ForumsThe TavernA Guide To Surving School

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5,952 posts

So, I have been trying to help the tavern out. I`ll be making a few more threads (hopefully, i havent been too good with them in the past) soon.
Anywho, onto the meat and potatoes, the whole enchilada, the big mac, the main meal, the juicy stake. Im hungry....
This is will hopefully be what the title says, A Guide To Surviving School. Any little tips and tricks we may have gathered over the years of school. Any help with social issues, any help with teacher problems, any help with sports, any help with band or art, all these are good to be posted. And if you need help with your math homework, go somewhere else and get a calculator. *insert mean racist joke here that Im too nice to say but by saying this you all know what it is.*
So yeah. Just trying to help you guys out. Dont be shy, I dont bite on Mondays.

  • 41 Replies
437 posts
3,766 posts

Do your homework.

Yes and no. I would advise to always do your homework, but lets say you didn't have time. Do the homework that you know would be graded. If you don't do your homework it could kill your grade even if you know the stuff and get As on all the tests. Then decide on the homework that isn't graded, but you should probably do because you don't know the material very well. Finally, choose if you want to do the homework on stuff you know that you have mastered. You could do it for more practice but maybe you just don't have time.

Also, don't procrastinate. Your life will be a lot less stressful if you don't. Just do your homework when you can, as soon as you can. Don't wait until the last minute.

Make friends. It sorta sounds dumb, at least to me, but it is important. One, it is good to have friends to help you and just to talk to. You don't want to be that kid that talks to no one. Also, in the real world, you will have to interact with people. So know how to talk to people.

Just be good. Don't be that kid that is a total *** to teachers or just in general. Also, teachers will help you more and let you do more stuff if they know they can trust you.
1,773 posts

1. social tip -
Dare. alot of people, just dont dare to talk for say. a large number of my friends dont realy like to talk with the other peoples in school. i was like that too. this attract bullies and make people see you as a nerd.
My tip is - talk. I was known as the "right wing guy", people actualy came at the after party when we finished school, some half drunk, just to tell me there ideaoligy and discusse it. I was the editor of school paper too {yea sound lame, but i did}, so people knew me as paper guy as well, as i intervie dudes from my grade {which actualy make people feel importent and sucssesful, even if they feel sometimes about themselves as failurs}.
I was friendly, helpfull with everyone, so people knew my name. The so called bullies, well, i wont say i became there friend, but they actualy got into a fight when a dude from a lower grade start to try showing some mucles {i was so proud - "oh stop it you!"}.
In 9 grade in high school, no one knew my name. in the 12 year, everybody knre my name. some of my friends, people never knre they were part of our school. in the 9 grade, when i was close up t omuself and my little group of friends, everyone thought that me and my friends were sitting there alone and talking about computers. Now, when we got more open, peoples know we are "Normal". and you dont need to change a single thing about yourself. I still love the elder scrolls and total war, and i have the same group of close friends. but now people wave and say hello to me when i pass, as i do to them. in the After party, when we finished school, almost everyone wanted to toast a drink with me. im the same man, but now im not a 'nerd' or 'wierdo'.
I dont say its importent. not at all. but it help to "survive" school in a fun and relaxed way.

oh, and never try to attack bullies. they are not the hollywood bullies. be warned.

2. - im not sure if its a realy good tip, but ill give it anyaway - it helped me - dont take it too hard. i dont know if its applay to everywher, but in Israel after the military service you can do the final tests again. improve them. so in some subject that i realy had bad times, like math for say, im not saying i gave up, but if and when i failed, i didnt got depressed. You can always improve these grades. try as hard as you can, but relaxe, dont get Depressed.

3. - Get friendly with the staff. A friendly person in the system always help. ask the jenitor if he need help Hauling these tables. go to diffrunte projects, so the principal and and the staff will know you are smart, even if you dont get high results in tests. for an exmple, once i havent done a test. i was sick. so the teacher said that i dont need to do it, she will give me the grade from the last test {which was 94, first test of the year, when the seconde one was on a much harder material, which i didnt learned too}. dont fear to show General Knowledge {just dont become a melvin/nerdish}. so the teacher will know you have something in this box abouve your head.

