ForumsPopular MediaWhy do black people get there own TV chanel ?

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100 posts

BET why do they get why try and get are own but they say thats racist

  • 35 Replies
28 posts

The name of your thread is so racist.

3,766 posts

Because it is a backlash of when we had them as slaves. That is the problem, they can do things that are technically racist and get away with it. That is why if you are a fat, black female you have it easy. You have the race card, fat card, and female card.

428 posts

Because it is a backlash of when we had them as slaves. That is the problem, they can do things that are technically racist and get away with it. That is why if you are a fat, black female you have it easy. You have the race card, fat card, and female card.

There's like so many things wrong with that post I can't even begin to address it.

To answer the OP, that's got to do with the alienation of black people from the mainstream "white" culture and society, which led them to develop an entire race identity and subculture. As a result many art forms, historical events and themes are profoundly associated with African-American culture, and that matters to a large segment of that community.

The BET channel happens to appeal to that consumer base/portion of society. That's their thing. Is acknowledging the existence of that culture really that racist? If they start preaching black superiority or whatever, that's a whole other deal, but I don't see what stops them from celebrating a 'heritage', so to speak. You have other channels where you can watch more mainstream-oriented programming.
428 posts

And yes, that alienation comes in many ways from a socioeconomic gap that derives from slavery and poor integration of ex-slaves into American society, but "BET exists because of slavery backlash" is a knee-jerk and insensitive generalization, bordering on bigotry.

10 posts

"That is why if you are a fat, black female you have it easy." Yeah... I don't think so, in fact I'm pretty sure if you're in good shape, white, and male, you have it far easier from the very start.

787 posts

There's like so many things wrong with that post I can't even begin to address it.

No. He's right. The issue is that no one will address things like this in a critical matter. No one wants to hurt anyone's feelings. Or have the race card pulled on them. People get offended way to easily in an age of tolerance. And some just pull the card on the simple vague mention of the topic.

The name of your thread is so racist.

Exactly what I was talking about.

Anyway, It's there because, aside from Dalek's opinion, it's a niche market. Capitalism. A niche unexplored because of racial infractions is a great room for profit. So, why not? It makes money. And that's what matters.
428 posts

No. He's right.

No, he's wrong.
I'm sure you find yourself quite the edgy freethinker coming off all "I ain't afraid of hurting nobody's feelings", but you sided with a bigoted, short-sighted statement on this one.
I figure I'll have to begin to address it, then.

"It's backlash from when we had them as slaves"? Seriously? Do you think the Secret Council of Black People got together and Grandmaster Oprah said "We need to get those crackers back for all that slavery stuff, any suggestions" and Will Smith went "OH I know, let's make a TV channel, that'll show 'em"?
Or do you think the entire living black population secretly hides so deep a remorse over a historical occurrence that directly affected exactly zero of them that they MUST have a media outlet that allows the entire community to share in the loathing?

As I said, the alienation of the black community does indeed largely have roots in a socioeconomic gap that derives from slavery and poor integration of ex-slaves, but that statement lacks any substance or context whatsoever, and implies a level of malice from an entire race that borders on bigotry. "oh they coast on white guilt from when we had them as slaves, so they can be racist and get away with it". No. **** off.

Besides, racism isn't supporting a culture, it's discriminating against others. BET doesn't preach black superiority or anything, it just appeals to a certain well-established culture. It's a niche like any other. No more to it. I'm not saying no black people have ever played "the race card" (frankly, I hate that expression because 99% of the time it's used to justify idiotic statements), but this is simply not the case here.

"That is why if you are a fat, black female you have it easy." Holy mother****ing ****, really? "You have the race card, fat card, and female card." This reeks of entitled white man bull****. You think it's easier being a woman than a man in a sexist, objectifying, patriarchal culture? You call being fat in a society where an unrealistic body image is constantly blasted at you from all conceivable ****ing angles easy? You think it's easier being black in a country with racism so deeply rooted that entire segments of the South are still sore about the defeat of the good ol' Confederacy that let them own black folks? A country where black people are historically excluded from mainstream society, where some living black people can still remember when they couldn't use the same drinking fountains as whites?
Fat black women have it easy? What the **** kind of world are you living in?

"oh they just playin on peoples feelings" BULL ****ING ****. That's a pathetic excuse not to address why those feelings exist in the first place. You want to make a nuanced, specific argument, you make it, don't take the easy way out.
Go on, I'm listening. Don't just spew recycled prejudices at me like the mindless opinion-sponge you are, talking whatever crap suits your confortable little white American man lifestyle best and lets you think the least.

