ForumsArt, Music, and WritingShort Story Contest: Fear (Page 35)

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Grand Duke

The green light has been given! After weeks of preparation, the Contest can be launched!

This has been brewing in many users' mind for awhile. Enter the Official Writing Contest!

General Rules

1)Submissions for the context must specify the word count implemented.
2)It must adhere to the period's theme as the main idea, or at least have some connection.
3)It must be submitted by the deadline. (The deadline will be according to AG time so that people will not be confused by the timeframe/exploit difference in time zones.)
4)A winner cannot win twice in a row, though he or she can submit an entry the next week.
5)Winners get a merit.

What not to include

1)No excessive inappropriate language, such as vulgarities, swearing. This includes slandering anyone in the AG community.
2)No slandering of race, religion, culture, language of people.
3)No sexual references or innuendoes, though romantic scenes such as kissing can be included.

Actions that lead to disqualification

1)No plagiarism. If it has been discovered that the story has been copied, e.g. the plot has been copied, the user will be disqualified with immediate action. However, elements of inspiration can be allowed.
2)Only one submission is allowed for each user. So please do not create multiple accounts for multiple entries. If it has been discovered that a user has submitted many entries due to this method, he or she will be disqualified.
3)If someone's username is used as a character's name or mentioned in the story, ask for permission first. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification.

Judge: Me, though I will appoint someone else if I want to take part.

Current Theme: Fire. Fiery start eh?

Deadline: 31st May (Two weeks)

Without further ado, let it begin!

*Note: Everything is subjected to change!

  • 359 Replies
5,579 posts


Tomorrow is Monday. DO NOT write on Mondays.
1,262 posts

DO NOT write on Mondays


Ummm..... alright......

2,763 posts

I might join to but I 100% don't write on mondays, mostly because school for me doesn't end till 6 and bus ride take 40 mins. Freeze...... wow that's vague.

819 posts

Ok well I will satrt writing tommorrow.. Mabye. Im not sure yet it just depends on how much time I have and then I will see if I will write something...
So when I this due? I dont want to start late and accidentaly miss make the dead line...
This seems like it wil be fun... Or not... I have no idea, but I will try to enter one...

4,196 posts

600 words minimum? I can do that in a 15 minute sprint. Will submit later tonight...

1,032 posts

Freeze eh'? Yes... I have said I would enter millions of times before... but this time, I WILL!!!!
*starts to write*
*gets distracted...*

4,196 posts

What I was planning on writing turned out to be not at all FreezeLike, so I will have to start again. Which is alright because I need to write about my newest character I thought of who has piercing, ice-cold blue eyes and the Gift of Ice. Will be fun.

I got the idea in a dream.

9,824 posts

KR, that character sounds a lot like Chill, lol >.>

4,196 posts

But it is a girl...and yeaaaahhh....

Almost done...

9,507 posts

Freakenstein's Short Story Entry:

Day 1 : This is the journal entry for General James Meredith and his team, Sigma H-311, September 2nd, 2943. We have been assigned by my commanding officer and her commanding officer to be sent to a remote planet in the farthest axis of the Milky Way Galaxy. My commanding officer's commanding officer, the President of Earth, received a distress signal in that remote planet, codenamed D-00M5 D-4Y, in Milky Speak. All puns aside, we've been sent to investigate the distress signal, see what's going on, what the people are like, establish relations, that sort of thing. Seems like a pretty standard mission. Being a remote, unexplored planet, we've been properly equipped for the job. Let's hope Sargent Freeman, or Jaws, doesn't get too friendly with the locals. With the technology our drop ship is capable of, arrival should be in about 1 month.

Day 10: Rook ate all the ice cream. We've restrained him from eating any other sweets that we still have left. Our playstation 40 broke, so now we have no entertainment. We all decided then to install cold sleep in our bed chambers so we can seem to get there sooner.

Day 40: Cold sleep blows big time. I can't complain; we would exhaust all our rations if we didn't use it anyway. Corporal Johnson (Badger), Lieutenant Finn (Fishie), and Private Shoemaker (Rook) all came out of the chambers, except Jaws. The lock's sealed off, the control panel won't free it, and to top it all off, he's still in sleep mode. Command says they are going to try and radio the control panel to help it work. Cold sleep can only go so far before the body is permanently frozen, which is why I'm so concerned about it. We'll have to continue without him.

Day 41: One small step for man...ah forget it already been said. Anyway, I don't like the look of this place, or the feel. This place is a barren wasteland, every bit of it. Our suits can take -1000 degrees Celsius, but a small bit of cold can still be felt. I want to find out what that distress call is pronto. Badger has only a 10% body fat, no way he'll last longer than 4 days.