4. - When you are tierd from study, know your teacher weakness. my Programming teacher loved to talk about politics. and had diffrunte opinions than me {even so, he was nice and friendly}. so when we 'had enough', and it was symple and stuiped as it sound here, one student just rose up and told him - "what do you think about Iran/THe refugees from africa/homosexualism/rabbits food/etc.?". So i {taking one for the group} and the teacher start to talk and argue about it, sometimes for 2 hours. than in the last 15 minutes we continued studieng, so he felt we did something, adn the class got pro in Counter strike. Not very educational tip, but yet a good one. anoter teacher, or psycholigy, loved to just talk about things. teh class could chat from the theories of froied to drugs, to junkies, to education system, to politics, to whenver the god of chat flowingness will take us. help letting you copy from the board or from a friend, and also to get a high scores in doodle jump {117000!}.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

The good thing about being Chinese is you can make racist Asian jokes without being lynched. Same for blacks calling each other ******s.

1,773 posts


256 posts

[/quote]Study day in day out if you want to achieve Asian Nerd status.[quote]

I'm am an asian myself (I'm chinese) and I don't think this is racist at all. Its actually pretty true as me and my friend who also happens to be asian have already achieved this status. Nichdemus is just making a point.

256 posts

What the---...

That seems to be happening to me alot...

This is what's supposed to be a qoute

Study day in day out if you want to achieve Asian Nerd status.
1,673 posts

1. Do your homework.
2. Listen in class.
3. Try.
4. Don't think it's cool to not try.
5. Don't make excuses to yourself on why you bombed a test.
5. Try .
6. Don't do drugs.
7. Actually study.
8. Do what rayoflight said.
9. If you're going on armorgames every day during high school (excluding freshmen classes) then you shouldn't be.
10. Play a sport.
11. Talk to people.
12. Don't be a slacker
13. Don't procrastinate.
14. If a teacher hates you, then they have a valid reason to do so.
15. Get A's.
16. Try.

18,319 posts

This is what i do at the last minute before any kind of test try to study before the paper comes to you, and after the test read a book, work on your homework or study for another test coming up its alot more easier.

Oh and ps its called surviving school not surving school, this is why the gave us spelling tests.

5,952 posts

this is why the gave us spelling tests.

this is why THEY gave us spelling tests.
^this is why they give us grammar tests.
11. Talk to people.
12. Don't be a slacker
13. Don't procrastinate.

These sound like the most important. At least from my perspective they do.
767 posts

Serious question and really trying not to be attention-seeking, but my parents sort of want me to make friends. I am perfectly happy being alone in high school. (I I don't know anyone basically and not to mention I came to school after it had started).

Most of my classes are with older kids as in sophomores and juniors. So I feel as if I am the odd one out.

I hate going to lunch currently since I have nowhere to sit as in no friends which is pretty fine since I can always eat afterschool when I get home and I can spend the time in study hall or another class.

If you feel lazy, let me just sum it up. I have no friends at my current high school.

Background Knowledge:
I am extremely shy.
I have no self-confidence resulting in no self-esteem.
I have really good grades/classes.
I am extremely nice with everybody.

I sound like a troubled wreck, but I am not when you actually get to know me.

The school gave me this student link/peer who helps me find my classes. Today was the first day he let me go on my own basically. I felt lost and alone.

Everyone here has their own friends and things like that.

So for my parents' sake, how do I make friends?

3,371 posts

So for my parents' sake, how do I make friends?

