ForumsThe TavernZombie survival tips

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7 posts

K, so, this is a general discussion where people share tips about surviving the Zombie Apocalypse. The only requirements here are to remember how far the nearest weapon/grocery store is, or how populated the place you live in is. The larger the spot, the more the zombies. So, you can discuss your basic plan about how to survive, but first, ask yourself some questions, like:
1: What kind of resources do I have?
2: What kind of weapons are available to me now?
2: Where will I go?
Tell about what your main weapon would be (it doesn't have to be a gun), or where you'll go, or if you can improvise.
My main weapons would have to be a shotgun (easy handling, can take out numerous zombies in one shot) or a rifle, and my melee weapon would be a crowbar or an axe, and secondary would be a kitchen or jack knife.

  • 459 Replies
7 posts

This is my first thread, so...

749 posts

Sounds good. Here's a tip, travel at dawn or dusk, and find shelter near water. My main weapon would be a shotgun too, my melee weapon, a samurai sword,( I am not bad with swords) my secondary weapon, grenades. It counts!

1,391 posts

My advice is never go near a quite populated place and stay off the roads, that way the zombies won't find you and will breeze past you for hte more populated place. Look for resorces in small towns etc a farm and go to a cold place so the zombies freeze and become slower.

16,287 posts

well i have tips, just depends on what kind of zombies we're talking about

like L4D? (Fast and rather strong, but easy to kill, with mutated versions that are much stronger and have special ways to attack)
Night of the living Dead? (Slow, stupid and hard to kill)
or something like the walking dead (Medium of the two)

1,606 posts

main weapon would be a shotgun too,

My main weapons would have to be a shotgun (easy handling, can take out numerous zombies in one shot)

I'm assuming you both mean sawed off shotguns (regular shotguns really don't have much spread so they saw off the barrel for more spread) or the kind in video games.
2 posts

a desert eagle, a sniper, a backpack full of food, water, and ammo, a sleeping bag, and a baseball bat.

4,220 posts

10/22 Ruger, scoped.

Easily attained ammo, quiet, and easily mutilates any bloodsucking brain eating zombie's head that thinks to nibble.

7 posts

Um, you know grenades would be totally useless? Most of the damage comes from the fragments, and the only way to kill a zombie is to not only his its head, but to destroy the brain. And they're loud, which is saying "FRESH MEAT!" To all zombies in the area. And remember about what resources you have. I doubt it'll be easy to find a katana or grenade.

And yes, in America it's easy to get a handgun, sawn off or a rifle, but it'll be a wee bit hard to get a high powered sniper rifle, and automatics are the most retarded weapons for the Zombie apocalypse. It's very loud, inaccurate, and, well, just get the Zombie Survival Guide and you'll see what I'm talking about. AK-47s would be awful to take them down.

And it'd be better to travel in midday, because Zombies would own the night.

And just so you know, these are the fast, insane zombies I'm talking
about. And Zombies who eat brains are the old, old types of zombies.
They are only machines, living not to eat but to spread the virus, not to eat brains.

4,220 posts

I can buy a high powered sniper rifle for $140. I can even buy them at Wal-Mart.

Easy peasy.

165 posts

I have to agree with Nundu. Shotguns and rifles are by far the best during the Zombie Apocalypse, and because a crossbow/bow and arrow are fairly hard to get and are only good for one to five numbered encounters, I'll have to go with the shotgun. Also, read the zombie survival guide and he'll tell you why they're bad in the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. Remember, these aren't actual humans, so don't compare soldiers doing so in an ordinary war.

9,439 posts

I can buy a high powered sniper rifle for $140. I can even buy them at Wal-Mart.

I think a Wal-Mart would be the best base if you're with a group. You could pick off zombies over a week or two to thin the crowd. When it's taken over and cleared out, you could use lots of stuff in the store to fortify the area or block the doors. There's plenty of food and drinks to last a long time. There's plenty of weapons to use.

Remember, these aren't actual humans, so don't compare soldiers doing so in an ordinary war.

I think the comparison was that in real life the M16 is loud, but if you're in a battle and the enemy already knows where you are, it dosen't matter. Sometimes the firepower is worth it.
9,504 posts

Live in the mountains of Canada. High altitudes with rocky terrain mean zombies will have to climb to reach you. Their rotten limbs will make climbing very ineffective. Very bitter cold temperatures will make their bodies freeze, while you still have the instincts of wearing warm garments, preparing fires, and cooking food.

1,370 posts

Firstly are they?

Running zombies like in 28 days/weeks later (They aren't really zombies as they are just people with super rabies and aren't half dead so rigor-mortis (the freezing up of joints when you die). hasn't kicked in so they can still run


Slow half dead zombies like in dawn of the dead where rigor-mortis has kicked in.

But if you run out of Arrows you will be screwed

You would be able to pick up most of your arrows because they will be stuck in the zombies dead bodies even though it would be horrible ripping them back out.

For plans IDK because it depends how many people I could get to group together because say if I couldn't contact anyone I would be stuck with my family (6 of us in total) and would barricade the house episode 1 entrance to get supplies.

But if I could get a load of people say 20+ I would take over a shopping center (mall in america) and just live there for awhile.

As for weapons guns are loud and attract zombie attention from far away but if you keep quiet with something like a bow/crossbow there are big advantages like not much sound but they take time to reload and can be tricky to reload so it leaves you open if they get close.

I would go for a Compound bow because they are fast firing and quiet and maybe a pistol or some sort of blade as a backup.

Would type some more about this but atm I think I've said enough.
3,371 posts

They are only machines, living not to eat but to spread the virus, not to eat brains.

Seriously? I give them a week. 3 weeks max to get rid of most of them. By then the stomach acid would have gone stright through them. They should at least bleed out. And with the blood not floowing properly they can't get oxygen to their muscles and then that means no moving or biting. I'd still die of course though. Where I live it's almost impossible to surive a zombie apocolspe thats even that short. I mean it's possible, but you'd most likly die of starvation, or get bitten.
4,220 posts

I think a Wal-Mart would be the best base if you're with a group. You could pick off zombies over a week or two to thin the crowd. When it's taken over and cleared out, you could use lots of stuff in the store to fortify the area or block the doors. There's plenty of food and drinks to last a long time. There's plenty of weapons to use.

Yes, because already looted stores with lots of doors and where people naturally congregate is a good idea to get holed up in.

I recommend staying away from cities period. Stay away from everything.

Oh yes, don't make yourself a big, slow target. Travel light and with few people, maybe four or five. Any more is dangerous and slow.
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