ForumsPopular MediaWhy do black people get there own TV chanel ?

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100 posts

BET why do they get why try and get are own but they say thats racist

  • 35 Replies
1,810 posts

Hold on, so do you want a new channel called WET? Yeah, didn't think so.

Anyway, why get so bothered by this? Let them have their own channel. It's not like it's taking away from any other channel. And this thread is not racist. It amazes me how the word "black" is considered a racist word. So must we call them African now. Or maybe Negro? Oh wait, that's racist too right?

276 posts

Hold on, so do you want a new channel called WET? Yeah, didn't think so.

CET? Caucasian lol. You know because white people might be offended at the prospect of them being called white. I also think we should get our own month. You know, to celebrate all the good things that white people have done. Call it Caucasian history month also.
1,531 posts

A while back I attended a jazz concert performed by an older black gentleman. During some between-song opining, he touched on the topic of BET, and he said that those letters should really say "Black Enslavement Television" because its content is debasing to black people.
These aren't my words. This is what a BLACK person had to say about it. And honestly, I agree with him.

1,810 posts

CET? Caucasian lol. You know because white people might be offended at the prospect of them being called white. I also think we should get our own month. You know, to celebrate all the good things that white people have done. Call it Caucasian history month also.

I AGREE! I think between you and me, we could totally get this started. We just need to figure out which month and who to honor during that month. Because you know there are so many... Does this mean we get to pull the race card when someone calls us white? That would be different. ^_^
5,842 posts

why do they get their own station? because they're black and racist.

~manly man

13,055 posts

I don't see anything wrong with that. Back in Canada I used to watch Indian and Italian channels because I thought they were entertaining.
Now here in the US, I have to pay $10 per International channels so it gets expensive so I just got French TV.

276 posts

I AGREE! I think between you and me, we could totally get this started. We just need to figure out which month and who to honor during that month. Because you know there are so many... Does this mean we get to pull the race card when someone calls us white? That would be different. ^_^

Well, let's see according to my chart...
February - Black History Month
March - Women's History Month
April - Confederate History Month/Arab-American History Month
May - Asian Pacific American Heritage Month/Older American Month
June - LGBT Pride Month/Caribbean American Heritage Month
September - Hispanic Heritage Month
October - Filipino American History Month/National Disability Employment Awareness Month
November - National American Indian Heritage Month

We have January, July, August, and December available. And we might as well go ahead and take out December out of the equation because like all white people are Christians and Christians will easily be offended. So we have January, July, and August available for our future Caucasian History Month.
5,129 posts

not january. it's to cold then =P

4,170 posts

Confederate History Month

Why does the confederacy have their own month? Is this the confederacy I'm thinking of?
276 posts

Why does the confederacy have their own month? Is this the confederacy I'm thinking of?

If you are thinking the Confederacy that dealt with the civil war then you are 100% correct. Apparently it is celebrated in almost all the southern states. Here is an excerpt about it from wiki.

Although Confederate Memorial Day is a holiday in most Southern states, the tradition of having a Confederate History Month is not uniform. State governments or chief executives that have regularly declared Confederate History Month are as follows:

Apparently it is a rather new thing. New as in like 10 or so years for many states. If you want to look at it here is the wiki link.

Confederate History Month
4,170 posts

If you are thinking the Confederacy that dealt with the civil war then you are 100% correct. Apparently it is celebrated in almost all the southern states. Here is an excerpt about it from wiki.
Apparently it is a rather new thing. New as in like 10 or so years for many states. If you want to look at it here is the wiki link.

Confederate History Month

Unbelievable. This actually got by without people calling it racist? The civil war wasn't even caused by slavery; it was about the federal government passing laws that states were only allowed to pass by their people's choice.

I mean, it was about slavery, but that wasn't the main reason. People are just too quick to say it was caused by slavery.
2,150 posts

That's the irony of racism, my friend.
If you're black, you've been personally wronged by all white people because of what their ancestors did to your ancestors, and all white men have to pay for their crimes against humanity.
The way we pay is called reverse racism.
Black people have NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored people.) If whites had a NAAWP (National Association for the Advancement of White People), we'd be racist.
Black paople have BET (Black Entertainment Television.) If white people had WET (White Entertainment Television), we'd be racist.
Black people can call us "cracker" all they want. If white people say The N word, it's like we blew up a freaking elementary school.

3,386 posts

Apparently it is celebrated in almost all the southern states. Here is an excerpt about it from wiki.

Uhm, I've NEVER heard of this, and I live in the South. Alabama, babe. Seriously no one here has ever heard of that or even celebrated it... Just because it's from Wiki doesn't mean it's true.


The Civil War was not started because of slavery. Slavery was not in the minds of people when they declared it. The Emancipation Proclamation set slaves 'free' because if Europe (Britain) intervened on behalf of the Confederacy (slave holders) after banishing slavery themselves, a Civil War could start there too, as the Pro-Slavery and Anti-Slavery stuff going on there. So, Lincoln (the awesome prez that he was) used this as a political maneuver to help win the War. It had NOTHING to do with helping the slaves. Well, maybe a small smidge but it wasn't the true purpose of the Proclamation.

I really dislike it when people say slavery was the cause of the Civil War. It wasn't.

I believe that after the 1920's, You know, the roaring twenties and such, Harlem and all that jazz (pun ftw), That's when the modern separation began. I mean, people flocked to Harlem just to hear and experience the culture of that area, so black people weren't as frowned upon, no one really cared as long as they had a good time. But after The Great Depression and all of the segregation laws and bull crap, You could legitimately say "You fired me because I'm black." And it would be true. I think that Black people then had a whole heck of a lot less resources and such, and because they couldn't be hired in places that paid well, after the food stamp and welfare thing came into play, they had to apply for it because they needed it to support their family. My personal theory is that it was simply passed down the line, and because it became easier for blacks to get equal jobs, they kept using the race card because they wanted more and more. Hey, if blacks were the majority in the start and white people were the african slaves, we'd be doing the same thing.

Anyways. /ramble
1,810 posts

so black people weren't as frowned upon, no one really cared

read the Invisible Man. Good book, fun Harlem insight.

If white people had WET (White Entertainment Television), we'd be racist.

We would have CET. I'm pretty sure WET is already taken. Gotta pay for it though, sorry. ;P

If white people say The N word, it's like we blew up a freaking elementary school.

Depends on who you talk to and where you are. I've greeted people with n***** before and it's as if I said Hi. It's so common now, it's no longer seen as forbidden. Local radio stations have been letting it go by without censoring in some cases. So unless your with a more old fashioned or sensitive crowd, you aren't going to run into much trouble. Granted, I stay more clean, if you like, around some people, but it's just to keep things comfortable. I have never heard a black person rage against a white/Hispanic for saying the N word.

I really dislike it when people say slavery was the cause of the Civil War.

Human rights are never the cause of wars. I don't care who says otherwise. It's always good ole politics. No war/battle/siege/ whatever was ever fought for human rights.
5,129 posts

The way we pay is called reverse racism.

funny thing about reverse racism is that it does not exist.
racism is not a term only for ranting on black people. but ranting on any race. including the white race.
so we invented reverse racism while all they do is just normal racism and so they should be puniched for it just like how whites get puniched fo ranting on blackys
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