I think you should find people that you have something in common with and talk to them about what you find in common. I used to be in the same situation but I found a few kids who were interested in something I was interested in. We talked more and found we had more things in common. And you may feel out of place with upperclassmen but don't let that stop you from making friends with them, there isn't really a significant difference. Also, join some kind of sport. If you aren't really into sports join any club or after school activity that interests you. Anyone. It doesn't matter what it is because once you're in you'll immediately be with people you can talk to, there will be a subject to talk about, and you'll probably have to work together every once and a while.
5,952 posts

Well, start with the peer friend guy kid. Try to be more open to conversation. Join some sports or clubs to get known. Or you could just pull this line, "Hey, Im new here and I dont know everyone yet. Whats your name?". From there, go on to talk about some hard tests or class or teacher, keep it educational. Then, next time you see said person, you can sort of butt your way into the conversation. Get to know local sports teams and such. Thats what a lot of us men talk about. If you are extremely nice, then show it.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

If you're going on armorgames every day during high school (excluding freshmen classes) then you shouldn't be.

Did, but surviving.
767 posts

I think you should find people that you have something in common with and talk to them about what you find in common. I used to be in the same situation but I found a few kids who were interested in something I was interested in. We talked more and found we had more things in common. And you may feel out of place with upperclassmen but don't let that stop you from making friends with them, there isn't really a significant difference. Also, join some kind of sport. If you aren't really into sports join any club or after school activity that interests you. Anyone. It doesn't matter what it is because once you're in you'll immediately be with people you can talk to, there will be a subject to talk about, and you'll probably have to work together every once and a while.

The high school I am going to makes everybody know one another from middle school usually. It's hard for others to make room for another person in their lives, I bet.
Upperclassmen are pretty intimidating when you are average height of a freshmen, but I do feel maturer than most of them physically and mentally.
Sports clubs are I believe out of the option until Winter since I never participated in Summer Tryouts and things like that.
I am working on clubs.

Well, start with the peer friend guy kid. Try to be more open to conversation. Join some sports or clubs to get known. Or you could just pull this line, "Hey, Im new here and I dont know everyone yet. Whats your name?". From there, go on to talk about some hard tests or class or teacher, keep it educational. Then, next time you see said person, you can sort of butt your way into the conversation. Get to know local sports teams and such. Thats what a lot of us men talk about. If you are extremely nice, then show it.

The peer friend guy kid is a senior. I haven't seen him whatsoever in the hallways whatsoever so far.
I can't converse with people usually. I mean I can be extremely sophisticated, smooth, cool-whatever I need to be in digital messaging since I feel more comfortable not seeing that person. I also have more time to respond better and it is easier.
That doesn't help either. I am not too big of a fan of digital communication. I got bored of having this gigantic contacts list when you don't have the courage to talk to anyone which gets sadly imported from Facebook. So I cleared my FB data from my phone (you can't uninstall it off my phone, unless...I...) and deleted all the contacts besides my Mom and Dad.
Your line wouldn't work out too well, since the people would laugh at me and think I was crazy since my high school supports 2,070 (maybe 2,071 including me) or so.
We didn't go cross country so the local sports team was the same one a state before.
I don't follow sports usually. I find some of them a waste of time. I mean if you can memorize everyone's biographies in the whole NFL/NHL/MLB/NBA/Whatever why not use your brain for something non-sports-related that is educational.
I am nice. Nobody expect the peer person realizes that since he was one of the few to talk to me.

Let me tell you something about myself.
I haven't had a girl as a true friend since....does my baby sister count?
-_- Yeah. That's the truth about Ace here.

Even guys who have the social status of being popular I have had trouble talking to.

I have always felt I was nothing compared to them. (The girls and the popular boys).

I mean I can make conversation when we are assigned to as in school/work related (even then I am timid). But when it gets to the part where we get to talk about something not school-related I can't really go on. Sometimes I feel as if I shouldn't look them in the eyes since that is where they search through your soul.

I mean you could say I had friends at my old school, but they weren't exactly friends. Most of them...okay, 98% of them have not asked if I have moved or what. Sad world isn't it.
You could say a lot of them were the sort of people who go to your class, but you never talk too much, but since they go to your class they gotta be your Facebook friend.
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