ForumsForum GamesRealm of Shadows

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2,159 posts

You are suddenly awoken by a thorough chill that pulses through your body. Half-awake, you get out of bed and begin getting dressed. You finish, but then notice something strange: the sun isn't up, yet there is an eerie light filling your room.
You explore the rest of your house and find that you are alone. No family. You step outside. Shadowy mists are flowing everywhere, and disgruntling whispers can be heard from... somewhere. A pang of fear pierces your chest when you look around and see nothing. All that is visible in any direction more than 50 feet outside of your house is a roiling blackness.

This is a role-playing game set in a mysterious shadowy realm.
Up to 7 people may join by filling out the form below:
[You have 15 points to use on the below stats.]
[This is related to the damage you will deal.]
Defense: [This is related to your resistance to taking damage.]
Agility: [This determines who moves first, second, etc.]
Luck: [This determines you chance to do extra damage, and the amount of extra damage done.]
Ability name: [You get to be creative! I will check this.]
Ability description: [You get to decide! I will check this, too.]

Up to 7 players will be accepted. Players will engage it battles with enemies that I determine. Players will request their actions to me during a battle, and I will do appropriate calculations. Players start at level 1, and will receive experience (XP) to level up for doing damage to enemies, defeating an enemy, and winning a battle (though there may be more).
Outside of battle, I will provide some guidance, but overall the players will request what to do. There are innumerable actions players can choose. When one player suggests an action, I will either post it for players to agree with or shoot down, and if a player consensus has already been reached, I will tell what happens as a result of the players' actions. If the players wish to separate and explore separately, that is fine, they need only request it. However, the hordes of enemies players encounter will NOT be weakened for a solo player.

Any other information needed? Just ask!

  • 656 Replies
294 posts

Name: Ben Fyre
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 4
Agility: 3
Luck: 3
Weapons: 0 WP
Black-bladed katana (2), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, def +1, +3% poison chance) [Equipped]
Electric iron glove (1), lv1, 1 hand (agi +1, +3% shock chance)
Ability: Guard Hounds [Can summon any type of hound desired (cannot attack while hound is present).]

I travel a little bit to search the tundra

6,804 posts

Name: Mav
Gender: Male
XP: 39
To next level: 6 XP
Level: 3
Health: 20/25
Offense: 7
Defense: 7
Agility: 4
Luck: 3
Weapons: 3 WP
Big Club (2), lv1, 2 hand (off +4, def +1, agi -1) [Equipped; ready to upgrade]
Ability: Stoic [Feels nothing; no fear, no pain, no weakness.]

I see. I'll save my WP for now, incase I get a better weapon.


Guess I'll take a branch, and light it on fire as a torch, then I'll continue following the tracks. If the shadow things caused the tracks, then I'll head in the direction they were going.

5,346 posts

Name: Blue Wings [Assassins member]
Gender: Male
XP: 12.1
To next level: 12.9 XP
Level: 2
Health: 20/22
Offense: 2
Defense: 2
Agility: 8
Luck: 5
Weapons: 1 WP
Wooden staff (2), lv1, 2 hand (special effect chance +4%) [Equipped]
Ability: Elemental
(6)Fire - May cause burn
(8)Ice - May freeze
(4)Thunder - Hits all enemies - May shock
(5)Poison - May poison
(20%)Light - Heal an ally - May give ally bonus health each turn

i think its better if we go to the light.

9,447 posts

Name: James Kratos
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 4
Agility: 4
Luck: 2
Weapons: 0 WP
*Bowie knife (1), lv1, 1 hand (agi +1, lck +1) [Equipped]
*Double Bowie knife (2), lv1, 2 hand (off +1, agi +1, lck +2)
Scimitar (1), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, agi +1)
Ability: Melee Master [Is very skilled with melee and brawl weapons.]

I sheath my scimitar and follow him.

