing at the head of the Colossus it managed to pierce it's flesh but it wasn't enough to kill this beast! once we were at the neck we took out our weapons and started firing at the arm of the Colossus. Lots of gunshots were heard the Military and Bio-Hazard Team were soon at the back of the Colossus they gave me an Assault Rifle and i gladly accepted it i took out my Magnum and coupled it with the Rifle. I started firing with both weapons and my teammates soon started firing also the Colossus was getting mad and then Zombies came out of it's back! I told them to shoot the zombies while i attack the colossus My team soon destroyed all of them i took out my Incendiary Grenade and threw it at the Colossus's Arm! the Arm of the Colossus soon started to burn Me and the Team soon started firing and firing at the Arm until we pierced the bone and the arm fell off the Colossus moaned like a huge beast! It was the worst sound we have ever heard! Spiked bones started popping up from the Colossus's back and started racing towards us! We fired at the spikes and destroyed them i ordered my team to stay here and defend me i used my grappling hook and fired it at the head of the Colossus i climbed up the head and fired a hole open into the Colossus's head i took out a Grenade,Incendiary Grenade, and a Smoke Grenade and stuffed them into the head of the Beast! I jumped back onto the neck of the Colossus and the Grenades started to burst! I took my grappling hook and i swinged down to the ground... I took out my Assault Rifle and started firing at the Leg of the Colossus! The Military helped me by firing at the Leg also... Soon the Colossus released Zombies from it's legs! I was soon getting swarmed but my team from above started firing at them i took out 2 combat knives and started stabbing them... I soon took out my Assault Rifle and after wasting dozens of Clips i finally pierced the bones of the Leg! The Leg of the Colossus fell apart from the body therefore immobilizing the Colossus... I found a car not too far and i loaded lots of Dynamite and Grenades onto the Car i revved up the speed! and when i was near the Colossus i jumped out the car and the car developed a huge explosion! But that wasn't enough to kill it! a shock-wave came and knocked me into a building there were pieces of glass in my arm i started to pick them off... I went back into action but the Colossus hit me with it's arm and swept me off the ground! I hit the ground hard! and i soon started firing again with my Assault Rifle and Magnum! and soon a Dark Aura was coming from the Brain of the Colossus i knew i recognized this Aura... I used my powers over light... and consumed all the darkness after having accumulated enough light from the sun i released all the power in One Giant Ball of Extreme Light!!! The Colossus started to fade away and then i heard gratitude from fallen souls that have been trapped in that dark aura for years but now they have been released from all their pain and suffering... The townspeople cheered at Me and my Team's success... and we were Declared... ZSDRT Zombie Search and Destroy Rescue Team...

689 posts

...have you heard of punctuation?

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