ForumsWEPRThe Lord's Boot Camp

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The show came on CBS 48 hours last night. It was about these evangelical children sent away to a camp to learn how to infringe their beliefs on others. I was actually quite disturbed by the show, I felt like those children were brainwashed. They were at the age when their minds are being molded and when an adult tells them something is right they just believe it. I think they use these children to lure people in. It's almost sickening.

What are people's views on this huge Evangelical movement? They estimate that 80 million Americans are Evangelical.

  • 24 Replies
922 posts

Really? I had no idea it was that many! This kind of reminds me of what Hitler did. He started the Hitler's youth and sort of "brainwashed" the children. It is pretty creepy to think about this.

908 posts

I didn't have the occasion to see this show... Too bad.
In Europe, we (I'm talking about the Evangelical movement in Europe) consider the American evangelicals as a kind of "extremist" christians. It's true that their education methods might sometimes seem really frightening and unnatural. What you're pointing out is really... creepy, even for me and I'm a Christian.
Though, I don't think it's appropriate to compare it to Hitler's methods...

They tend to overexaggerate the Bible's teachings...

922 posts

I'm not really trying to compare it to Hitler's whole idea. I was just saying that Hitler got an idea into the minds of children in the stage that their mind is molding.

324 posts

Yeait kind of sounds like that Hitlers summer capms where you sent your kid for free and he or she comes back a nazi i dont think that they should force the kids.

10 posts

Those kids who go to that camp are not forced. They actually like going there. Obviously they're brought up by very religious families so the camp feels natural and right to them.

242 posts

I am against anyone trying to infringe upon me with their beliefs, be it religion or vegetarianism. Believe what you wish with my blessing. Annoy me with it at your peril.

Take your fanaticism elsewhere.

5,001 posts

It's not even that they are trying to spread something good. There are aspects of Christianity that I like when it comes to treating others and a guideline for living life. The problem is these people are telling these children to inform others that they are going to perish in Hell if they do not fall in line with them. The people they turn are just a number to them.

The scene that got me the most was when this 12 y/o girl went to a nursing home and quickly tried to save this elderly woman. She asked her: "Do you accept Jesus Christ as your savior?" The elderly woman responded with tears: "Yes, I do." Then the girl said, "OKAY! Let me go get a form!"


3,675 posts
Jester reminds a lot of group of homeless orphns picking pockets. But with now with forms and Jesus.
Hilarious situations ensue!

I have heard a lot of kids being brainwashed with religon before, whether it be by parents or afore mentioned ways. and it just seems so wrong on os many levels. The kids seems to have no thoughts of ther own or free will. They are told what is expected of them, what they will do and all that jazz.

3,827 posts

From my understanding, Evangelicalism is now the most prominent Christian denomination in America; since it has its roots there, I guess that makes sense.
This is, however, one of the symptoms of having religion in the first place. In his most recent book, Sam Harris makes the claim that religious extremism is really no different than any other aspect of the religion - they all rely on certain fundamental principles on which to operate.
While I don't agree with Harris' view, this is certainly a symptom of the "brainwashing" that happens to every child who is raised in a religious household. I think to tell a child that a magical creature is watching their every move and will send them to Hell if they mess up is pretty wrong. Ugh... I can already feel the pounding I'm about to get for this...

3,675 posts

Heh, well atleast I agree with you on that train of thought. But it is a lonely, desolate train.

It is kind of like combining Santa, the Boogeyman and leprechauns all in one. You can never see it, but it is there watching you. Based on what you do you will either be rewarded or punished. And if you find it in a way, you get a veritable treasure trove of happiness! Really, you will.

1,281 posts

if the world would show christianity like it actually was, more people would be Christian, but weve turned it onti another reason to kill, lie, steal, and eat little kids in "The name of the lord"

873 posts

well, i didn't see that episode or anything, but i see this everyday, teachers at school, parents, and church, they all say what is right and what is wrong, and if you disagree they get mad for having an opinion. the only cool adult is my social studies teacher, who actully lets you explain yourself, there are a few kids that arn't hardcore bible followers, it has really gotten annoying, and this site ir really the only time i ever get without hearing people trying to preach to me. Dan the Norseman has made a video similair to this, and no im not im, just a big fan of his videos.

14 posts

Let's see, the crusades (christians killing Arabs), the Vandals (Protestants who killed Catholics), the Inquisition (Catholics who killed everything), the KKK (Protestants who killed everything, not unlike the bleach that made their uniforms) etc. Christians don't have a good enough record to tell other people who is going to "burn in hell".

266 posts

I agree with dirkpitt completely, true Christianity is about love and mercy, not all of the mindless killings most of those 'so-called' Christians did.

Anyways, it is a true fact that most people in America believe in a God in some way; a recent poll showed that 62% of people in America believe there is a God (however, only 4% of those people actually held to true beliefs). And about that Bootcamp show 'brainwashing' children, do not try and pull that crap - public schools all over America try and say that evolution is how the world began, so that message gets distributed way more than the Gospel.

10,816 posts

Urgh, I thought by now it was clear that evolution isn't in diametric opposition to religious theology...but then again, I certainly do know that certain members of educational staff tend to take their views a little too far- so much so as to compromise the principles of public education. For example, the school of Medicine at my uni is home to some of the most outspoken proponents of evolutionists I have ever known personally, going so far as to pooh-pooh 'creationism' in the course of their lectures and say outright 'evolution is fact, you're stupid to deny it.'

Well, I find evolution to be a very handy concept, but I think that is a little inappropriate!

My broad point being yeah, brainwashing happens everywhere. Heck, we need to understand why we call it brainwashing as opposed to simple "conditioning" or "training". I think that facet lies in the manner of teaching as well as the institutional nature. Here, we are disturbed because we can perceive that some sort of 'agency' is being denied to people in a blatant, pressurised manner, and it is the results of this that we worry about.

So I'd say that it's true- we can discuss the proliferation of boot-camps as institutional tools of brain-washing, especially as we take more notice of those with a religious theme (not to mention the boot-camps that are supposed to cure you of deviant sexual orientations!) because of its relevance to society today...because of the rise in profile of evangelical denominations (including the highly charismatic Pentacostal and Assembly of God churchs). Not to say this is the only religion (Scientology?) or even environment (the lectures on metabolism that I attended, lol) in which brainwashing happens or can happen.

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