ForumsWEPRis abortion ok?

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339 posts

Is abortion ok? I donât think so. The babies that these people are killing is wrong, some people say that itâs not a person that itâs a bag of cells or a fetus and not really human being I have to disagree

Please debate

  • 867 Replies
332 posts

No a fetus is a human it has a heart beat

1,714 posts

I am of the opinion that abortion is ok up to a point. I don't remember how many weeks it is, something like 17-22 sounds right though. Until that point the brain is not capable of running the body or any kind of thought. Past that point is where more and more human mental capabilities start appearing, that is where I think a fetus becomes a human.

8,256 posts

Out of context!!!!

Sorry, I had to...

Nobody says that abortion is comparable to, I don't know, going to the dentist. But you have to see that in some cases abortion is the most sensible thing to do while total prohibition creates only pain and suffering (not that abortion is completely pain-free for the mother, but we're talking on different scales here).

First, children are one of the most important causes of poverty. Fact. Now, what if a woman is pregnant and cannot support financially a child? Forcing her to give birth will ruin her, and the child. You don't want that now don't you.

There's of course the case of ****. If a woman gets *****, and she gets pregnant, what sort of immoral person would force her to keep the baby which will have a major impact on the whole rest of her life (usually a negative one)?

There's a certain point up to when we can say the embroy isn't developed enough yet to be qualified as sentient being; it's just a piece of cells, just like a tumor if you think of it. If abortion is immoral, shouldn't cancer extractions be too?

Lastly, whether abortion is legal and affordable or not, women WILL abort, at least a big part of them. They'll find other ways, and those are usually extremely risky because they're illegal and unprofessional, thus constitute a huge risk for the mother and the child (both might die). You don't want that either don't you.

People should of course still be sensibilized and educated about sex, contraception and all possible causes. People should be responsable. It's a matter to take seriusly. But you should also give the opportunity to the women to decide about their life, by keeping abortion legal. You're doing everyone a favor yet hurting noone.

5,552 posts

The babies that these people are killing is wrong, some people say that itâs not a person that itâs a bag of cells or a fetus and not really human being I have to disagree

Regardless of what you want to call it, there's a fact you can't get around.

It's the mother's body, and if she doesn't want to put up with a parasitic organism inside of her for 9 months that should be her choice.

Should there have been protection used? Probably.
Was it avoidable? Maybe.
Can she support a child if she keeps it? Maybe.
Will it potentially screw up her life? Very possible.
If you didn't want a kid would you go through 9 months and then childbirth? No.
If the mother did keep it, do we really need more kids in the system who have no parents? No.
Was it all completely avoidable and a moot point? Yes.
13,344 posts

How come (no pun intended) a man can... pleasure himself as much as he wants and kill billions of potential human beings without being controversial, but when a woman has just one potential human growing in her body, she is shunned if she decides to end the process?

Now I know that a human sperm cell has no thought process whatsoever making it seem like a very ignorant comparison on my part, but how much thinking do you really think a fetus does? Is it really going to care if you abort it? No, it isn't. Does it have a fair say in the decision on whether or not it gets aborted? No, it doesn't. The only person whose decision it is is the mother's. Not the father's, not the fetus's, and most definitely not the government's.

5,552 posts

Not the father's, not the fetus's, and most definitely not the government's.

Or the religious establishment's.

How come (no pun intended) a man can... pleasure himself as much as he wants and kill billions of potential human beings without being controversial,

In the Bible (I forget the name) is struck down by God for "spilling his seed on the ground." So...yeah.
13,344 posts

Or the religious establishment's.

Which should not, under any circumstances, correspond with the government.

In the Bible (I forget the name) is struck down by God for "spilling his seed on the ground." So...yeah.

But it isn't illegal if you don't do it in public, and even the laws preventing one from doing it in a public place aren't religious laws.
5,552 posts

But it isn't illegal if you don't do it in public, and even the laws preventing one from doing it in a public place aren't religious laws.

I know that, I was just giving an example of where it's forbidden in both instances of "killing possible life" whether it's a man or a woman.

Which should not, under any circumstances, correspond with the government.

But does unfortunately. Tis the reason all our presidents have been Christian and why gay marriage isn't already legal.
5,129 posts

i agree 100% whit hahiha.

a man can... pleasure himself as much as he wants and kill billions of potential human beings without being controversial, but when a woman has just one potential human growing in her body, she is shunned if she decides to end the process?

the only reason i can think of is (kinda out dated)
because a woman has just so much egg's in their body. while man are able to create sperm.

also does a woman not get shunned upon when she has her monthly period. (atleast not everywhere and not for the reason that her egg didn't became a baby.)

but when the process has started and the child is actualy starting to grow. then its a different story. then the fun part is over. and serius questions should be asked. like, "do i realy want this child?" if the answerd is no they should be able to abort the process going on in her body.

But does unfortunately. Tis the reason all our presidents have been Christian and why gay marriage isn't already legal.

off-topic but i'm just so happy we don't have either of these problems in my country. neither religion in our government or illegal gay marriage.
166 posts

I don't believe in it, because it is a human being. It was the womens fault for getting herself into the situation. She should have made the right choice. Seriously, would you be positive about abortion if you were the child being aborted? I guess for Christians like me it's a different perspective, but a fetus is going to be a human baby, and it deserves to live.

202 posts

There's a certain point up to when we can say the embroy isn't developed enough yet to be qualified as sentient being; it's just a piece of cells, just like a tumor if you think of it. If abortion is immoral, shouldn't cancer extractions be too?

Saying this is like saying killing babies is OK. The baby will grow up to be an adult, just as these cells will.
3,371 posts

It was the womens fault for getting herself into the situation.

And what if she was *****? Is it still her fault? Besides, even so it's not fair to the child or the mother if the mother cannot or will not properly take care of the child. You can force the mother to have a baby, but you can't force her to love it. So there will be many more children who grow up unloved.

Seriously, would you be positive about abortion if you were the child being aborted?

No, I wouldn't understand what abortion is. And in most cases I wouldn't understand what pain is.

Saying this is like saying killing babies is OK. The baby will grow up to be an adult, just as these cells will.

It's not the same. Babies can feel pain, but early embroys can't and won't understand what is happening, sense anything, or be awake.
166 posts

I guess if she was ***** you can make an exception. I wasn't thinking of that. However I still don't like the idea, but I see where you are going.

3,085 posts

Did you know that quite a sizeable amount of pregnancies terminate themselves before the potential mother would even know that she's pregnant? Should we arrest everyone that miscarries for murder or manslaughter?

5,552 posts

I don't believe in it, because it is a human being.

Not really. At least, not yet it isn't.

She should have made the right choice

While I agree there should be some form of prevention if you don't want a baby, it doesn't always work. Preventatives can fail. Even condoms, which are the most effective, have like a 99.9% chance to work, which means out of every 1000 women who have protected sex they still can get pregnant. That's still a fair number of unwanted pregnancies.

Seriously, would you be positive about abortion if you were the child being aborted?

I wouldn't have an opinion, seeing as how I wouldn't yet be self aware, no developed brain and all.

but a fetus is going to be a human baby,

It might be one. Miscarriages can happen you know.

Just to be clear on my position: Women should be able to choose if they want to have an abortion or not, it is their body. This does not however mean as some would believe that just because one thinks abortion should be a choice means they also think that women should just go get pregnant to get an abortion or use unprotected sex.
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