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Basically just a thread to rant about anything and everything. I won't bore you with rules or anything, just remember to stick to the community guidelines and don't let this get out of hand

  • 297 Replies
1,825 posts

I hate it when i see some guy who thinks he deserves more attention bcuz he is rich.

65 posts

I hate it when i see some guy who thinks he deserves more attention bcuz he is rich.

It's not quite right. Rich people don't think they deserve more attention or think that they can do anything they want. It's like they grow with this view of life - that they can get anything they want and they have greater attention.
It was put in our minds in childhood that rich people are special and you must treat them especially. So it's not only their (rich people) problem, the problem in all of us. People always feel hatred to others if they envy them (you may not accept it, but unconsciously deep inside your mind it's so).
3,379 posts

I HATE, and I mean HATE the phrase "If you're not a part of the solution, you're part of the problem." It's one of those teacher sayings that is meant to sound smart at first. But when you think about it, it is compleatly stupid and cannot be proven.

2,914 posts

I HATE, and I mean HATE the phrase "If you're not a part of the solution, you're part of the problem." It's one of those teacher sayings that is meant to sound smart at first. But when you think about it, it is compleatly stupid and cannot be proven.

That is incredibly stupid, so I guess everyone in the world that doesn't know the person and their problems suddenly becomes part of the problem? Tell that to your teacher see what he/she says.

But I hate procrastination. It's so easy to be swallowed up by it and it happens to me every time a project is assigned. And once swallowed by it, you usually don't do anything about until 10pm the night before the project's due. Like right now, I should be typing up a book report, but instead, I'm on AG playing the ban game and ranting how I hate procrastination.
52 posts

Okay, get this. Some jerk goes ahead and shoves me around, so I fight back. Then my teacher freaking gives ME detention and he gets off scot free. Talk about justice!

9,447 posts

Okay, get this. Some jerk goes ahead and shoves me around, so I fight back. Then my teacher freaking gives ME detention and he gets off scot free. Talk about justice!

I know that's the way it works, so I don't risk fighting back. I've got a high tolerance to pain.

But I hate procrastination. It's so easy to be swallowed up by it and it happens to me every time a project is assigned. And once swallowed by it, you usually don't do anything about until 10pm the night before the project's due. Like right now, I should be typing up a book report, but instead, I'm on AG playing the ban game and ranting how I hate procrastination.

I've got homework due tomorrow that I should be doing too, but I guess I like the rush of getting it done quickly and spontaneously.
1,607 posts

Okay, get this. Some jerk goes ahead and shoves me around, so I fight back. Then my teacher freaking gives ME detention and he gets off scot free. Talk about justice!

You're quite unlucky, it is really funny cause in my situation, whenever I do something bad, I never get caught and whenever someone else does the same thing, they get caught. It was to such an extream that people joked that I could kill someone in school and no teacher would notice.

But I hate procrastination

Procrastination could really get you in trouble sometimes. Alot of times I leave things to the last minute and end up rushing it.
Showing 286-292 of 297