ForumsThe TavernA Guide To Surving School

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5,952 posts

So, I have been trying to help the tavern out. I`ll be making a few more threads (hopefully, i havent been too good with them in the past) soon.
Anywho, onto the meat and potatoes, the whole enchilada, the big mac, the main meal, the juicy stake. Im hungry....
This is will hopefully be what the title says, A Guide To Surviving School. Any little tips and tricks we may have gathered over the years of school. Any help with social issues, any help with teacher problems, any help with sports, any help with band or art, all these are good to be posted. And if you need help with your math homework, go somewhere else and get a calculator. *insert mean racist joke here that Im too nice to say but by saying this you all know what it is.*
So yeah. Just trying to help you guys out. Dont be shy, I dont bite on Mondays.

  • 41 Replies
1,773 posts

Well, in the start its very hard, i sure you know that.

The best way i know, is like that -
1) listen. Hear peoples talk (not the creepy way XD). Find out who is who and what they like. I mostly look for gamers and politicians.

2) join a conversation. In thre start, just 'be there'. Talk when you have something to say. Just after your sure these peoples are 'good guys' you can start to fully join. DONT JOIN PRIVATES TALKS. Only when its a 'open' one.

How to start getting friendly?

Ask some questions. Ask where is diffrunte places.
Another usefull tip - always read the last scores of sports. You dont have to know the names of the players. Just some scores of main teams. Its always a good trigger for a chat.
Do you have any sport you like? Even "soccer (football) . Claim to be a fan of a team. Learn some names. Im a fan of barcelona and in israel of apoel tel-aviv. This way, other sport fans feel more close to you, they joke with you when there tams win, you do the same...

There is always the group for guys like you and me. Find yours. You not suppose to find your soul mates, just guys to hang out with.

Im not sure how its work in USA, but i suggest that you just sit near other peoples. If the dudes thete are not nice or you feel they are 'not your type', next time sit somewher else.
REMMEMBER - first look for info. Sitting near wannabes gang members is not wise. See if the peoples there look friendly.

Join things. News pspper, all kinds of projects. If there are things than interest you, luckly you will find other people who have in common with you.
My brothrr is very shy too. Now, he start going to a program which help you get in shape befor the army. Now he start talking with the peoples from there.

And as i posted befor, be open. Talk. Dont be affraid. I dont want to sound arrugent, but i used to be luke you. Shy and no selh estime. Dare. Talk to peoples. Say hello to people you know. Chat on class topics with people who sit near you.

And for last, if you feel realy bad, talk to someone who will help your self estime.

And finaly - dont worry man. You are a great guy. You will '"survive" this.
Im sure you will find some friends at that new school. And even if not, we are here for you!

28 posts

Early to school, late to home
Never took a stick or threw a stone
If someone came to my face
A slap on cheek without any haste

18,319 posts

this is why THEY gave us spelling tests.
^this is why they give us grammar tests.

Toiche my friend, TOICHE.
343 posts

well if you play sports dedicate yourself to it so that your good at it. thats how you gain respect!

5,952 posts

Ace, bro, just find a new kid. Im sure that you cant possibly be the only new kid with few friends.

Let me tell you something about myself.
I haven't had a girl as a true friend since....does my baby sister count?
-_- Yeah. That's the truth about Ace here.

My turn, I dont have any girls number in my phone, aside from relatives. I had close friends who were girls at my old school, but didnt have a phone then. That was nearly 2 years ago. Ever since I moved, I havent really gotten "close" to any girls. Except that one time.... but never mind that. I know, thats the truth, its shocking because of my magnetic personality. You`d expect them to be all over me, but nooo.
You dont see me crying on the floor thinking, "Im a loser! Im only friends with my mom and dad ". Man up! Get known, make an impression. A good one preferably.
Yeah, basically find another new kid to hang around with.
And are you going to public or private school?
18,319 posts

Heres the quick way to surviving school make jokes but also get serious at times. Thats also how you make friends I mean heck I got a whole bunch of new friends today with that.

100 posts

being on the good side with a teacher is VERY good (i am still at school but i already noticed this a lot).at history we have in every year a worse teacher, but this year we study about the byzantine empire and even we haven't started to learn something i am already trying to put some questions to my teacher to learn more about something that i know (after the class).my luck is that i like VERY much Assassins Creed (especialley AC Revelations) and i put questions like how was the great chain blocking enemy ships but the allyed one not or the Galata tower was used as an archery sniping point?so try to use anything that you know to stay on the good side.

-Alexandrica the archer-

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

being on the good side with a teacher is VERY good

It might turn people against you if you carry on too much. Teacher's pet.....Boy we all hate those.
1,094 posts

The best piece of advice that anyone can give you is to stay serious, but not too serious.

Crack a joke or two at friends or teachers, but when it's serious work time, then do your best. How you do in school determines your entire future, unless you're extremely lucky or will inherit a great deal of money when your parents fall dead. If you do bad in school, the chances of you doing well in the future is slim.

Work hard, but don't overwork. There's nothing worse than overworking. It's easier to study than you think. The key, is to listen in class. When you actually listen, instead of doodling all over your notebooks, almost everything will enter and stay in your brain. What you haven't quite understand or learn will be in your book anyways.

People don't realize school means a lot until it's too late. That's me, for example. I used to think school was just a playground, but then I got to 3rd high school, and I realized I really needed to start working.
And boy did I work. When you're in 3rd high school, but you know grade 8 physics, then you're screwed. You need to do a LOT of work, and believe me, it's stressful and VERY difficult. But, hard work pays off. I'm going to flight school starting next year, all because I actually did some work.

School is easy, when you just pay some attention to it.

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