Day 42: We finally came across the closest thing to a house: a cavern, with lights. We'd figured that the locals would be in here waiting for the answerer, but nope. What we instead found Another group of men, torn limb from limb. Some lying in a pool of blood, others hanging from the stalagmites. Rook grabbed a piece of paper still being clutched by a nearby corpse. The note says "it's a trap, the distress call is a distress order. The locals are preying on us, get out of here and tell the rest of the crew to stay away from this place!" Rook immediately runs away and out of sight. Badger yelled after him but he didn't listen. There was a thick, icy fog; he probably doesn't know where he's going. Because of that, we called off searching for him. He's either going to be frozen in the icy tundra, or worse.

Day 42, hour 2: Ran back to the drop ship, when the fog cleared up. Jaws is missing from his bed chamber, we are all scared out of our drawers. We called Command, they said that the radio waves weren't even received yet. After listening to our losses, they just turned off the transmission, probably out of pity, or because they couldn't think of a thing to save us. We have supplies for one more week, we can make it out of here if we tried.

Day 42 hour 3: Badger and I sent Rook out to see why the engine wouldn't start. We closed off the door and told him to radio us if he found a problem or if he needed let back in. I admit it; we were too scared to think about what would happen if we were out in the open.

Day 42 hour 4: We all heard rumbling from outside the ship. Rook probably found the small problem and fixed it. Heavy banging is thrown on the door entrance. We told Rook to radio us if he needed inside. Badger was sent to see what the problem is.

Day 42 hour 5: Never heard a sound from both of them since Badger left. My heart is beating furiously now. God...command get this ship moving!

Day 42 hour 6: Forget this! I opened the door and bolted off. As far away as I could go. The icy, frigid air was piercing my suit that could handle -1000 degrees Celsius. The view that I was seeing was inconspicuous, meaning that all I saw was...air, no objects, no sky...but I ran off in one direction anyways.

Day 43? : My watch stopped, probably because the pure cold air froze off the clockwork, breaking off the brittle gears. While running and occasionally stopping for breaks, I ran into a frozen wall. This at least meant I was going somewhere, but when I looked back, I saw nothing, nothing except wind and blackness. The cold really DOES blow.

???: I see smoke emerging from behind the wall. Wait..smoke?? I ran off in that direction. Smoke only means heat, and heat is what I need. Light was breaking through the cold darkness, if only at the base of where the smoke was being made. At the entrance of the smoke-filled area, I noticed that the smoke was being generated by a house. I know this because the walls are not as cold as the floor or the other walls I felt. I knocked on the door, but the fragile, frosty door broke off, quickly revealing the inside. There was an honest-to-god fireplace! With a bed, upstairs loft.. and..and everything! Am I imagining this? If not, then.. I don't care! I sealed away the open entrance with some useless stone and debris found in the house. I then took off my cold-to-the-touch spacesuit and embraced the warm fire.

Day 50 hour 1: Got my watch working. Turns out the inside of the loft has supplies. Human supplies. I scarfed down the innards of the the supply crates. Meat..pies...fruit...pretzels... hershey bars! Ice cream!! I haven't had food and drink in days...Whomever made this house MUST be a human. Judging by the strength of the fire, it was built recently. Maybe about 20 minutes ago. They should be back.

Day 50, hour 2: I hear footsteps! The makers of this house must be back. I need to know what the hell is going on here.

Day 51 hour 1: *scribbled-out writing; unable to make out the words*

Day 60 hour 1: Hey, if anyone picks this note up, you're probably cold, tired, and.... hungry. The name is Sargent Freeman, aka Jaws by my nickname. North 2 blocks is a comfy house, with a nice, warm fire, with lots of supplies. Why don't you come on by and take a load off? You wouldn't want to let the cold air get you, now would ya?

9,507 posts

*grumbles about not having an edit feature*

Day 42 hour 3: Badger and I sent Fishie out to see why the engine wouldn't start.

Day 42 hour 4: We all heard rumbling from outside the ship. Fishie probably found the small problem and fixed it. Heavy banging is thrown on the door entrance. We told Fishie to radio us if he needed inside. Badger was sent to see what the problem is.
5,860 posts

I am going to write a story for this. It might be bad though.

*opens notebook*

9,507 posts

Bah you should have posted the story in the first place instead of declaring you were by posting! DX

Now the SSContest is not dead anymore at least lol

*heads a search party to find/apprehend/bag Alt*

5,860 posts

Ahh this is hard. My story sucks. I won't enter.

13,658 posts

Okay, I don't care what Alt says, since he seemingly didn't do anything about it.
The contest is going to get the kick, because there is too little interest.

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