ForumsWEPRUnion Or Confederate? Civil War discussion and the truth for all those who still believe your teachers...

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197 posts

I support the CSA but thats because when you get past all the dumb lies your history books tell you they really where the good(well good est)side in the war, that war was not about Slavery, more men died than every US war ever combined! So you can't say that so many men died for freeing slaves or keeping them... Any Historian or just plain smart person would know the real story, that the south was fighting for Independence just like the Colonists in the Revolution, they where fighting for rights and freedom not slavery and what not.
And the Union was fighting to keep the country together as one not to free slaves which they did not care one bit about when it came to the man who was dying out in the field or to really any Union leader, sure Lincoln cared about them but he even said that it wasan't something he was gonna fight over ever.
And sure the CS lost but they fighted much more fiercely and bravely and where fighting to defend their homes and true American freedom, and in my opinion it was a war where the Good Guys lost cause they where outnumbered, if you ever see paintings and pics you always see southerners in anything they could find to wear cause well they where rebels, but now days people on both sides act like the other wasant American especialy southerners, but they need to remember that their own General, General Lee even said that something they tend to forget is that they both are american, so if the veterans at the anniversary in Gettysburg in the 20s and 30's could shake hands and laugh and admit they where brothers than why cant we do that 200 hundred some years later and learn the truth about it in school, cause when ever were in the civil war in history i always have to do the same speech about how it actauly went and what they where actauly fighting for.
If you disagree than iam sorry but you are very ignorant and may as well stay in the 1st grade since thats all you seem to want to know about the most bloody and emotional war this Country of ours have fought.

  • 136 Replies
1,036 posts

Where did you get this information? Some of it's true but slavery was one of the reasons.

52 posts

Yeah, I read your little speech over a couple times, and it sounds solely like opinion. Slavery was a reason; try getting your facts straight.

1,532 posts

The main reason was stopping the confederacy, but their was also the goal of freeing trhe slaves...If that was not a goal then so many blacks wouldnt had of served in the north

197 posts

yes slavery was a reason but certianly not the main reason, and somers blacks served in the south as well some forced and some volunteered.
it just pisses me off that history books in school make the south look bad and that they just wanted slavery when they where even planning on releasing the slaves in time so they could get used to normal life but when they where let free right away many starved to death.

1,455 posts

And the Union was fighting to keep the country together as one not to free slaves which they did not care one bit about when it came to the man who was dying out in the field or to really any Union leader, sure Lincoln cared about them but he even said that it wasan't something he was gonna fight over ever.

There is some truth in this, but the south left BECAUSE of slavery. This is the ONLY right they felt was being violated, their right to own slaves. I remember Lincoln saying they would work out the issue, I don't remember him saying he didn't care. But if one of the reasons wasn't slavery, why did the North abolish slavery while the south had no say when they could've just offered not to change anything?
70 posts

The CSA attempted to suceed from the Union because their economy was in danger of being destroyed by the abolition of slavery. Without slaves, their economy and much of their society would have been destroyed. Most of the actual Southern soldiers that fought in the Civil War fought not for their right to own slaves but for their place in society above slaves. If you owned slaves, your family was probably rich enough to at least buy you a commision in the army, but the foot soldiers fought because even though they were poor, lacked skills, and morality, society still saw them as better than the slaves simply because of the color of their skin. Many fought and died for this place in society. Also Redfan, how can you claim that a society that based nearly every aspect of its culture off of the enslavement of millions of people "good?"

197 posts

iam saying that slavery wasant a main reason for the war, but what i dont get is what gave the union the right to abolish slavery in the south when they didint have control of the CSA

197 posts

how can someone say the americans where good in the revolution? its the fact that they where fighting for freedom and stepping up to something that was much more powerful than them, and that they fought strongly even if they where outnumberd in men and technology, i dont support slavery but its not only the Souths history, the Union let it in, what flag did slave ships sail under? The Union Flag, hell even the KKK(god curse them) use the American flag and not the Rebel American flag, and if you didint read i put gooder side, both sides where good, their wasant a bad side in that war, it was a good country fighting rebels of a good country

1,455 posts

but what i dont get is what gave the union the right to abolish slavery in the south when they didint have control of the CSA

They made an ammendment to the constitution, and once the CSA came back, they had to follow the constitution and all its ammendments.
both sides where good, their wasant a bad side in that war

There's always a bad side in a war. Both sides can think they're good, both sides can be ignorant that they're bad, but either one side is bad, or both sides are bad, because two rights don't make a wrong (two innocent sides do not try to kill each other).
197 posts

the fact is the civil war has affected this country even still today,and sadly this country lacks the appropriate history in schools for every war, makes the common man dumb and not think for their own.
I suppose I support the CSA more than the USA because of a personal reason, in the end were all American and had ancestors on both sides of that war, and hope to God that we never have to see hundreds of thousands of people die so bravely for what they stood for, that war truly was the last American war that has been so personal and emotianal to soldiers because they wherent fighting because some dope in congress ordered it but because they wanted Freedom and their home protected and cause they wanted their Country to stay United. Greatest yet worst war we ever fought and hopefully ever will...
Well Iam Going to Bed goodnight everyone lol

1,532 posts

Actually im not related to any dead people in the civil family wasnt even on the continent...Yeah sleep with that on your mind Mr. Im so right!

1,523 posts

Slavery was hardly a reason for the Civil War; the United States was still a fledgling country, and we were attempting to build sovereignty and prove ourselves to Europe. If we had half of the country secede, there would be obvious problems there.

Throughout history, wars for independence have been fought successfully or unsuccessfully based on whether or not other nations have acknowledged the rebel's side as a country.

In the case of the Civil War, the fight was to keep Britain, France, and Spain from acknowledging the south as a separate entity from the Union. When President Lincoln found that they might be leaning towards siding with the Confederacy, he released the Emancipation Proclamation.

Now, as someone earlier said, this freed no slaves, because the Proclamation only freed slaves in the south. However, the Union now had no control over what happened in the south. The freedom of slaves, however, became a reason for the war to be fought, and it made the Union look like the good, moral side, and the south look like warmongering slave traders.

It was probably the greatest political ploy in history; the European nations did not acknowledge the Confederacy as a separate state, and it raised morale in the North.

3,562 posts

slavery was a secondary reason for the civil war (american). REally Lincoln tried to keep the Union together and that was it.

1,416 posts

Lincoln wanted to keep the Union together. But think about it. Would the Union have ever split up if there was no slavery (or if slavery was legal in every state)? Not a chance.

There were other reasons behind the war. But without slavery. There is no war.

3,562 posts

well... the cause of the war I wanted to clarify was not slavery. The driving force was just to keep the union together. Lincoln thought it would be nice to add in that slavery bit at the end.

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