No. He's right.
No, he's wrong.
I'm sure you find yourself quite the edgy freethinker coming off all "I ain't afraid of hurting nobody's feelings", but you sided with a bigoted, short-sighted statement on this one.
I figure I'll have to begin to address it, then.
"It's backlash from when we had them as slaves"? Seriously? Do you think the Secret Council of Black People got together and Grandmaster Oprah said "We need to get those crackers back for all that slavery stuff, any suggestions" and Will Smith went "OH I know, let's make a TV channel, that'll show 'em"?
Or do you think the entire living black population secretly hides so deep a remorse over a historical occurrence that directly affected exactly zero of them that they MUST have a media outlet that allows the entire community to share in the loathing?
As I said, the alienation of the black community does indeed largely have roots in a socioeconomic gap that derives from slavery and poor integration of ex-slaves, but that statement lacks any substance or context whatsoever, and implies a level of malice from an entire race that borders on bigotry. "oh they coast on white guilt from when we had them as slaves, so they can be racist and get away with it". No. **** off.
Besides, racism isn't supporting a culture, it's discriminating against others. BET doesn't preach black superiority or anything, it just appeals to a certain well-established culture. It's a niche like any other. No more to it. I'm not saying no black people have ever played "the race card" (frankly, I hate that expression because 99% of the time it's used to justify idiotic statements), but this is simply not the case here.
That is why if you are a fat, black female you have it easy." Holy mother****ing ****, really? "
You have the race card, fat card, and female card." This reeks of entitled white man bull****. You think it's easier being a woman than a man in a sexist, objectifying, patriarchal culture? You call being fat in a society where an unrealistic body image is constantly blasted at you from all conceivable ****ing angles easy? You think it's easier being black in a country with racism so deeply rooted that entire segments of the South are still sore about the defeat of the good ol' Confederacy that let them
own black folks? A country where black people are historically excluded from mainstream society, where some living black people can still remember when they couldn't use the same drinking fountains as whites?
Fat black women have it easy? What the **** kind of world are you living in?
"oh they just playin on peoples feelings" BULL ****ING ****. That's a pathetic excuse not to address why those feelings exist in the first place. You want to make a nuanced, specific argument, you make it, don't take the easy way out.
Go on, I'm listening. Don't just spew recycled prejudices at me like the mindless opinion-sponge you are, talking whatever crap suits your confortable little white American man lifestyle best and lets you think the least.
perfectly open to the idea that racism is used to justify certain actions of black people, but you're gonna have to do better to argue this case.