Whats your favourite movie trilogy? My favorite without a doubt would be nolans batman trilogy but i liked the pirates o the carribean(the first 3) too
It's difficult to choose, but I'd say the originial Star Wars trilogy and the first three films of Indiana Jones. I know that technically the last one isn't a trilogy because there's a fourth film, but I prefer not to talk about it. It brings me bad memories...
It's hard. I love starwars and batman. Not sure if Bourne counts anymore since they added the new one ( which I haven't seen yet). Uhh I think iron man will be good once the third comes out. Hmm Indiana jones was good. ( I like to pretend the new one never happened) but I think the original starwars takes the cake.
Four words, LORD OF THE RINGS, a truly awesome trilogy. Lord of The Rings has to be my favourite!! The best trilogy ever!! LOTR. Simply stunning. Period. The Lord of the Rings (obviously)
I wasn't a big fan of The Lord of the Rings. They just dragged on at time. There are much better trilogies in my opinion. So let the hate comments fly but you will not change my mind.
Indiana Jones is probably the best. What is that you say? There is a 4th? False. I don't believe in the 4th.
So..the last 1.5 Star Wars movies of the trilogy?...
I'm guessing what you meant is that episodes 4-6 are better than 1-3, which is obviously fact. Those 1-3 Star Wars movies we know of were obviously satire by George Lucas, and he will be releasing the real ones soon