2,752 posts

Name: Tegael
Gender: Male
XP: 2
To next level: 8 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 6
Defense: 2
Agility: 4
Luck: 3
Weapons: 0 WP
Kitchen knife (1), lv1, 1 hand (lck +2) [--->]
Double kitchen knife (2), lv1, 2 hand (off +1, lck +3) [Equipped]
Ability name: Eagle Eye [Has improved eyesight and can determine enemies' weaknesses easily.]

Wait... does my switching weapons count as the engaging action? If not, I try to spot a weak spot on Blumbrus and have a go at it with the double kitchen knife.

2,159 posts

[Oof! This was a looooooong post. But it's worth it! So, here we go:


I have created a map in my Excel workbook so I can better track the movements of all of you. > Totally not creeper-ish or anything. :P

Also, I have edited the formulas for level-up gains, so each level up your stats increase by more. However, you probably won't notice this change for a long time; it is very minuscule.

Finally, I have decided to add weather to battles! I am creating functions for it (as I need different ones for each weather condition for best effect). I can't wait to implement it (for those of you who don't know; I'm a huge weather fanatic, and I want to go into meteorology as a career).

As always, any suggestions, comments, questions, concerns (the whole spiel) are happily taken. However (I don't think this is an issue with this group) I do not appreciate derision or profanity at all. If you have something negative to say, please say it in the most respectful way possible. ]

Name: Ben Fyre
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 4
Agility: 3
Luck: 3
Weapons: 0 WP
Black-bladed katana (2), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, def +1, +3% poison chance) [Equipped]
Electric iron glove (1), lv1, 1 hand (agi +1, +3% shock chance)
Ability: Guard Hounds [Can summon any type of hound desired (cannot attack while hound is present).]

You meander aimlessly around the tundra for a while, but it seems to go on forever. After a few hours of searching, something catches your eye. In the distance, you see patches of the tundra wavering, as if intense heat was distorting your vision. But... how can that be? It's freezing on the tundra. Will you investigate?
Name: Mav
Gender: Male
XP: 39
To next level: 6 XP
Level: 3
Health: 20/25
Offense: 7
Defense: 7
Agility: 4
Luck: 3
Weapons: 3 WP
Big Club (2), lv1, 2 hand (off +4, def +1, agi -1) [Equipped; ready to upgrade]
Ability: Stoic [Feels nothing; no fear, no pain, no weakness.]

After some investigation, you conclude that the Tripuvatuses had made the tracks, and continue in the direction they were heading. However, the strange sensation of being observed continues to nag you. Occasionally, you hear the snapping of twigs behind you...

As you progress, the bare branches of the trees slowly form a canopy over your head, and light slowly becomes more scarce...

Name: Sensei Bassami [Assassins leader]
Gender: Male (21 years)
XP: 8.6
To next level: 1.4 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 5
Agility: 4
Luck: 1
Weapons: 0 WP
[Too many weapons described. Please choose only three.]
Ability: Ninja sensei [Has the powers of a ninja, but is faster, stronger, and possesses more weapons.]

Name: Blue Wings [Assassins member]
Gender: Male
XP: 12.1
To next level: 12.9 XP
Level: 2
Health: 20/22
Offense: 2
Defense: 2
Agility: 8
Luck: 5
Weapons: 1 WP
Wooden staff (2), lv1, 2 hand (special effect chance +4%) [Equipped]
Ability: Elemental
(6)Fire - May cause burn
(8)Ice - May freeze
(4)Thunder - Hits all enemies - May shock
(5)Poison - May poison
(20%)Light - Heal an ally - May give ally bonus health each turn

After some toil, you manage to reach the bright gap in the cave. You find yourself near the border of the Obsidian Sands. If the distance, you see shadowy figures on the move. However, this becomes the least of your concern when you hear the crunch of footsteps behind you. The three swordsmen from before stand opposite the hole from you, grinning and snarling wickedly...
Name: James Kratos
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 4
Agility: 4
Luck: 2
Weapons: 0 WP
*Bowie knife (1), lv1, 1 hand (agi +1, lck +1) [Equipped]
*Double Bowie knife (2), lv1, 2 hand (off +1, agi +1, lck +2)
Scimitar (1), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, agi +1)
Ability: Melee Master [Is very skilled with melee and brawl weapons.]

