ForumsForum GamesA new kind of RPG

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84 posts

I am new to the forums here, but have played many forum games anf RPG's on other forums.

I was sad to see that your style of RPG was based on stats and played like a turn based game such as adventure quest.

In other RPG threads I played a much different way that involved a lot of creativity and problem solving.

I would now like to try and start one of these RPG's here.

This is how it works:

You first need to make a character.

Before playing you need to post a description of him/her following this format:

Name: (no names from books or movies unless you did not intend to copy)

Race: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Orc etc...

Age: Any age that is practical

Weight/height: No giants yet, Should be proportionate to what you person does.

Profession: Blacksmith, healer, soldier, mage, carpenter, farmer, etc...
(can have more then one as long as it makes sense)

Background: Backstory, where did they grow up, who were their parents etc...

Discipline: What do they know, what fighting styles do they have, wjo taught them

Affiliation: Good or evil, A bit of both, neutral

Favorite weapon: Must fit the era we are in, you may pick up other weapon as the game proceeds.

Random: any other information not covered by the other categories.

  • 50 Replies
172 posts

As i arrived at the ship, Arcturus was waiting me along with 5 or 6 crew members. I noticed the look he threw to me and my new robe, and thought he is suspicious of something. Well i don't want to wake suspicion, i only want to get some easy money! (and wake Ankengamaru if he betrays me)
"Hello man, i came and am ready to depart with you!"

84 posts

Arcturus was standing on the quarterdeck of his ship with six of his officers when Tudor appeared. This was standard procedure for when they were expecting new crew to arrive.

Arcturus noticed that Tudor was wearing a dark robe that was commonly associated with dark rituals.

Tudor said "hello"

Arcturus replied "I see you have decided to show, from now on you will refer to me and all my officers as "Sir" you must always wear a proper uniform. And you must put that robe away some of the crew is superstitious.

Tudor had barely stepped on board when the ships twelve powerful engines started up. The two other warships in the squadron had their engines going and awaited the admiral signal to depart.


172 posts

Life on the ship was really funny for me. Nothing to do than to watch the waves and sometimes play on my cell phone, or help the rest of the crew with work. In essence, a homework-free environment!

Actually, i didn't know where was i going. No one wanted to speak to me, because of fear. Sometimes, they became so annoying i wanted to kill them with Ankengamaru.

During the day, i was a normal crew member. But during the night, i was training with Ankengamaru to gain new powers and increase blood suction. I never actually took my robe off, it was always there, behind the uniform.

After two weeks, Arcturus said he wanted to talk to me in his office. Ow man, what a drag. But i'm going anyway.

84 posts

The Irrevocable was flying 3000 feet above the ground.

Arcturus called Tudor into his cabin, He was suspicious of him still. Tudor had proved to be a good crew member but he had been seen practicing dark magic, this was not good.

Arcturus sat at his desk with his sword drawn on his lap, just in case.

Tudor entered.

Arcturus said "how is it going for you?"

"Its ok" said Tudor.

"I've heard that you have been practicing strange magic on the ship. The crew is superstitious and do not like to know that this kind of thing is going on. If you like I can teach you some true magic of the pure kind, It has been proven more powerful by far."

P.S. We are in a steampunk environment so no cell phones.

172 posts

"Screw you! My sword needs to be used or it'll get blunt. And you are mistaking, my kidos are better in comparation with mana manipulations in some situations. Even if they take long to cast, they use almost no energy. Let me show you."

Then, i started enchanting:

"One was he who created the world, one was he who started it. One is he who will destroy the world, one is he who will end it. One was he who generated the first atom, one is he who will break the last one. One was he who constructed mater, one is he who will shatter it. One is God, one is Satan, Satan is me. Destructive spell rank C grade #44, Degenesis!"

There was a plant on Arcturus' desk. In the next second, not the plant, but the whole desk turned to dust, then the dust turned to water, then the water turned to air, then the air turned to energy, then the energy turned to nothing. Arcturus was very impressed by my skills, but a little upset he lost his desk.

"But you know what? Getting better and better without doing homework is the reason why I am alive. Right, Ankengamaru?"
"That and drinking blood, boss!"
"Not now, pal. Well, lets see what do you got. But if you are a lame wizard, i will ensure Ankengamaru's thirst will be cured by your opened veins. Lets go."

84 posts


"You may not practice any dark magic on this ship ever again." said Arcturus. while he said this the water on the floor reformed into his desk.

"I will teach you how to create solids out of liquids, fire into water, stone into wood, metal into glass. I will teach you how to truly control the four elements. You will become more powerful then any dark sorcerer. I will teach you the skill required to become a mage knight. There is one condition, you must allow me to change the evil nature of your sword and replace it with the energy of mine.

