ForumsThe TavernSleeping problems... again

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Of all nights, I have trouble sleeping tonight. I shut everything off and went into my bed at midnight, it's currently 4:45am, and I'm still up. That's over four hours of lying there and trying to sleep, yet I couldn't.

I don't know why; I go to school five days a week (that requires me to be up by 8am), I workout five-six days a week (a solid hour and a half of exercising each day), and have a balanced diet, but I still can't sleep normally.

I've also been having this other problem where I'll go to sleep at a reasonable time but wake up frequently in the night. Such as last week: I'd go to bed around 11pm but wake up at 5-7am for no apparent reason. It wasn't just once, but several times. I'd get up at 5am thinking it's time for school but check my clock and realise it's too early, so I went back to bed, then about half an hour to an hour later it'd repeat.

I have to be ready for school in three hours. I don't think I'll be able to get any sleep tonight, but any help would be appreciated.

  • 44 Replies
9,808 posts

try not to use stimulants like caffeine.

I'm just going to through this out there...but for some people caffeine might just be the solution. (Though I'm not saying it is Matrix's solution, from what I read I believe it has to do with the trauma he experienced). While caffeine is a stimulant for most people, it can also be the opposite for others, especially people with strong cases of ADHD (like myself, in terms of "strong cases of ADHD"...though in my case caffeine has no effect on me in any way)
15,595 posts

Honestly, it's the best thing you can do. He/she can give you better advice than anybody else.

Wouldn't he just prescribe me some medicine though? That's just a short-term fix.
Matrix is too young to drink, I think, but the nightcap will hurt you in the long run.

Yep, only 17. I wouldn't drink anyway, it'd harm my workouts.
try not to use stimulants like caffeine. Try cutting your morning coffee, as stimulants can hurt sleep patterns. Even if you only do it in the morning.

It's one of the only things that can get me going. I have to be up by 8am and go to school for 6 hours, after school I go to the gym for an hour and a half, then proceed with my day, which after those two things I don't do much, but still. It takes a lot out of me to be up that early and study for hours, then physical exercises.

Around 7pm I start to get tired, but if I were to sleep that early I'd wake up around 4am, and that'd mean taking a nap in the day and staying up late at night. Unfortunately the tiredness goes away by 9pm, so I have trouble sleeping.
13,055 posts

Around 7pm I start to get tired, but if I were to sleep that early I'd wake up around 4am, and that'd mean taking a nap in the day and staying up late at night. Unfortunately the tiredness goes away by 9pm, so I have trouble sleeping.

That's called your second wind. If you don't go sleep when you're tired it's like fighting it and then it passes.
I had the same issue so I went to sleep and woke up at 4 am but after that I was okay for 3 or 4 days then it started again.
Maybe it's your workout that stires you up. I used to ride my bike in the evening but after that I couldn't relax before bed time so I quit riding late. I can sleep okay but never more than 5 hours in-a-row but it's better than nothing.
15,595 posts


Went to bed at 9pm because I was very tired and just woke up. It's 1:20am. I'll try to sleep again around 4am.

2,155 posts
Grand Duchess

Wouldn't he just prescribe me some medicine though? That's just a short-term fix.

I don't know how these things go. I don't think he'll say "Can't sleep? Take these pills. Bye". As you say, it's just a temporary fix. I expect him to dig a little deeper into the matter and try to find the cause of your sleeping problems. Maybe he'll ask questions that haven't been asked on this thread or he'll recomend you to visit a doctor specialized in sleeping disorders.

try not to use stimulants like caffeine. Try cutting your morning coffee, as stimulants can hurt sleep patterns. Even if you only do it in the morning.

I've never heard of anybody who can't sleep due to a single cup of coffee in the morning, but I decided to do a little bit of research about caffeine. The half-life of caffeine in the body is about 6 hours, but it can be up to 12 hours in some cases. Aparently, it depends on several things like the kind of coffee, the way you prepare it or the individual's sensitivity to it.

Maybe you can try to drink half cup or so of coffee and see if there is any change. However, if you drank coffee regularly before your sleeping problems began, I don't know why that would be affecting you now.
311 posts

I set my alarm for 6 am and for some reason i wake up at 4 30, 5, and 5 30 but when its 6 i just CANT wake up...

3,152 posts

It's one of the only things that can get me going. I have to be up by 8am and go to school for 6 hours, after school I go to the gym for an hour and a half, then proceed with my day, which after those two things I don't do much, but still. It takes a lot out of me to be up that early and study for hours, then physical exercises.

Try eating a candy bar around mid-morning and see if that helps. Sugar energy burns off rather quickly, and it can give you that extra boost for an hour or two...

I would defiantly cut down on the caffeine. How did you used to get up in the mornings before you started drinking coffee?
15,595 posts

Maybe he'll ask questions that haven't been asked on this thread or he'll recomend you to visit a doctor specialized in sleeping disorders.

He's not the kind of doctor that specializes in that stuff, so he just recommended that I pick up some over the counter sleeping aid. I forgot what it was called, but it started with an m and it's natural.
Try eating a candy bar around mid-morning and see if that helps.

My diet doesn't allow me to eat bad foods.
How did you used to get up in the mornings before you started drinking coffee?

I didn't. Without school in the morning I have no obligation to be up that early, so I'd wake up around 11am-noon.
150 posts

I often times have to sleep deprive myself to get one good night.

1,361 posts

I find, if I can't get to sleep, a good stretch usually gets me nice and relaxed... I found early on that tense muscles can keep you awake even if you're not thinking about them!

I'm sure you've tried that plenty of times, though, being a fellow fitness fanatic.

13,055 posts

I find, if I can't get to sleep, a good stretch usually gets me nice and relaxed... I found early on that tense muscles can keep you awake even if you're not thinking about them!

I usually do that before a relaxation session. You tense all your muscles in the arms all the way to your fingers and your legs all the way to the tip of the toes, hold it for about 10 seconds then you release the tension completely.
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