It's currently 97°F and according to the forecast it's supposed to get up to 109°F tomorrow, and it'll be around that for all next week. I stepped outside earlier and I don't think I'd be able to do anything without getting exhausted in a few minutes.
Earlier today we had rain...which was so windblown it was like a monsoon. The rain was almost literally going horizontal there was so much wind, and when it splattered against walls/trees it misted out and kept going.
Well, no. I was kind of questioning myself, to be honest. It's not /that/ hot here, only about 25 C (It's night time though, gets about 30-40 in the day).
It seems that the insanely hot days have passed. We've had decent weather lately; usually around 80 and some wind, and the forecast says it's going to be like that for the rest of the week.