No update this time, just cleaning up the board.
Objective: Destroy Lolcatia!
Admin Stuff
Weather: new moon
Time: night
Temperature: warm-ish
Injured(Lose turns)
Divinities(Users who run the thread)
theEPICgameKING, Kyle's replacement
Kylelolcat, occasional divine help-giver
Demivinities(Respected Players)
Greater Avatars(Highly Skilled Players)
Avatars(Skilled Players)
Sonicheroes (KH Skill)
Poizaz (Master Engineer)
Vansibanes(Players who attained control of an element)
Mechninja (Electricity)
LeonKP (Light and Dark)
taki242 (Chakra)
Vansidruids(Players who have mastered their element)
Alexsandra222 (Alchemy)
Garriss(Blood Arcana)
Vansisages(Players who have perfected their element)
Dead (Dead, awaiting revival)
Undead(The dead revived)
Undead Azy.
Lolcatia:1,900,000,000 HP
Defender Heroes!
TheEPICgameKING (Level 50 XP 25000/50000)
HP: 50000/50000
MP 500/500
Current class: Assault striker
Assault suit: 20,000 HP 10,000/10,000 MP
Herobrine (Greater Minecraft divinity) (Lvl 75 XP 45,000/75,000)
Weapon: Diamond sword
Armor: Full diamond set
Class-Herobrine is his own class.
rick073 (Lvl 30, XP 10,000/30,000)
Class: Rambo
Gun: AK-47/200 Ammo
860,000/1,000,000 $
9,000/15,000 Wood
12,000/15,000 Stone
1000/15,000 Metal
4,000/10,000 Energy
949,900/1,000,000 Population
Barracks lvl. 2
50,000 Homes (+2 Max population/1 each turn)
Quarry lvl. 5 (+500 Stone/Metal, 15,000 Max Stone/Metal)
Solar grid lvl 10 (+1000 Energy)
Treasury lvl 50 (1,000,000 max $/+10,000 $ each turn)
Wall lvl 40: 900,000,000 HP/1,000,000,000
Royal Palace lvl 100: 1,000,000,000/1,000,000,000 HP
3 AA Turrets
2 Minigun Turrets
Lolcatia Defenses:
260/300 Spearmen (Lv 10)
100/250 Knights (lv. 15)
50/50 Snipers (Lv. 10)
10/100 riflemen (recruits)
0 MC Zombies
35 MC Skeletons
10 MC Wither Skeletons
20 MC Zombie pigmen
22 Metroid Aliens (Brain-suckers)
3 Red Panda Bombers
20 Banshees
20 Vikings
150 Marines
20 Medivacs
~The Necropolis~
Necropolis Wall: 999,940,000 HP
Citadel: 1,000,000,000 HP
Necropolis Heroes
rick073 (Lvl 30, XP 10,000/30,000)
Azywng (lvl 10, XP 7500/10000)
Poizaz (Level 25 XP 12,000/25000)
gamermartin (Level 35, XP 20,000/35,000)
Sonicheroes (level 42 XP 41,000/42,000)
7500/10000 Flesh
10000/10000 Metal
9500/10000 Stone
4000/5000 Wood
0/4000 Blood
12000/15000 Energy
Cemetary lvl 2 (Tier 2 units)
Zombie factory lvl 5 (+500 Flesh/Blood, +10000 max Flesh)
Evil Woodshop Lvl 5 (+500 Wood, 5000 Max Wood)
Blood Spire lvl. 2 (+400 Blood, 4000 Max Blood)
Dark altar lvl. 10 (+1000 Energy, 10000 Max Energy)
Quarry lvl. 5(+500 Stone/metal, 10000 Max Stone/Metal)
Wall lvl. 20 (+1,000,000,000 Max HP)
Citadel lvl. 40 (+1,000,000,000 Max HP)
25 Arcane Raven
15 Arcana Spirit Knights
10 Arcane Beastmen
Arcane Alpha Werewolf Lv.2
Steel Alpha Raven Lv.2
Arcanne Golem Lv.1
5 Blood Elementals
5 Saboteurs
Super Robot Unicorn Lv.1
0 Undead Riflemen
0 Undead Builders
850 Necromancers
15 Shadow Wraiths
10 Shadow Demons
4 Dragona Noir
Shadow Titan lvl.1
1 Auto Trebuchet
5 Pandaren Samurai
9 Red Panda Bombers
1 Dark Riders
10 Biodrones
420 Worker Drones
45 Cyber Riflemen
Darkmech Beta Lv.2
Unnamed Airship Lv.1
Biomech Aphla Lv.7
50 Mercs
Battle mode: Azy n Sonic vs. Herobrine n Epic
Undead Azy: 10000 HP 0/100 MP
Sonic: 42,000 HP 100 MP
Herobrine: 4000 HP
Epic: 50,000 HP 500 MP
Assault Suit Armor: 20,000 HP 10,000 MP
I warned Azy to stop shooting stuff at Herobrine. He's too good for them! Herobrine grabs the stunned Lich and uses him as a shield against the wisdom shots, killing the lich! To even things out, Epic dives into battle, unarmed except for his Assault Suit, which is a weapon in itself. Bring it on and hold nothing back!
@Poizaz: What the HELL is a gremlin? -you gain +2000 XP.-
@Rick: Okay, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. You're now on my team since you didn't make a fort of your own! Just saved you from a gruesome overwhelming death. And here's an AK as a gift. By the way, suppressing fire aims to parlyze the enemy, not kill. Necropolis Army suppressed!
Turrets: Each minigun turret costs 2500 Metal, 1000 Stone, 20,000$ and 2000 Energy. Each AA turret costs 50,000$, 1000 Metal and Energy, but costs 500 Metal and Energy each shot. +2 Minigun Turrets, +2 AA turrets, -7000 Metal, 2000 Stone, 6000 Energy
@gamermartin: Rick's suppressing fire keeps your army from bombing and attacking him! Dont you just HATE that? dont worry, he'll need to reload next turn. Dont you just LOVE that? However, the worker drones do march into the woods, -+4200 Wood/turn- and Grell, the Necromage (stronger than necromancer) hops into the Dark Mech!