The man leads you into an alleyway. He glances about cautiously often, but finally says, "The task I have at hand is very arduous. I have found a small shadow outpost, and I want you to help me raid it."

He casts another furtive glance, "It is an urgent task, and I feel your assistance would be vital. Oh, and you can not, can NOT, tell Lusim. I don't want him getting into this..."

The man glances at you, and for a second, a horrified look flashes across his face, as if he had said something he shouldn't have; but it soon fades. "By the way, I'm Aspero."
Name: Tegael
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 16/20
Offense: 6
Defense: 2
Agility: 4
Luck: 3
Weapons: 0 WP
Kitchen knife (1), lv1, 1 hand (lck +2)
Double kitchen knife (2), lv1, 2 hand (off +1, lck +3) [Equipped]
Ability name: Eagle Eye [Has improved eyesight and can determine enemies' weaknesses easily.]

[Yes, switching weapons takes up one action slot. A normal turn has four; I allow you to attack four times (except for Blue Wings, whose attacks are more powerful). An engaging attack has only one action slot, and you used that up changing weapons. Sorry if that was unclear!

Oh, also, the "Blumbrus" should also be a "Glumbrus". I hit the wrong key! :P At least I know which one you wanted to attack. ]

Battle 7 - Turn 1

Tegael's turn
Tegael locates Glumbrus 1's weak spot and uses this information to also decipher Glumbrus 2's weak spot. Next, Tegael assaults Glumbrus 1.
Glumbrus 1 takes 15 damage! Tegael accrues [love that word] 1.5XP.

Glumbrus 1 is defeated!
Tegael gets 3XP for this feat.

Glumbrus 2's turn
Glumbrus 2 strikes Tegael twice with its sword.
Tegael takes 4 damage.

Tegael -- lv1 -- 16/20 -- Eagle Eye -- 6.5XP from battle so far
Offense 6
Defense 2
Agility 4
Luck 3

1: [Defeated] Lv1 Glumbrus
2: Glumbrus -- lv2 -- 30/30 !!!Defense down

5,346 posts

Name: Blue Wings [Assassins member]
Gender: Male
XP: 12.1
To next level: 12.9 XP
Level: 2
Health: 20/22
Offense: 2
Defense: 2
Agility: 8
Luck: 5
Weapons: 1 WP
Wooden staff (2), lv1, 2 hand (special effect chance +4%) [Equipped]
Ability: Elemental
(6)Fire - May cause burn
(8)Ice - May freeze
(4)Thunder - Hits all enemies - May shock
(5)Poison - May poison
(20%)Light - Heal an ally - May give ally bonus health each turn

"well.... i guess we have to fight."

(great a fight all alone... i dont think sensei will come back from his mysterious zombie state )

1,255 posts

sorry guys i am really sorry i forgot to post now i will come sorry blue

Name: Sensei Bassami [Assassins leader]
Gender: Male (21 years)
XP: 8.6
To next level: 1.4 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 5
Agility: 4
Luck: 1
Weapons: 0 WP
weapons:throwing stars.long katana.short katana
Ability: Ninja sensei [Has the powers of a ninja, but is faster
stronger, and possesses more weapons.]

ok i guess we should fight i try to attack with my long katana

5,346 posts

Name: Blue Wings [Assassins member]
Gender: Male
XP: 12.1
To next level: 12.9 XP
Level: 2
Health: 20/22
Offense: 2
Defense: 2
Agility: 8
Luck: 5
Weapons: 1 WP
Wooden staff (2), lv1, 2 hand (special effect chance +4%) [Equipped]
Ability: Elemental
(6)Fire - May cause burn
(8)Ice - May freeze
(4)Thunder - Hits all enemies - May shock
(5)Poison - May poison
(20%)Light - Heal an ally - May give ally bonus health each turn

