just type it down for us to see, heck turn it into a story.
just thought there should by something fun to read for everyone else. just to clarify its a dwarf dragon 8-12 ft long and its starving but friendly (it won't try to eat you) NO charecters from games and try to keep it original.
I would infite it for a nice steak (he a couple of cows offcourse), then a nice glass of water (he a small lake). Then we would go to sleep (he in his cave and I in my bed.
Mmm, let's assume the dragon can understand my language. I would ask him if I could take a picture with him. Not everyday a dragon knocks on your door XD
I would feed him an urn of chaos to change him into a * Vrtra and I'd train him as a watch dragon. He will be allowed to fry Jehovah Witnesses and other annoying solicitors. xD
*Google The Knight of Lodis for info about Vrtras.
If he's knocking on my door, I would assume he was being a polite, non-stereotypicle dragon. Therefore, I would open the door, let him in, and invite him for a cup of tea before disussing what he was doing at my house.
I would open the door and use my sorcerous powers to transform it into a giant enemy crab, after which I would attack its weak point for massive damage.