172 posts

"That is one think me and Ankengamaru will not accept!"
"Can i drink his blood now, please?"
"No, wait, Ankengamaru. Say, we can make a deal. I cannot accept throwing Ankengamaru, but i always dreamed about becoming an elementalist. Anyway, if you can block my sword on the second shikai level, so it will not need blood to produce arrows, i agree."
"I also agree, boss."
"Good to know. Ow and also, your desk sucks, go get another one."

998 posts

Canst I join

84 posts

You can join, just post a character description according to the template on the first page.

"Tudor" Arcturus said "I can make your blade create arrows from darkness leaving only light. I can make your sword bring life to those who deserve to live and death to those who deserve to die. Your blade will become a blade of light and power and good. Now place your blade on my desk." Arcturus put his own sword beside that of Tudor, there was a flash of pure light as the spirits of good inside Arcturus' blade swiftsure destroyed the demons inside Ankengamaru.

Tudor picked up his sword and noticed that it was warm, It transformed into a bow, as if to prove that was the same. When Tudor moved it through the air the blade glowed and vibrated, much like swiftsure.


172 posts

"Man, you rock! But...are you there, Ankengamaru?"
"I feel...strange. In the past, i could only enter this form when my veins were filled with blood. But now, even if I'm filled with autonomous regenerable arcane energy, the lack of liquid makes me feel...empty."
"Get used to that, man! Light has no mas. None does darkness. Ok now Arcturus, Learn me magic."
"Ok then. But first, what do you know about magic?"
"Well there are 6 primordial spirits. These are: fire, wind, water, earth and the Arcane, that connect all the other 5. Together, the spirits bind together into atoms, forming the 105 elements, every element having two or three spirits bond with Arcane. Then, elements fuse into molecules, and from this molecules matter is constructed. One special, unique matter is the one brains are composed. That's because for the elements in the brain, Arcane is not just a bond, it is substance. Our minds and the minds of all vertebrated animals are Arcane-based. Correctly manipulated, Arcane can enter other materials, disintegrating their spirits and rearranging them. In this way, you can turn any element to another, even hydrogen into gold and oxygen into rhodium. Ones that can do this are either elementalists, alchemists or mages! "

84 posts

"Yes that is one theory of the form of magic. I will teach you a direct way to manipulate the elements with energy"

Arcturus placed a glass of water on his rebuilt desk and placed his hands on top.
The light around the glass seemed to move towards the water and it began to move.

" As you can see I have used light to move water, you can do this with most elements excluding fire. To manipulate fire you must use wind alone. Everybody has magic inside them, it surrounds the world much like magnetic fields, We manipulate magic with the unused parts of our brain. We only need to concentrate on the element we are to manipulate and envision it in the state we desire. We can also move things with magic alone this requires special skill but once mastered one can use it for long periods of time without tiring."

That is all for today, I will teach you more methods tomorrow.

172 posts

"Thanks man. I mean, the two are a bit different. If i use magic as i know it, it would consume no energy but take very long to cast yet being unpractical in battle. But your magic, tough it consumes a lot of arcane, mana and even glucose from the brain, is fast. Im a fast learner, you know. But I have a little problem. Give me a better bed, it is not soft enough. Do you feel better now, Ankengamaru?"
"No, still empty!"
"Hey, what was that."

84 posts

As Arcturus and Tudor walked out of the cabin the lookout yelled "Four ships to the starboard bow!"

"those must be the Four Normandian vessels we were looking for." Arcturus turned to his first officer on the quarterdeck and said "Give the order to beat to quarters"

The three Anglian warships quickly prepared for battle, guns were run out, Weapons distributed, and solar beams charged.

"Tudor", Arcturus said "you can always use the energy from the sun to power your magic just point your blade in its direction.

172 posts

Listening to Arcturus, i put Ankengamaru in front of the sun and used one of the few charms i learned from goblins (no goblin stood alive enough to teach me more).
"Circle #2! Type light! Code energy-energy! Photosynthesis!"
The sun shined twice as strong for a moment, and then Ankengamaru also started shining.
"Hey boss, i don't feel empty anymore!"
"At last. Ankengamaru, be ready, i will use your strongest attack!"
"Does it hurt me?"
"No...i think...Crimson shot, Ankengamaru!"
In a matter of seconds, a 5 meter arrow formed and was fired. In less than a blink of an eye, two enemy warships were disintegrated. I smiled at Arcturus.
"Now, raise my salary!"
But then, the parts of the ships hit an allied ship, crushing it.
" salary is good the way it is."

and devious its just me or we are the only ones playing?

93 posts

nameruidimor Halqmon
race:halfling human-elf
profession:commander of the 21st regiment archers of Aleance
background:grown in a halfling family on cottage
specialty:stealth archery,esspecially in the woodland of Aleance
Discipline:Royal Long-Range Archery Academy,Rewarded with medal A
Affilition:The Sunspear Clan
favorite weapon:longbow

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