ForumsWEPRShooting at a batman movie in Colorado

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5 posts

so i heard that a guy dressed up as baine and killed a bunch of people.
I dident even know there was a batman movie out.

  • 118 Replies
276 posts

Why do you think it's so easy for freaks to get weapons and massacre
innocent people? Blame the NRA and the criminals who support it.
How do you think I feel about the victims? I feel sad and angry that people have to suffer for no reasons! I'm sick to my stomach right now so don't YOU dare tell me what to say about it!!

Really? Really? They aren't the ones to blame. Besides, if you want better gun control you better start watching Mexico. It's better to make it legal than to have everything illegal and untraceable. It isn't the criminals who support gun control, it is the MORONS who ban it. I live really close to LA. 90% of the shootings are from guns that came in illegally. Where I live, people dye EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK because of illegal guns. Where I live, they banned the sale of any assault rifles, yet assault rifles are STILL KILLING PEOPLE. Innocent people too. I can't tell you how many times I've turned on the television only to find out that a young child has been MURDERED by someone with an illegal gun. It is better to have guns LEGAL than to have everything ILLEGAL. Bad people who want guns will always be able to get guns. The only people YOU will be limiting are the citizens who deserve them.

Calling the NRA terrorists is ridiculous. They're just an organization who advocates for people to own guns. They didn't tell this loon to shoot people. That was his fault.

You might take my guns away so that I can't have them legally, but you will never take them away from me permanently. If you ban them, I will just go to Mexico and obtain them illegally. It is not right to take away one of our constitutional rights.

You seem very insensitive right now and it is really angering me. I cried when I heard the news and I am not an emotional person. Show a little respect right now.

So gun control has nothing to do with people getting shot?!
Makes perfect sense.

I never said that. I just said that we shouldn't be arguing about gun control on a board that is about the shooting. Sure, they go hand and hand, but I still think that we shouldn't be arguing right now. Maybe tomorrow, maybe the next day. But I feel like petty arguments aren't appropriate. Like I said, another board may be more appropriate.

Ikr? Do we really need metal detectors in every public area in order to control people's use of guns? That seems to be the only way to do this.

Even that doesn't work :P I used to know a guy who was a teacher in South Central L.A. and they have metal detectors there (in case you aren't familiar with Los Angeles, South Central is one of the worst areas in L.A.). So the students learned that their guns and knives would get taken away and they would throw them over the fence so that they could just get them later. Suffice it to say that the metal detectors really don't work that well. The people who want to do evil things are pretty resourceful...
3,152 posts

the shooter was obsesed about the joker and dressed up as him

He was dressed in all black and was wearing a gas mask... I've never seen batman, but I don't think the joker would be running around with a gas mask on. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)

the man is being acused of being a phsyopath and is right now in jail with third degre murder charges

Quick legal lesson: Third degree murder is an accidental killing. (E.G. Accidentally running someone over.) This guy appears to have committed First degree murder. (E.G. First degree murder is planned murder.)

-at LEAST 71 people were wounded (gunshots, bullet casing burns, tear gas, ect)

59 where wounded, 12 were killed (59 + 12 = 79 victims.) Also, tear gas doesn't wound people, it disables people temporarily.

-they actually had to send a robot into his appartment holding a pole and camera so that they wouldn't die while evacing the site

What is "evacing"?

-5 appartment buildings around his had to be evac'ed for decontamination (or something like that)

The five apartment buildings were evacuated to protect the people that live there, in the event that this guys booby-trapped apartment blows up. How would five apartment buildings get contaminated anyway?

-the shooting took place at the world premire of batman the dark knight rises

This was a local premier, not the world premier.

thats what i know

You don't know very much, sad to say.

I don't see why people are getting upset over gun control. Here in the US you have a right to bear arms. If some guy decides to abuse that right, and kill a bunch of people, it shouldn't be the gun that is blamed, but the person behind it.
1,810 posts

(in case you aren't familiar with Los Angeles

not really, I just live in that area. /jokes

I don't see why people are getting upset over gun control. Here in the US you have a right to bear arms. If some guy decides to abuse that right, and kill a bunch of people, it shouldn't be the gun that is blamed, but the person behind it.