[wow that was like the hero that comes in the last second... thanks XD its like you heard me saying your name XP]

2,752 posts

Name: Tegael
Gender: Male
XP: 3.5
To next level: 6.5 XP
Level: 1
Health: 16/20
Offense: 6
Defense: 2
Agility: 4
Luck: 3
Weapons: 0 WP
Kitchen knife (1), lv1, 1 hand (lck +2)
Double kitchen knife (2), lv1, 2 hand (off +1, lck +3) [Equipped]
Ability name: Eagle Eye [Has improved eyesight and can determine enemies' weaknesses easily.]

Sorry if that was unclear!
Oh, it wasn't at all. It's just getting harder and harder for me to keep up.
love that word
So do I. First time I saw it (not here) I was like "What did you say?", but I looked it up and then I was "Ohhhh.".
The weather conditions addition looks like a nice, original idea!
Also, I think you copied an older version of my sheet, 'cause, after your mentioning a 2 XP gain, I noted it up there. Let me fix that.
I go for the weak spot, again, until it is down.
By the way, when this battle is over, I would like to have both knives equipped.
6,804 posts

Name: Mav
Gender: Male
XP: 39
To next level: 6 XP
Level: 3
Health: 20/25
Offense: 7
Defense: 7
Agility: 4
Luck: 3
Weapons: 3 WP
Big Club (2), lv1, 2 hand (off +4, def +1, agi -1) [Equipped; ready to upgrade]
Ability: Stoic [Feels nothing; no fear, no pain, no weakness.]

I'll climb into a tree, and hide myself, When my persuer is below me, I'll jump down and brain them. Braining people is fun.

294 posts

Name: Ben Fyre
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 4
Agility: 3
Luck: 3
Weapons: 0 WP
Black-bladed katana (2), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, def +1, +3% poison chance) [Equipped]
Electric iron glove (1), lv1, 1 hand (agi +1, +3% shock chance)
Ability: Guard Hounds [Can summon any type of hound desired (cannot attack while hound is present).]

I go investigate

2,159 posts

[Phew! A lot of renovating going on to my Excel workbook! :P

Oh, and welcome back Sensei! I'm sorry if I neglected to post on your profile (in fact, I was about to do it when I saw your posts). But, welcome, and not a moment too soon!

Oh, whenever you decide to engage in a battle, tell me your engaging action! You will lose this attack if you do not describe it to me, as seen in the Assassins party's battle below.]


Name: Sensei Bassami [Assassins leader]
Gender: Male (21 years)
XP: 8.6
To next level: 1.4 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 5
Agility: 4
Luck: 1
Weapons: 0 WP
Throwing stars (1), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, lck +1)
Long katana (2), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, def +1, agi +1) [Equipped]
Short katana (1), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, def +1)
Ability: Ninja sensei [Has the powers of a ninja, but is faster, stronger, and possesses more weapons.]

Name: Blue Wings [Assassins member]
Gender: Male
XP: 12.1
To next level: 12.9 XP
Level: 2
Health: 22/22 [Healed over time.]
Offense: 2
Defense: 2
Agility: 8
Luck: 5
Weapons: 1 WP
Wooden staff (2), lv1, 2 hand (special effect chance +4%) [Equipped]
Ability: Elemental
(6)Fire - May cause burn
(8)Ice - May freeze
(4)Thunder - Hits all enemies - May shock
(5)Poison - May poison
(20%)Light - Heal an ally - May give ally bonus health each turn

[You have a rough battle ahead of you; get ready!]

Battle begin! Battle 8

XP bonus!
Fearless +2XP for Sensei Bassami and Blue Wings
[Engaged a horde with more members than your party.]

Engaging attack
Blue Wings does nothing. [Nothing against you; you didn't describe anything. D:]
Sensei Bassami attacks Glumbrus 1 with his long katana.
Glumbrus 1 takes 2 damage! Sensei Bassami procures 0.2XP.

