ForumsThe Tavern(Nostalgia) Was AG better before?

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1,100 posts

Hello. While I was exploring AG-based Xats, I've met several unactive/banned/"old-school" AG Users. Most of them said that, one of the main reasons to their inactivity here is that the site was better before.

Is that true?

How better? They say that the threads had more quality back in time.

Well, I can't tell if it was. I joined June 26th, so that's not too much knowledge on our awesome site...

- R

  • 1,018 Replies
534 posts

Since I am christian I try to convert the person beside me. If I were to say things like this"Burn IN hell Athiest scum!" That would be unchristian like. What I try to do is make good points about the bible, but everyone gets picky about the bible and shows something bad about whitch wasn't really what I was talking about. Cant people stay on topic?

1,094 posts

I think I know it and it's not spam.

Uhm it is... It's only 3 pages John, you can read through 30 posts...
1,094 posts

Cant people stay on topic?

I'm pretty sure you're not on topic at the moment, it's a nostalgic thread, and you're talking about religion... Sir please stop your spam.
13,658 posts

I was pretty sure this was a issue since 2008, atheists are all over the place, just randomly popping out when they sense the word 'bible'

Atheists in general is not the problem, neither is Theist. They have both been here since the beginning, but due to both sides gaining more aggressive and extremists members, the sane/non aggressive/non extremist/normal users kinda slipped from the scene, leaving a bunch of users that can't debate, but will rather argue about how wrong the other is.
It isn't that bad, most users tend to be sane once they get out of the religious chit-chat, but most "discussions" really does end up like that. Extremists/aggressive sides, where someone like me with little enthusiasm about anything kinda just goes "meh, can't be bothered".

Since I am christian I try to convert the person beside me

Please don't. No one likes it, and the Atheists responds by trying to convert you into ... science. It is an evil spiral, and since it's the internet, the chance of changing anyone's opinion is... near zero.
So, debate, but no converting.

I'm pretty sure you're not on topic at the moment, it's a nostalgic thread, and you're talking about religion... Sir please stop your spam.

He wasn't talking about this being offtopic, though.

That said, no, users cannot stay on topic for very long, unless the topic interests them, or they are doing post and run.
I somehow doubt they ever could.

One thing I do miss is the AMV being active when it comes to, well, non poetry. I don't do poetry, it annoys me to no end because I don't understand it, and I am generally not into that kind of - word vomit.
Sadly, stories aren't that effective anymore because no one has time on their hands to actually write a short story, and even fewer have the time or motivation to read it and comment on it, which is obviously why we post it in the first place. Ego stroking.
Same goes for the art. There used to be page up and page down of drawings and animations and general... artistic talent, but it kinda died down a great deal.
And I know, I could be posting more too, but I am extremely narcissistic and proud and the level of ego stroking is not to my satisfactory, so there.
1,752 posts

Uhm it is... It's only 3 pages John, you can read through 30 posts...

I said 'think'. If I should know that the reason were in those pages, of course I should read them.
4,107 posts

everyone gets picky about the bible and shows something bad


Seriously? You can't ignore that there is bad stuff and only talk about the good stuff.
2,920 posts

With out a frickin doubt. All my friends are gone, no one seems like they want to make friendships and the threads are no discussion.

1,567 posts

I remember way back in the midpoint of TTICA (around the time I first joined) that the Tavern had a lot less grammar mistakes. :P

And now that I think of it the Taverns then were not that different from the Taverns now. It was the same sub-forum filled with bored teenaged mind-poop. The vets were just more active. People were just more willing to have interesting discussions. So that big pill of mind-poop turned into a shining pile of mind-poop.

And when the vets migrated to CT. The regular users were greeted by post of newbies that didn't know the rules. The newbies invaded and the regulars were to tired to try and spark discussions. It eventually turned into the modern Tavern! (I'm not implying that I'm a vet. I'm just a guy who wasted a year on a Forum and quit.)

If you excuse me I have important business to continue. SSSSSS- Wait did you hear that? *Turns around* Holly Shi-

2,270 posts

Reading this, I'm thinking I semi-left AG at the perfect time, now that I'm looking at what everyone's saying and realizing how right you guys are.

*sighs* I wasn't around too long for "the good ol' days" of AG. *continues wishing dreamily*

4,223 posts

Not going to lie, this place has been the same since at least January 2009. Now that the idiots of old have matured into semi-decent users, new idiots take over for the matured users to complain about.

The vicious cycle.

1,100 posts

With out a frickin doubt. All my friends are gone, no one seems like they want to make friendships and the threads are no discussion.

@bolded section: Well, actually, I think that started to change since a few months ago. Luckily, everyone sounded so friendly when I was a newbie (I can't say I'm a vet, but I ain't that newbie anymore [right?]). But now, newbies (with their noticeable thread laziness [nothing against it; Just citing]) aren't that friendly anymore (there are exceptions)


Ah... How I wished to be here when that was not locked and not spammy

I wasn't around too long for "the good ol' days" of AG.

I hadn't even joined by that time. That makes me curious about it *dreams HEAVILY*

since at least January 2009

Wow... that's precise.

Now that the idiots of old have matured into semi-decent users, new idiots take over for the matured users to complain about.

The vicious cycle.

I think that the thing that might break this cycle is... AG3
2,920 posts

Not going to lie, this place has been the same since at least January 2009. Now that the idiots of old have matured into semi-decent users, new idiots take over for the matured users to complain about.

Don't worry Orion, I'll always be an old idiot.

I think that the thing that might break this cycle is... AG3

Then were all going to be newbs. Or really old. However you would like to view that.
4,223 posts

Wow... that's precise.

That's when I became active, and it's been the same crap since day one. Only difference being instead of the one creating the crap, I'm not one complaining about it.

Don't worry Orion, I'll always be an old idiot.

Cheers to that. *raises drink*

I think that the thing that might break this cycle is... AG3

It will because all the old users will be flooded out by pure unadulterated idiocy.
5,062 posts

This thread makes me sad. The forums have definitely changed over the last few years, while I wouldn't say for the worse, I can't claim to think they've improved either. I do agree with the sentiment that it's the change from a small to a large community that has affected the site so. Although we should also consider that it is time for school, and that detracts from a lot of users' activity time.

And it makes me a sad panda, because before then, it was actually enjoyable to debate pretty much everything, and get some real discussion out of this, sans the few more... extremist users.

This. WEPR used to be a lot of fun, and strangely enough taught me a lot about how to research for papers and actually make a valid argument. It's not quite the same when every topic seems to degenerate into a "You're stupid for believing in god, well you're going to hell!"

It will because all the old users will be flooded out by pure unadulterated idiocy.

That might just cause the mods to snap.
9,507 posts

I heard from Knight he got banned due to spam.

His final nail in the coffin was a certain thread that contained excessive swearing and name calling.


I lol'd.


I liked the part when users went off-topic every day and then the posh users were like "STROP DEY GO OFF TOPIC AGEN" in his profile. It shall be forever recorded as a reminder to Strop that "Once he tampers with something, whatever happens afterward is out of his hands".
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