But then that fuels the conservative agenda which causes the liberals to back their agenda and it turns into a nationwide scandal. Bit off topic, but if police were able to shoot freely and criminals had reason to fear getting shot, without thousands/millions yelling about civil rights, yadda yadda yadda, people wouldn't be so bold with carrying guns and going toe to toe with the cops. Unfortunately, there is not much, if anything, anyone can do about something like this happening, as much as people like to say there is. In most cases there is no way to know if someone is violently unbalanced until it's too late. Still going to see Batman though.
276 posts

59 where wounded, 12 were killed (59 + 12 = 79 victims.) Also, tear gas doesn't wound people, it disables people temporarily.

(59 + 12 = 71) Anyway I'm not sure that they are including the tear gas in injuries. As you stated, it doesn't really wound people it just affects their vision and such temporarily.

don't see why people are getting upset over gun control. Here in the US you have a right to bear arms. If some guy decides to abuse that right, and kill a bunch of people, it shouldn't be the gun that is blamed, but the person behind it.


They are leaving his apartment alone until the end of the night. I was getting really mad at the news for interviewing and shoving cameras and microphones in the victim's family and friends' faces. I don't think that they should do that. After a tragedy like that people aren't thinking straight and they need be left alone (or at least not have a camera shoved in their face). I hate it how news people just go anywhere and have no morals what so ever.
1,810 posts

suspect profile So I guess the suspect was a university guy that stopped going to school a couple months before this incident. People that knew him said he was pretty smart too.

276 posts

Yeah he was apparently top of his class. Graduated from UC Riverside with high honors. Also, they were saying that he knew a lot in chemistry because of how intricate the bombs and explosives were at his house.

It's amazing some of the stories that are coming out of this. It's amazing how generous and humane people can be in the wake of the tragedy. How people are sacrificing their lives in order to save others. It really, despite all that is bad that has happened, makes you feel better about human nature. Sometimes, in the face of danger, people can be amazing (in a good sense) and have courage that you would never expect.

1,531 posts

Here's some updates to what you all have here, based on what I've seen on the news:

-the shooter was obsesed about the joker and dressed up as him

Yes and no. The shooter, James Holmes, was indeed Joker-obsessed and in fact dyed his hair red and declared himself to be the Joker at some point. However, his attire consisted of various types of body armor, including a bullet-proof tac vest, gas mask, ballistic arm and leg guards, neck and groin protectors, and a ballistic helmet.
(from police interview)

-the man entered the theater in the begining of the movie and threw a tank of tear gas into the audience of the 1 theater

Holmes threw two tear-gas grenades into the theater before opening fire.

-5 appartment buildings around his had to be evac'ed for decontamination (or something like that)

The apartments were evacuated due to the risk of an explosion of unknown yield. So far, there is no known presence of nuclear/biological/chemical weapon material.

This was a local premier, not the world premier.

Actually, the event was international, as evidenced by the fact that the French government canceled the movie's Paris debut for fear of copycats.

I can't believe how he got hold of a weapon

The weapons, an AR-15, a Remington 870 12-gauge shotgun, and two Glock 40-cal. pistols, were bought legally, and at the time there was no reason at all to suspect Holmes of planning this attack. He had no criminal or mental-health record, and his only infraction of any kind was one speeding ticket. Additionally, he was a PhD student of neuroscience and genetics at the University of Colorado.

Additional information:
1. At this time, there are no known connections to any terrorist groups.

2. Four U.S. Military personnel were in the audience; one is unaccounted for.
3. Police response time was surprisingly fast; units were on scene within less than two minutes. All told, over 200 police responded.

And some opining:
Calling the NRA terrorists is ridiculous.

Spot on. The NRA not only advocates gun ownership, they also teach gun SAFETY and RESPONSIBILITY. That's right, all you haters, they teach people NOT to do stupid stuff with guns. Furthermore, they also teach people who own guns how to react to and neutralize situations like the one we are discussing. More people with guns = more people who can return fire against bullet-spraying maniacs like Holmes and stop them from carrying out their planned massacres. Guns save lives by allowing people to subdue or eliminate people who try to commit murder.

2. I have to wonder if this will lead to a re-examination of the current Batman line. The three most recent movies (Batman Begins, The Dark Night, and Rise of The Dark Night) have all delved deeply into the darker aspects of Gotham's resident anti-hero, especially the second movie, which spent a lot of time on the new, ultra-psychopathic version of the Joker. (In the original movies, Joker was still evil, but also a bit of a schmuck.) Now that the Joker's murderous, twisted cinematic doings have apparently inspired a real-world mass murderer, it seems possible and even likely that some movie industry higher-ups will want to take another look at what they're putting out there with this line.