I'm perfectly open to the idea that racism is used to justify certain actions of black people, but you're gonna have to do better to argue this case.
767 posts

Is this type of thread even allowed? To counter the OP, how come white people get their own TV channel. Or other races get their own TV channel. Other races have their own, but seriously, why does it matter?

3,386 posts

Number one.

Why do black people get their own TV channel?


Number two.

BET why do they get why try and get are own but they say thats racist

What the what? I assume you mean why do black people get BET but when we try to get our own they say that's racist.

Well, I don't know what race you are but I assume it's white.


@daleks, you put a decent comment into a really blunt way, and it came off as racist. Racism is a touchy subject and you have to deal with it by using a needle, not a hammer.

@ihsahn (sp?) I watch BET often, so it isn't a 'heritage' thing if you want to say African American. Because that would mean their heritage is African, and there are too many different cultures and walls to have one channel to fit all of African culture in it.

No one said anything about sharing in loathing. You took their comments and turned them into something about hatred and etc when their comments had nothing to do with hate. Yes, daleks was right when he said it's a backlash as when we had them as slaves. TECHNICALLY, he was right. It could've been worded better, but backlash is not the word for it. It's a result of what happened due to slavery and segregation and such. It isn't particularly negative, but the separation that still exists isn't positive. daleks meant that the fact that we can have a BET channel and it not be racist, but if we were to have a WET channel (lol) that it would be shut down for racism.

Hey dude, I live in the South. Don't get me started on racism.

I work in fastfood, and I've had 14 black people tell me they want a black person to serve them instead of me because the don't like my kind. And I just have to grit my teeth and send out whatever black person we have, because if I was to tell them to leave I would lose my job because of racism. It's not the first time that has happened to someone, so don't tell me it isn't likely. I walk on a tightrope at school, because if I step on any toes there, I could seriously get killed. Not that igaf (cool)

My best friends are black, I've dated black guys, I work with black people, and I go to school with a 8 to 1 black to white ratio. Mmkay.

Now. Respond.
103 posts

lol this thread is sooooooooooooo stupid and racist

4,170 posts

Well, I brought some knowledge in here to deal with the misguided wisdom.

OK, so, firstly, the channel was not given to black people. Robert L. Johnson launched the network himself with loans from John Malone. The channel was created for black culture enthusiasts and featured black culture music videos and black sitcoms from the 80's. The channel was launched in 1980, so it has been around for 33 years. The channel is broadcast in the USA, Canada, Europe, Africa, and much of the Middle East. This was done from the channel receiving more money and expanding.

It all comes down to the fact that this is a privately funded channel, and it was not given to black people.


Do some research next time, mkay?

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

lol this thread is sooooooooooooo stupid and racist

You're just stupid for not reading the actual thing in its entirety.

I don't have a problem with a separate ethnic TV channel. I watch Indian, Chinese and Malay channels here, it adds to the diversity. It all boils down to letting each group develop their own unique culture, and that in itself is neither good nor bad.
276 posts

To counter the OP, how come white people get their own TV channel.

No we don't. If we did anything of the sort we would be labeled as racist and bigots and there would be riots in front of the television station.

Anyway, I don't really care about them having their own station. As nichodemus stated, plenty of other cultures have their own station and it is not bad. My problem is that if a white station opened up we would get blasted for being closed minded bigots. My problem is just with the reverse racism that is out there today. A lot of people who are white now feel sorry for what our ancestors did to them and let them get away with racism. But it's also not all of them, just a small percentage.

Anyway, you shouldn't hate them for having it. It is just a way that they can express their culture and a way that white people can get rid of 'white guilt' that they have. I don't mean to sound racist because honestly I am not at all. I am not a racist person by any means and most of my really good friends have been races other than mine.
103 posts

um nichodemus the thread is racist and your right i didnt read the whole thing and i take back that whole stupid thing but never the less the thread is racist no one should question why any race gets a tv channel

276 posts

no one should question why any race gets a tv channel

As the great philosophers once said, question everything! Kidding aside, I can understand where the OP is coming from. I understand the question, and while the way he did it was in extremely poor taste, it is a decent question nonetheless. But my problem is that this should have been posted on a thread about racism or something along those lines.
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