ForumsGamesThings you hate in a game

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207 posts

Plain and simple.What do you hate in a game.

  • 189 Replies
242 posts

- Are u serious ? U can't blame a "first time player".
We have all be through that... Everyone is a noob first time.

I know I hate noobs is usually written by guys who cannot lose and have to blame their team for every lost game.
532 posts

I know I hate noobs is usually written by guys who cannot lose and have to blame their team for every lost game.

The word 'noob' is mostly used by people on games like CoD to describe a player that killed them. I hate people who use it all the time like this.

Or by hypocrites who run around with weapons they think are overpowered on games, or use things they think are 'nooby' (e.g. grenade launcher on CoD), but slag people off for using them against them.

In short, the word noob is stupid and never, ever used correctly.
32 posts

two major things:

1) Pre-boss, unskippable cut-scenes. Seriously, these are the worst. I absolutely hate it when right before an unnaturally hard boss in a game, they have a 5 minute cut scene that you have to sit through. then sit through again if you die, and every apple-pissing time after that. it's like a giant middle finger from the developer...

2) An equally giant middle finger: Quick Time Events. God these are awful. I understand if they are used to expand a game or as a main feature (i.e. Heavy Rain, or the "open chest" in God of War.) But the "Pres X to not die" is the worst game device ever. Like the Krauser fight in Resident Evil 4. I cannot begin to explain how many times I had to sit through that because of my dead cat reflexes.

15,622 posts

- Are u serious ? U can't blame a "first time player".
We have all be through that... Everyone is a noob first time.

Two main definitions for the word noob:
- Someone who does stupid things in games, can be a new player or a player who has been playing for a while. I sometimes make noob mistakes on Call of Duty when I take bad routes and don't check my corners.
- A new player to any game.
I know I hate noobs is usually written by guys who cannot lose and have to blame their team for every lost game.

In objective based games, if your team isn't doing their job then it's their fault you lost. I can't count how many times I've been the only one capturing flags and defending them in domination in Call of Duty when I play alone, and I almost always lose when I play by myself because I get paired with the worst players ever.
672 posts

Noob is derived from the term newb which means newbie or new player. So a noob is someone that is relatively new to the game or hasn't played in a while. I hate people that say noob outside of gaming. Someone called me a noob because i tripped over some stairs and im like WTF.

I hate those games that don't tell you when or if you save because you can sit there playing the game forever and not know what part it saved at. I also hate games that don't save.
I hate not being able to skip cutscenes or credits.
I hate games that don't let you play after the credits.
I hate games that dont save after credits.
I hate when you can't cook a grenade for some reason
I hate when sniping is so unrealistic
I hate when you can't select a Server in multiplayer
I hate Screen Cheaters "definitely"
I hate when little kids spam the freaking mic and your like why the f**k are you playing this rated M game when your like 6.
I hate when games only load the level your on and not the exact place where you were.
I hate games that dont have split screen but obviously have live multiplayer.
I hate games that make the worst spawn points or let people spawn camp and kill you.
I really hate when everyone says face a wall when your AFK but someone always kills you and gets that free kill.

256 posts

Not being able to modifie and actully being able to have more fun by hacking it.

256 posts


I agree with this statment... Noobs are NEW to the game. Lets say your playing a FPS game and there is online ranking, You start out at lvl 1, YOUR A NOOB , but you might be better than alot oof people, and you cant just say, "OHH I'M BETTER THAN YOU NOOB." Cause then you obviously play more than other people..... Point of this comment is that we all have been new to certain games, so stop whining about it.....Your not the best in the word, and if you are then get a life lol...

23 posts

Lag, distortion (video and sound), and of course countless glitches and bugs.

70 posts

-Unskipable intro movies, cutscenes and such.
-Not being able to Alt-Tab without crashing the game.
-Not being able to Alt-F4.

672 posts

I Just have to say this one because I forgot. I hate when a game only focuses on multiplayer and the singleplayer really sucks or doesn't make any sense. This seemed to be the case on Black Ops

32 posts

I agree with Mr_Sand completely. A game should be able to stand on a single player campaign alone. Multiplayer is fun, but should really just be an extra added on to the game when the single player is completed, not the complete basis of the game with single player on the back burner. The biggest offender of this has been the Call of Duty Series. Yes multiplayer can be fun, but what happens when the server goes dead from the next game being released so people don't play it? What happens if you have a shotty internet connection? In the end you payed 60 bucks for a game that will most likely be obsolete in a year or two with nothing more on it to play than a short 5 hour campaign. I'll give these games credit, the campaigns are fun, just too short. If they actually spent time developing them more then the games would be worth the price tag. Just a disclaimer: the only games that are allowed to sell strictly on multiplayer are games where that is the entire point, like Team Fortress 2.

3 posts

lag...lag is the only thing i hate in gaming

672 posts

I think it is annoying all these people that list lag as the thing they hate most about gaming. Because lag is not usually the games' fault. Lag has to do with your consoles graphics card and your internet connection. The better your internet the less lag you have. If you are running on a PC make sure to pick a server that has a relatively low ping. The best bet is 90 and below with 120 being about ok. Never go past 200 ping or you will have the worst lag.
Ping is how long it takes the server to reach your game. If it is higher than other people in the server then you will be at a dis advantage.

1,607 posts

Call of Duty Series

Yea I have always considered that game series a Fad game, and that's why I never bought a single one since I like having a game which I could play even when other people hate it or don't have it. Also I like games that don't have a complete conversion in the whole entier gameplay when you go from singleplayer to multiplayer, COD is the biggest offender of this, I always liked when games make the two modes similar because then you don't have two completly different games and you could train using singleplayer or play singlelayer when no one else plays it and now feel like your issing out on something.
If you are running on a PC make sure to pick a server that has a relatively low ping. The best bet is 90 and below with 120 being about ok. Never go past 200 ping or you will have the worst lag.

Haha I've actualy played games where I have had uncountable ping, the game is international so there is servers all around the world and the ping tracker only goes up to 2500 so I don't know the exact ping I had, it sometimes got annoying because I swear in some servers I had 9000 ping because my messages took about a minute to display to everyone else.
7 posts

I hate when a game only focuses on multiplayer and the singleplayer really sucks or doesn't make any sense. This seemed to be the case on Black Ops

I really thought the campaign of Black Ops really good, just a little "no-sense". I was playing just for kill people, but then i had to kill steiner, dragovich and kravchenko. and the last scene is really cool.

Any mistake in my english, please tell me.
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