ForumsForum GamesA new kind of RPG

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84 posts

I am new to the forums here, but have played many forum games anf RPG's on other forums.

I was sad to see that your style of RPG was based on stats and played like a turn based game such as adventure quest.

In other RPG threads I played a much different way that involved a lot of creativity and problem solving.

I would now like to try and start one of these RPG's here.

This is how it works:

You first need to make a character.

Before playing you need to post a description of him/her following this format:

Name: (no names from books or movies unless you did not intend to copy)

Race: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Orc etc...

Age: Any age that is practical

Weight/height: No giants yet, Should be proportionate to what you person does.

Profession: Blacksmith, healer, soldier, mage, carpenter, farmer, etc...
(can have more then one as long as it makes sense)

Background: Backstory, where did they grow up, who were their parents etc...

Discipline: What do they know, what fighting styles do they have, wjo taught them

Affiliation: Good or evil, A bit of both, neutral

Favorite weapon: Must fit the era we are in, you may pick up other weapon as the game proceeds.

Random: any other information not covered by the other categories.

  • 50 Replies
479 posts

Dherok continued to pack his few belongings up. Gherok stated flatly, "We could go and live to the south, in Taringad. It may be a barren landscape, but at least it has a lot food to offer, and there are plenty of settlements that you could work at."

Dherok replied, "Yeah, I guess. There aren't many orcs that live there, but I guess we could manage to deal with the other races."

Gherok was already packed up. He was two years older than his younger brother. He was also much more muscular, and very skilled in the ways of hunting and melee combat. Unlike Dherok, Gherok preferred Spears and a short, slightly curved blade over heavy weaponry. Gherok also had a large circular Iron buckler that Dherok had made him as a gift. Gherok had it in mind to return the favor with a gift of his own, a hand made musket. Unknown to Dherok, Gherok had been crafting a musket for quite a few months.

Dherok heaved his packs over his shoulders. The sun had already reached it's peak and was now slowly declining. "Lets go..."

84 posts

This is good, bud I need someone to say they bumped into my character before I can continue.

172 posts

so you make your own story? ok then!

It was a normal day for me, or at least what I consider as "normal". I was walking alongside a road, just daydreaming and watching the serene sky. Sleeping while you are awake, yeah, this is life!

It all went like that for like an hour, and the sky darkened. But then, i just heard a scratchy sound from behind. I was sure i saw nobody walking across the road, and no one would have a real reason to be there, so i started running.

The faster i ran, the stronger was the sound. And, after a while, i just stopped and turned back, in time to see a hollow attacking me. He looked very weak. "Well, this will end fast. Wake, Ankengamaru!" I release my sword from nowhere and cover my opponent in a barrage of hits. Eventually, I strike him and it is kill in one.

"Good work, friend. Imagine that a freak like that would've kill me some time ago. We seriously trained" i said.
"Don't mention it, man. We are and always were and always will be the best cause you rock, man! Ow, and i sword!" the sword said deep in my mind. But then, another unknown voice said to us:
"Congratulations, you are far better than before, I closely examined your progress along the years."
"But it was only a couple of months!"
"Details. Wanna make money killing people and blowing the crap out of stuff?"
"Sure, why not?"
"Then kill Dherok, and bring his head here when you got it. You will find him in the orc areas in the west. Have luck!"

303 posts

Name: Nikkel Ganderyr
Race: Dwarve
Age: 70
Weight/height: 123 cm high, 90 kg with equipment, but then I never take it off.
Profession: Blacksmith/packmule/soldier
Background: So I was born, I liked smithing things as a dwarf, and then I joined some armym where I learned how to cook, kill, and carry more than I weigh.
Discipline: I can use anything heavy on a shaft as a weapon. I tend to use it in an "effecient" fashion, much like Roran in the Inheritance series, except he's a human. And, I'm a fairly skilled smith, and I know how to cook good and carry alot of weight.
Affiliation: Lawful Neutral
Favorite weapon: My hammur attached to a long oak shaft if I'm fighting in a group, or my hammur in MAINHAND and a dagger in my RIGHTHAND. Because I'm lefthanded. And, I can shoot crossbows very good, and I can figure out how advanced weapons work.
Random: I have a deep scar where I usually keep a spare dagger. Yes, it's stuck in me.

479 posts

psh who wins fight?

Big, muscular, brutal orc or a puny human >.>

84 posts

Arcturus whipped around as the small human boy ran past him, he grabbed the child's arm.

The child struggled, and moved to draw his blade, Arcturus was faster and drew his own blade in time to counter the child's attack.

The child was good but he was better, Arcturus quickly disarmed the boy and grabbed his sword.

"Boy, what is your name" Arcturus said.

"Tudor" the boy said

Well Young Tudor You are shrewd with a blade, would you like to join my crew?

Now Continue...

479 posts

The two orcish brothers headed south, to the vaguely known lands of Taringad. Their journey would take a couple days on foot, but it was a rather safe one. Nobody in their right mind would try to attack two orcs, and one is large to orc standards, and also trained very well with several different combat styles.

