It's currently 97°F and according to the forecast it's supposed to get up to 109°F tomorrow, and it'll be around that for all next week. I stepped outside earlier and I don't think I'd be able to do anything without getting exhausted in a few minutes.
It's been 50-60 F for the last few weeks, but drops down to around 30 F at night. All I've seen was some light snowfall last week, not enough to stick though.
Wow...lucky. Where I'm at, during the day the temp gets to around 60-70 F..then drops to around 20-30 F at night. Then again..our weather is notorious for being completely random...70F one day, 30F the next
No snow for us yet...some think we won't get any until Jan...maybe not even until Feb
Today it was 54 dgrees, and 27f in the morning. It just gets very crunchy outside, and cold enough long enough to kill all the plants and then the cold goes away. last year here on christmas it rained, but i was in new york at the time playing with REAL snow so that made me happy.
It's getting nice around here, it's 20F, yeah I know, I can't help it, they're still using this obsolete measuring system, I'm getting used to it now. :/ We might get some snow on the 26th (2 to 4 inches). They call it a snow storm. Back in Canada a snow storm is when you can't see anything because it's white everywhere and there's already 72 cm of snow on the ground and we keep getting 6 cm/hour, then the temperature drops to -42C. xD
Now we're supposed to get 1 inch of snow only! >:O Me and my dog were waiting for it so we can play. I make snow balls and throw them then my dog chase after them and eat the snow. xD
Forecast is now 8-10 inches headed my way! Deducing that the weatherman/web site always predicts too much, I'd bet around 3-4 inches actually come!
I actually made a snowmana few days ago out of about 1.5 inches of snow, and even with all this clear weather, it's still *kinda* standing. Hopefully It'll be renewed with all this snow!