ForumsForum GamesA new kind of RPG

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I am new to the forums here, but have played many forum games anf RPG's on other forums.

I was sad to see that your style of RPG was based on stats and played like a turn based game such as adventure quest.

In other RPG threads I played a much different way that involved a lot of creativity and problem solving.

I would now like to try and start one of these RPG's here.

This is how it works:

You first need to make a character.

Before playing you need to post a description of him/her following this format:

Name: (no names from books or movies unless you did not intend to copy)

Race: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Orc etc...

Age: Any age that is practical

Weight/height: No giants yet, Should be proportionate to what you person does.

Profession: Blacksmith, healer, soldier, mage, carpenter, farmer, etc...
(can have more then one as long as it makes sense)

Background: Backstory, where did they grow up, who were their parents etc...

Discipline: What do they know, what fighting styles do they have, wjo taught them

Affiliation: Good or evil, A bit of both, neutral

Favorite weapon: Must fit the era we are in, you may pick up other weapon as the game proceeds.

Random: any other information not covered by the other categories.

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