How is ignorance tied to forgiveness and tolerance?
It isn't. You missed my point. I said I find it funny, ironic how a faith which is supposedly structured around forgiveness and tolerance, has so many people within that faith who are ignorant and intolerant. It is a case of irony my good sir.
I thought you just said that Christianity was getting along fine with science?
I said coexisting, coexisting doesn't mean they are cooperative. If they weren't cooexisting, one of them would have destroyed the other by now wouldn't it? it may be in the process of that, but currently they are co existing. And the scientific community has the edge right now, considering the human race's dependance upon technology.
If the truth is known, it should be shared. A truth like the origin of the species should be shared as fact, with the opposing and incorrect viewpoints exposed as incorrect. That is how science works, that is how we advance.
Of course, let it be shared. When I say don't force an opinion on people, I mean an OPINION. Such as, "religion is for the ignorant." It is an opinion, one that may be based upon keen observation, but it is not a established fact. I never said, keep your factual information to yourself. By all means share it.
My point with that as well is, don't bother giving information to people who are ignorant of your ideals. If they choose to ignore your information, don't bother. If they want to learn they will listen. If they want to be left behind so be it.
No. Scientific beliefs don't fit in their at all.
Beliefs. I did not say, scientific facts. A scientific belief is a theory or theorem that has yet to be proven by valid experimentation. We cannot prove per say, string theory at this point or very high end physics, we can't even say life is outside our planet yet. Due to our experimentation so far, we can estimate, if only that, that there is a possibility of life beyond our own planet. We cannot say there is life outside our planet as a fact yet though. An example of a scientific belief is I believe there is life outside our own planet, but my belief in that isn't proven. So until I find proof, I won't bother sharing it to people who are not interested in discussing it.
Since apparently science kills children?
No, science doesn't kill children, the actions of ignorant people soliciting unproven, radical ideas and change or
constrictive laws or traditions within a faith harm or even kill them. An example of radical change causing great harm? Look at the Middle East. Many nations are changing their political systems in a rapid hurry and it's brought nothing but bloodshed and misery. Want constrictive laws in tradition/faith? Look at the Amish in America, they live in isolated communities with repressive leadership, which has caused grief and suicide.
As for my analogy that beliefs, ideals and faith are like a penis, it is a accurate if lewd comparitive. We can be proud of it. We can have it. But please don't use to to shove it into other's unwillingly and force it upon them. If they want to hear about it great, if they don't , let them be ignorant.