ForumsThe TavernA Guide To Surving School

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So, I have been trying to help the tavern out. I`ll be making a few more threads (hopefully, i havent been too good with them in the past) soon.
Anywho, onto the meat and potatoes, the whole enchilada, the big mac, the main meal, the juicy stake. Im hungry....
This is will hopefully be what the title says, A Guide To Surviving School. Any little tips and tricks we may have gathered over the years of school. Any help with social issues, any help with teacher problems, any help with sports, any help with band or art, all these are good to be posted. And if you need help with your math homework, go somewhere else and get a calculator. *insert mean racist joke here that Im too nice to say but by saying this you all know what it is.*
So yeah. Just trying to help you guys out. Dont be shy, I dont bite on Mondays.

  • 41 Replies
1,361 posts

The one piece of advice I can give is, don't be afraid to do anything you want to do! It may be contrary to what most adults will tell you, but the last thing you want to do is have regrets!

But DO stay away from drugs and alcohol... those can mess you up good! I'm very glad I avoided them at all costs!

5,952 posts

The one piece of advice I can give is, don't be afraid to do anything you want to do! It may be contrary to what most adults will tell you, but the last thing you want to do is have regrets!

But DO stay away from drugs and alcohol... those can mess you up good! I'm very glad I avoided them at all costs!

To add on to the drugs area, dont fall for peer pressure. I know, you heard it a million times, but dont. I know, it affects us a lot but for drugs and stuff, just dont.

Off to a good start, thanks Skeleton_Pilot
1,361 posts

dont fall for peer pressure.

This also can't be stressed enough... remember to be a leader and not a follower! You'll have a more enjoyable school career if you're in control of your own decisions rather than let someone else make them for you!
13,344 posts

but the last thing you want to do is have regrets!

^ This. My biggest high school regret is not taking too many risks, i.e. talking to girls I liked, or even getting to know people in general.

Set yourself apart from the crowd, but don't be an outcast. If that makes sense.
9,808 posts

Set yourself apart from the crowd, but don't be an outcast. If that makes sense.

I understand perfectly what you are saying, because I do the exact thing. I'm referred to as like the "Lovable goofball" by a lot of people in my school because I am a goofball, but I'm like the only person that can get away being the way I am. Anyone else would be seen as like this big "weird-o" if they acted like myself, but I'm beloved for it haha

Which brings me to my tip, be confident (and bold...see what I did there? Made confident bold to make it mean I'm hilarious) in yourself. It is such a cliche thing but it really can go a long way. I get away being the person I am because I am confident.

I had a good friend of mine ask me (not too long ago actually) how I am able to be the way I am and not, basically, care? (like how do I not care what others would think of me) I told him I used to care all the time about how people would perceive me, and it caused me to be basically looked down upon, but then I stopped caring and just became confident in myself and people started to really like me.

I had another friend ask me something along the lines of "the things you do it would seem that people wouldn't like you because of them, but yet like everyone loves is that?" And I told her that it was because I had such great charisma (which I have because I am confident in myself)

tl;dr - Be goes a lot farther than you'd think
3,139 posts

This is will hopefully be what the title says, A Guide To Surviving School. Any little tips and tricks we may have gathered over the years of school. Any help with social issues, any help with teacher problems, any help with sports, any help with band or art, all these are good to be posted.

Social issues - Don't let them exist. Pangtongshu gave you the best advice there is - be confident ! I know it seems simple but is really difficult. I used to struggle having confidence with people in school. The reason is because there were a lot of pretty girls and i was very much in the closet. [LOL]. Even if you can't be confident and outgoing with everyone, you can begin trying with like-minded people and then you expand this.

Teacher problems - As a teacher, trust me, as corny as this advice seems, it works. Always keep on your teachers good side. We're not there to make your life hell, although sometimes it seems like it. If you do your homework, we're happy. We don't set homework to be mean, we set it to get through the curriculum and prepare you for exams and there just isn't enough time to do it all in class. Always remember when you're groaning about homework, that we have to sit and mark every last piece from every last kid turned in. We want you to enjoy school and be happy. We know that you either *have* to take our class or you choose to. If you choose to, we kind of expect you to be more interested than if it were a compulsory class. Our happiness in teaching comes from very simple things. If we ask a question and you raise your hand to answer it, even if it's wrong, we're delighted. If you think your teacher is treating you unfairly, talk to them. If you're too afraid to, then talk to another teacher you're comfortable with. If you struggle with the workload, homework etc, talk to us then too. Explain what you're finding difficult or if you need an extension, we can be very understanding !