3. Condolences to all the victims and others affected, including delossantosj, who apparently had friends who were injured in the attack.
1,810 posts

It's amazing some of the stories that are coming out of this. It's amazing how generous and humane people can be in the wake of the tragedy. How people are sacrificing their lives in order to save others. It really, despite all that is bad that has happened, makes you feel better about human nature. Sometimes, in the face of danger, people can be amazing (in a good sense) and have courage that you would never expect.

And then you hear of another shooting, or read about Syria, or economic situation in Europe, or drug cartels, and this incident slowly fades into the oblivion of history. Doesn't take much to be reminded of what humans are capable of.
6,672 posts

ya, it turns out that my friend AJ Boik died, age of 18. RIP sweet prince

465 posts

omg the news gobbled it up
i don't know if i still wanna go to the movies anymore

4,170 posts

The fact that we (USA) has guns is ridiculous considering that it is a constitutional right written roughly 240 years ago. Let's take a minute to examine the differences of now and then.

1770 (roughly)
The British empire was colliding with the American colonies during the time of the controversial independence and colonization. The British empire was huge, and was expected to never back down from the American colonies, even after America had won its independence. Britain soldiers were confiscating guns around every corner; this had been believed to continue until the early 1800's, sometimes not even during governmental regulation, but by vigilantes.

Hunting for food was necessary. Guns just made it that easier.

During the first few years of America's independence, crime was extremely popular and violent. Many of America's earliest enforcement systems and overall governments failed. People needed guns for self-defense.

Modern day
Government regulated militarizes like the National Guard are ever alert, protecting us on our native soil. The police are armed with guns. We don't need protection from other countries.

We have grocery stores. No need for hunting.

Crime is high, but with reducing gun privileges, we won't have anywhere near the current amount of gun-related crime we have today. England is anti-gun and they have almost 0 gun-related crime and their overall crime is minuscule compared the the USA's rate.

Civil liberties? Please...
Thomas Hobbes, come save me!
Or at least give me a boat so I can travel to England.

1,810 posts

You're forgetting that police can't use their guns because every time they discharge, it's a huge nationwide deal. And people will just get their guns the way most criminals the street. The guns aren't really the problem, as much as conservatives and the like enjoy saying it is. It's the people pulling the trigger. I plan on exercising my right to carry as soon as I can legally. I don't need someone telling me it's wrong because of some other moron's actions.

4,170 posts

You're forgetting that police can't use their guns because every time they discharge, it's a huge nationwide deal.

That's because they're to use guns with discretion. Of course some moronic media broadcaster is going to accuse the shooter of doing something stupid.

And people will just get their guns the way most criminals the street

It's harder to traffic any type of gun if they're outlawed in entirety. Oh, and just for some background, I'm also for public cameras, such as in every publicly run building and street. This would severely pulverize any type of trafficking.

The guns aren't really the problem, as much as conservatives and the like enjoy saying it is. It's the people pulling the trigger.

1. If there aren't any guns around, they can't be fired.
2. Conservatives are usually for the right to bear arms. Conservatives are for the Constitution and are usually against changes that can be determined/classified as violating civil liberties.
3. There will always be crime, but, again, without guns it would be much harder to do anything deadly. This doesn't only apply to actual guns, but also explosives, fireworks, and anything else that can be classified as hazardous to things if used in a matter against what it is supposed to be used for.

I plan on exercising my right to carry as soon as I can legally.

Oppression against gun-use is becoming common. Recently my state passed an ordinance that outlawed guns in restaurants, wielded or not. You may want to enjoy your gun whilst you can.

I don't need someone telling me it's wrong because of some other moron's actions.

You may have to make sacrifices to protect yourself once in a while. Blame it on philosopher Rousseau, who came up with these ideals.
1,810 posts

That's because they're to use guns with discretion

But why? Isn't that what they are carried for? To protect and serve the people? If you pull a gun on someone for anything other than defense, you should lose your right to be warned to drop the gun.

And guns will never, EVER, go away. Too many supporters, and as hard as it may be to smuggle in guns, they will be more in demand than ever if they are outlawed completely.

wielded or not

You mean concealed?
4,170 posts

But why? Isn't that what they are carried for? To protect and serve the people? If you pull a gun on someone for anything other than defense, you should lose your right to be warned to drop the gun.

You're not supposed to pull it out without the best reason possible.

And guns will never, EVER, go away. Too many supporters, and as hard as it may be to smuggle in guns, they will be more in demand than ever if they are outlawed completely.

Outlawed in England. Successfully I might add.

The demand may rise, but the supply won't.

You mean concealed?

No difference; no guns whatsoever.
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