good luck m8. its fun when there are new goals to reach. too bad the game dont have more levels or more amulets etc. waiting for the next episode myself. however, i think im gonna be waiting quite a while cause i guess theres a lot of work makin a game like this...
@everyone, I found the save files using search. On WinXP it should be in: Drive:\\Documents and Settings\\(User)\\Application Data\\Macromedia\\Flash Player\\#SharedObjects\\(########)\\\\
The two files on my machine are: giabGemcraftPreferences.sol giabGemCraftSaveData.sol
The 8 #'s are a random id it seems. I checked two profiles which are vastly different. Hope this helps some idiot like me.
I killed the last epic boss, I was level 81 and had 12000 mana when he came, he didn't even make it to my town thing once, cause I figured out that if you take your i of each colors that you have except have 2 purples. And instead of upgrading your gems by buying high level ones just mass buy a ton of level 1 gems and drag the big one of that color onto all the other ones of that color and every one that you drag it onto will give you +1 speed for that gem, so one of my purple gems had about 100 speed so I got the armor of the big dude down to like 25 by the time he was out of range of my 2 purples. He also took the long rout so I hit him a second time will all my gems and killed him long before he got to the end of the rout, even though I could of had him go threw 2 times.