Not much is known about Gherok. He was trained by a group of elite human soldiers. Only the largest, strongest and most physically fit humans were allowed in their army. Although it was a small military, containing few more than 40 soldiers, they were extremely trained in their ways. Their combat style, known as the Phalanx combat style, where they defended eachother and themselves using a large shield. When Gherok helped save one of their soldiers from harm of cowardly rogues using magics, they taught him an advanced training course. For over a year he trained with them, for his superior orcish strength intrigued even the strongest of the soldiers. Gherok had become extremely physically fit, very well trained in the ways of protecting his allies, and also earned a well amount of respect from all his piers.

Dherok wiped the sweat from his forehead. "I didn't believe that it could be this hot down here." The trees became more sparse as they headed south. Grass became taller and had a more yellow tint to it, almost as if it was wheat. The brothers continued on their journey south.

Dherok was not as well trained as his brother in the ways of combat. However, Dherok did learn a thing or two in the few small battles he had fought in. He learned several weak spots that weren't protected by even the heaviest armored warriors, and was constantly evolving his on combat style. He placed a hooked ring at the end of his axe's handle, as to be used as a weapon in his own combat style which he didn't quite have a name for. Dherok had always been open about his basic magical abilities, but they weren't anything great. He had the ability to heal the most basic of wounds, and could generate a small flame with his palm, but nothing spectacular. Abilities like these are common among the orcish race, even though they ignore magics more often than not. Some believe that if orcs put more effort into magic, they would be natural wizards.

172 posts

"I have a really boring life. Going to war will be my pleasure. But now, lets talk about money! How much would you give me?"

172 posts

"And also, how could I know if you are really better than me? You took me unprepared. I dare you to duel me, man! Now, Wake, Ankengamaru!"

479 posts

The orcish brothers walked through a small mountain pass to get to Taringad.

"I didn't imagine Taringad would be surrounded by mountains," Gherok said, breaking the silence. "At least there seems to be some life here."

At the edge of the pass was a sharp right turn, where the way down was. From here, they could see more mountains, a few miles to the other side. On their left, or to the east, there was a coast. This must have been the ocean. Towards the bottom of the mountain pass was what seemed to be a small town. It looked mostly controlled by orcs, but there were also a few humans and even a troll. They all seemed to live alongside each other and not pay much attention to it.

"Look how all those different races live amongst each other and they don't quarrel," Dherok stated. Gherok, living with the band of humans for over a year, accepted their ways. "Keep a low profile and we should be fine," Gherok replied. Gherok repositioned his pack, and continued down the path. Dherok was close behind him...

84 posts

Arcturus looked as the child's blade began to shimmer with a starnge light. He drew his blade to discover that it was too emitting a blue light and vibrating. Tudor slashed downwards with his blade, but as soon as it made contact with the other sword he was thrown back onto the street.

Arcturus, picked the boy up and said "I never said I was better than you. Oh and the pay for a midshipman (you) is 5 gold crowns a month. (a farmers wage for 6 months) the Irrevocable (his ship) flies tomorrow at noon with the Sirius and the Gallant, there's been a sighting of 5 Normandian cruisers, so 3 of our first rate airships should take them.
Heres a gold crown for your kit and uniform, Report to the ship at dawn."

Arcturus turned away, and went looking for some Orcs, or dwarves to join his ships marine company, they were darn good fighters.

193 posts

Annihalation don't forget about your RPG's!

84 posts

No offense but I find this kind of RPG more liberating.

DO you want to join?

172 posts

"Ok then, so i got myself a job! Lets make the most of it and buy burgers, Ankengamaru!"
"I want a bottle of blood, but hamburgers are also fine. So, where do we go to buy an armor?"
"Don't worry, i know the right place. And you will also have the chance to drink something."
"Ah, perfect."
In the east side of the town's suburbs, there was a chain of shops underground held by goblins. These small creatures have the best materials one could find.

So, i go there. I can see many shops, but only one was separated from the others, not in sight.
"If it would get nasty, this is the right place."
at the shop, there was a long, black suit identical to the one used by shinigamis. If I would take it, my zampakuto's powers would multiply by 3! I gotta put my hands on it, in one way or another.
"Excuse me, sir, how much would you want for the robe?"
"Two golden crowns, please." said the goblin.
"But i have only one. Please, give it for one, i will eventually pay back!"
"Sorry, i accept only 2. Go away."
"No, you don't understand. I would do ANYTHING for that robe."
"I have no need of you."
"Know what? Neither do I. Wake, Ankengamaru!"
I swiftly took out my sword before the enemy could react and cut his left hand. My sword was madly happy:
"At last, blood! BLOOD! BLOOD!"
"It's all yours, pal. Drink, Ankengamaru!"
It was all finished in 10 seconds. The goblin lied down drained out of blood, i was putting the shinigami robe and i also kept my golden crown. With this done, i went to report to the ship, now 3 times stronger.

84 posts

Arcturus so fad had had no success in finding any Orcs to join his crew.

He was suspicious of the child he had recruited earlier, there was something strange about him.

He would find out more when he reported on board.

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