ForumsNews and FeedbackWhat are your thoughts on AG3?

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16 posts

I haven't taken a Huge look into it, but from what I've seen I don't like it all that much at all. I'd love to see other peoples opinions on it. I've always liked the classic look of Armor Games that they've been sporting for quite some time. The newer one looks to, well new lol.

  • 50 Replies
5,881 posts

Sorry for the dp. I meant AG3 not AG4...

7 posts

I am an old user on AG, all the way from the Gondor Games era. The only two gaming sites that i play are here and in the past few years Kongregate, i really don't like the layouts or quality of other sites. I definitely like AG2 better,(I would also be really sad to loose all my built up points) and agree that the change in layout has leaned a lot towards Kongregate, and has become more generic. I feel that if this is followed through with how the beta currently is that i would end up stopping playing one of the two sites because there so similar. The main reason i play Kong is for the badges, it gives me random good games to play when im bored, but i usually check AG first. I think that i would probably stop playing AG because of the fact that since i loose my rank, would not want to spend the time to get it all back and instead would continue progressing my rank on Kong. Anyways you asked for opinions, and i know mine isn't very detailed or give many reasons why but im just throwing my 2 cents in.

138 posts

I'm a relatively new player, and have fallen in love with this site. There is nothing wrong the way it is now, the layout it fine, the games are organised well, and it's not over the top. I don't see why there needs to be any change at all. Why fix something that's not broken? From what i've been looking into so far about the changes, especially the Armor points, ranking system and all these new changes to it really upsets me. Reset all my points to zero? I know I don't have many, but I still spent time getting them, and tbh one of the big things that keeps me coming back is that ****ed point system, and as far as I can tell so far I don't like the new way, so we'll see how much longer i'll be sticking around...hopefully for a good while longer tho =]

6 posts

better website = more people so go for it

1 posts

Seriously, LOVE IT!!!!!!!! So much better than the old one.
Hello People Reccomend ur friends 2 dis site!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 posts

Yea, "better website". And does reducing the number of new games on the front page make the site better?

Seriously, the proposed design (I'm not talking about community features and stuff, just about the layout and content) seems to me to be a total ripoff of Kongregate. I wouldn't really care much if it was a change for the better, but I don't see it that way.

I think that the rather clean and not-very-disturbing layout is actually a competitive advantage for AG.

If you go forward with this, then I hope that there will be a way to access the games published here in some other way, ideally the good old current AG way, or some other clean and condensed list of games.

38 posts

[quote]Yea, "better website". And does reducing the number of new games on the front page make the site better?
Seriously, the proposed design (I'm not talking about community features and stuff, just about the layout and content) seems to me to be a total ripoff of Kongregate. I wouldn't really care much if it was a change for the better, but I don't see it that way.
I think that the rather clean and not-very-disturbing layout is actually a competitive advantage for AG.
If you go forward with this, then I hope that there will be a way to access the games published here in some other way, ideally the good old current AG way, or some other clean and condensed list of games.

@coyotik, I'm with you there on the amount of games they reduced, I hope they can fit in more games that deserve to be on the front page, but my question here is, what is the new layout ripping off of Kongregate? Just wondering.

38 posts

Shoot sorry, I accidently put the whole line in quote.

5 posts

what is the new layout ripping off of Kongregate

Pretty much everything. Open them side by side and what do you see?
- topbar... well, OK, most sites have one like this and it's not bad.
- big section with side-scrolling Promoted games (AG) vs. Featured games (KG). Yes, there are some differences, on KG you see author and description whereas on AG you only get big picture and number of plays + rating on hover.
- below that, 3 new&hot and 3 editor&community picks (AG) vs. Hot new Games and Recommended for you (KG). (yea, KG also has contest as 3rd column
- below that, category sections in 2 columns, the only difference is that KG has 8 categories with 5 games shown and AG 10 categories with 4 games shown. And news on the right side for both.

I think that if somebody took care to replace graphics, the two sites would be hard to tell apart .

I wouldn't really mind a ripoff (or, to call it politely, a very strong inspiration) if it didn't so negatively affect usability.
311 posts

@xzaithyr the AG2 site is old in tech way behind it NEEDED an update (please read the forums and topic more i posted that several times)

all i think needs to be done is change it so more games can be displayed and change the "catigory"s a little, also you guys missed out on a lot of stuff when public beta was released it had a lot of AWEsome user content and more, your only geting half the picture at the moment.

i think you guys need to stop beating a dead horse! go do some thing else stop posting the SAME thing over and over, it will never get you anywhere! take action don't sit here complaning!


if you would have read the AG3 thread some more you would have found that AP may not neven be! we may hav "legacy point" (AP basicly but new cooler name) that you get BASED on GAMEPLAY! so if you can play games you can rank up point like crazy! then with Rep you get that from being good in the forums and geting "likes". so you should not have a problem.(also AG has unquie game content(highscore system, multi-palyed and the list get bigger with AG3).

12,321 posts

if you would have read the AG3 thread some more you would have found that AP may not neven be! we may hav "legacy point" (AP basicly but new cooler name) that you get BASED on GAMEPLAY!

Points for game play will be called Armor Points (AP) and will be for achievements. You were the one that read the forum incorrectly. This is the thread for Armor Points in AG3 (which are not the AP we know of right now).
6 posts

I haven't spent much time on the new site, but I'm hoping that the new site runs as smoothly as the old one does (it has so far), and doesn't become as graphics, or resource, intensive as many other sites are. As for any issues I have with it, there are a couple of things I'd like to see:

-A "by name" sorting option for games. (Sorting options for our favorites list would be nice as well)
-An option to list more games per page with smaller thumbnails, or even a compact list with no thumbnails.

311 posts


both have been sugested, they will and are going to improve paging of the games.


i said nothing wrong, "legacy" points are "AP", it was a second name, there is an idea to change AP to legacy, though non of that was confermed, either way i gave correct info, (i have been with AG3 the whole time constatly posting and keeping updated, i know what i am talking about).

but any ways i don't think you guys are getting any where from beating this dead horse, there are several topics about this with tons of post, i sugest trying something else, go to GS or such, make a differance.

12,321 posts

i said nothing wrong, "legacy" points are "AP", it was a second name, there is an idea to change AP to legacy, though non of that was confermed, either way i gave correct info, (i have been with AG3 the whole time constatly posting and keeping updated, i know what i am talking about).

There has been confirmation that points will be called AP. Therefore, you are wrong.
1 posts

my opinion: i dont like the new page or forum, theyre both horiffically guffed up and unessacery. Theyre a blatent copy of every other online game site EVER and not needed, if like ive heard they current system is un-efficent, then just re-write the same system more efficently.
I love armour games for its uniqueness and as a result its the only game site ive ever used consistenly. All the others just feel like cheap knock-offs, please keep it this way, i cant see any real reasons for change.

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