As for bands, sports, art etc - Extra-curricular activities are time consuming but a great way to make new friends, get involved etc ! Go for it ! Although you must remember to keep on top of your studies, mainly if you're a senior !
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Study day in day out if you want to achieve Asian Nerd status.

5,061 posts

I can't stress this enough, because god knows I failed at it. Do your homework. Up until college at least, homework will have an enormous impact on your overall grade, it literally allows you to bomb a test. It's not difficult just do it.

Always keep on your teachers good side.

This. Always. Forever. I've seen and had teacher go to great lengths just because as students we showed them respect.

And lastly, and probably most importantly, try everything, you see a club you may like, go for it, a sport, the school choir, yearbook, anything. Even if you're shy, these activities will force you to interact and meet with others outside of your classroom, and honestly that's one of the best parts of school.
9,808 posts


*off subject real quick-like* lowercase please...sorry just a lil pet peeve of mine haha

Do your homework

This needs to be screamed at by people (me especially) is always looked at like some terrible chore when really (for the most part) it is quite helpful and let's you get a better grasp at that subject

Always keep on your teachers good side.

Just a lil anecdote at how good of a thing this can be..

I had a class that I ended the year with an 80% in, teacher pushed my grade up to a 90% because of how involved I was with the class/subject/discussions and because of how much respect I gave her. Now...I am not saying stuff like this will happen if you get on a teachers good side...but the benefits for getting on a teachers good side are nice ones to have
1,666 posts

ah, socail issues. picture this: [guys]

your at a school dance, [mine start soon] and allllll of your friends know this girl you like. so their all like, "i dare you to go ask her to dance with you," and all of that. so, your all hesataint and all, but you know guys are guys, and your reputation's on the line here, so you go ask her to dance. if she says yes, you have just scored. if she says no, it dont matter, you just run back over to your friends and start laughing. no big deal.

good times, good times. i mean,


385 posts

Always keep on your teachers good side.
I think this is extremely important and I have been on both sides -_-...

O.K so I failed a history test and I asked the teacher if there was anything I could possibly do to bring my grade up. She said that if I write a paper about 5 things I learned in history she would bring my grade up to a C (It was a F+) so I wrote the paper and became really detailed in everything else I did and ended the year with an A+ because I got 400 extra credit points for that project (I was super lucky she was a temporary teacher and she couldn't point out how little I actually learned)

On the other side of the coin (in the same year I might add) I had an art teacher who hated my guts because I told him how I did not think he had the right to grade me on my art when it is supposed to be a subjective thing so one could not simply grade it... Yeah, never responded to any E-mails (My school is online) and never told me when the live classes were, ended the year with a C- in that class.

Also, ask questions and don't talk back (Learned that on the hard way) and also it is fine to kiss up to the teacher as long as you can do it without being noticed or without it raising suspission (mis-spelled that sorry)
2,739 posts

Killersup doesn't talk to anybody,and doesn't raise his hand.However he still does all of his work,the teachers might not like you,but they can't hate you.

Also,if you know you're not getting sent to the office,then don't give a **** what the adult says.

5,952 posts

See? Look at us, helping people and improving the forum. I-Im just so proud of all of you *tears of joy*
Anyways, I have come to realize that many of you, not all, do not classify yourselves as "cool" or &quotopular" our whatever your word is. But, by talking to you via the internet, I feel that I have gotten to know many of you fairly well. Most of you seem fun and outgoing here, but shy and quite in real life. My advice for you is to bring your interwebz self out. It helps. It makes you feel better and other people will like you. And I just mean like simple conversations and stuff. Talk. It helps. If your quite and give up on your social life, then honestly dont complain
Yeah, thats all I have to say about that.

3,087 posts

Anyone have any tips for someone like me who procrastinates and puts off their homework. (how do i remember to do it?)

5,952 posts

How to survie in school, NOT BEING RACIST!

Calm down, he isnt racist. If my memory is correct, nicho is Asian. Its humor, not racism.
Anyone have any tips for someone like me who procrastinates and puts off their homework. (how do i remember to do it?)

In my school, we have laptops so I keep stickies or a word doc of my homework on the laptop. Or, you could just get a planner.
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