Sensei Bassami -- lv1 -- 20/20 -- Ninja Sensei -- 2.2XP from battle so far
Offense 5
Defense 5
Agility 4
Luck 1
Blue Wings -- lv2 -- 22/22 -- Elemental -- 2XP from battle so far
Offense 2
Defense 2
Agility 8
Luck 5

1: Glumbrus -- lv2 -- 28/30
2: Glumbrus -- lv2 -- 30/30
3: Glumbrus -- lv3 -- 50/50
Name: Tegael
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 16/20
Offense: 6
Defense: 2
Agility: 4
Luck: 3
Weapons: 0 WP
Kitchen knife (1), lv1, 1 hand (lck +2)
Double kitchen knife (2), lv1, 2 hand (off +1, lck +3) [Equipped]
Ability name: Eagle Eye [Has improved eyesight and can determine enemies' weaknesses easily.]

[Ah, ah, ah! I do not award XP gained from a battle until the battle is over. I do this for a couple reasons: (1) I can easily track how much XP players gain by putting it right in the battle, and (2) I don't have to worry about players leveling up during a battle. Sorry if this is inconvenient! D:

Oh, also, you cannot have both of your weapons equipped because one is a two-handed weapon. Assuming you only have two hands and you are not a deft foot user, there is no way for you to wield the weapon. ]

Battle 7 - Turn 2

Tegael's turn
Tegael attacks Glumbrus 2's weak spot persistently.
Glumbrus 2 takes 16 damage! Tegael stumbles randomly across 1.6 XP.

Glumbrus 2's turn
Glumbrus 2 relaxes, and seems to bulk up.

Tegael -- lv1 -- 16/20 -- Eagle Eye -- 8.1XP from battle so far
Offense 6
Defense 2
Agility 4
Luck 3

1: [Defeated] Lv1 Glumbrus
2: Glumbrus -- lv2 -- 14/30 !!!Defense down (2), Offense up (3)

2,159 posts

[Uh oh! I apologize, Mav and GoldEmerald23, I got ninja'd, sort of. Well, actually that's a poor excuse for me not refreshing my page before I replied.]
Name: Mav
Gender: Male
XP: 39
To next level: 6 XP
Level: 3
Health: 20/25
Offense: 7
Defense: 7
Agility: 4
Luck: 3
Weapons: 3 WP
Big Club (2), lv1, 2 hand (off +4, def +1, agi -1) [Equipped; ready to upgrade]
Ability: Stoic [Feels nothing; no fear, no pain, no weakness.]

You hide, then wait. And wait. You wait for such a long time that some random force makes everything move in fast motion to show how long you're waiting [].

However, your &quotursuer" never appears...
Name: Ben Fyre
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 4
Agility: 3
Luck: 3
Weapons: 0 WP
Black-bladed katana (2), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, def +1, +3% poison chance) [Equipped]
Electric iron glove (1), lv1, 1 hand (agi +1, +3% shock chance)
Ability: Guard Hounds [Can summon any type of hound desired (cannot attack while hound is present).]

You creep closer, and are alarmed to find floating blobs of shadows. There appear to be to varieties; floating shadows with an ice cloud trailing them, and floating shadows with flames emanating from them...

Will you continue to investigate?

5,346 posts

Name: Blue Wings [Assassins member]
Gender: Male
XP: 12.1
To next level: 12.9 XP
Level: 2
Health: 22/22 [Healed over time.]
Offense: 2
Defense: 2
Agility: 8
Luck: 5
Weapons: 1 WP
Wooden staff (2), lv1, 2 hand (special effect chance +4%) [Equipped]
Ability: Elemental
(6)Fire - May cause burn
(8)Ice - May freeze
(4)Thunder - Hits all enemies - May shock
(5)Poison - May poison
(20%)Light - Heal an ally - May give ally bonus health each turn

i will use thunder to hit all of them and hoping to shock them too.

[ how much time do you give before making the next round? like how do you decide when the next round will be because sensei has to act too]

Showing 211-225 of 656