Since the previous thread was locked due to lack of rules, here's a new one.
IMPORTANT: - You must post a number. It doesn't matter if it's at the beginning, middle, or end of your post, make sure you include a number. - Moderators can reset the count. We have to restart if they do. - Have a discussion while counting. Don't post just to post, that leads to spam and the mods can reset us because of that. - Refresh the page before posting to avoid messing up the count. - Have fun.
20. I'm a little scared to post since this is my first post on this counting game, so It would be embarrassing to mess it up. But I've done my refreshing, let's hope it's clear.
Now for my part of the conversation; I never realized how distinct the misc game folk is from the RPG people. I mostly only play RPG's but I do also check these misc games out every now and then, and only now I notice that most of you guys have never played RPG's! That's kinda .. Well I don't know what it is. But it sure is.
22: i appreciate your effort tossavainen but it would be better if you hard refresh (control + F5) and even at that there's still the possibility of being ninjad
31. No, simply the rules were not clear in that thread, so a new one was needed with clearer rules. I like the new thread so far, it's slower, smaller chance of ninja.