ForumsThe TavernMedicine/Medications

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13,344 posts

I'm sure most of you take some sort of medicine or medication once in a while, whether it be a prescription drug every day or a cough suppressant when you have a cough. Personally, I only take an Advil or two now and then if I have a headache or my neck is wreaking havoc on the rest of my body. Other than that I tend to stray away from medicine of all kinds when I'm sick because it tends to distort my perspective. I don't even let the dentist put me under.

What are your medicinal habits, AG?

  • 37 Replies
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

I used to mix Panadol and Red Bull with some coffee to try and perk myself up during periods of extreme stress, tiredness and migraine. Needless to say, such an idiotic mix most likely did more harm than good.

1,361 posts

Needless to say, such an idiotic mix most likely did more harm than good.

Haha, I bet you could see noises.

I used to take Ritalin for my ADHD, but I stopped a few years ago because I no longer needed it... I don't take any other medications. I rarely get sick (knock on wood) and when I do, medicine doesn't do much for me... sleep is what gets the job done!
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Haha, I bet you could see noises.

I like the piquancy there!
9,808 posts

Concerta...then of course there is my addiction to oxyco- O_o I mean, concerta. Only concerta

14,745 posts

I am a strong adversary of drug usage and abuse in any form, even though I live in the very same country that is known world-wide for it's acceptance and it's mild policy against/with it...

I try to stay away from it as much as possible, but when the headache becomes too strong I usually take 2 paracetamol to suppress the first/heaviest wave and then try to ride it out without taking more of it... also adds to building selfesteem of course!

Another neccessary prescription I have is something called "Ventolin" and it's used to help fight/counter-act a breathing problem one has when having a mild form of bronchitis. This particular one I carry around with me all the time, but I've been using it less and less over the years, up to the point where I only needlessly carry it around at the moment! =)

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Another neccessary prescription I have is something called "Ventolin" and it's used to help fight/counter-act a breathing problem one has when having a mild form of bronchitis. This particular one I carry around with me all the time, but I've been using it less and less over the years, up to the point where I only needlessly carry it around at the moment! =)

It's a blue puff right? I had to use it for my asthma in the past. Still carry it around as a precaution though.
3,152 posts

I don't really take any medicine... Maybe an Advil once in a while if I have a headache, or if I'm really sick. I don't like taking medicine. They never really help me feel any better.

I prefer riding through most times of illness without assistance. (That can be a very stupid thing to do sometimes.)

1,373 posts

I actually haven't taken any medicine or doctor medications in nearly 12 years, the last time I had medicine was when I was 3 years old. I never got sick so there was no need to take anything. My habits to maintain my health? I have no general idea really! I just eat right and have good hygiene I guess... but one thing that I do is take vitamins. I take them daily and they might be the reason I stay healthy and never get sick. So if I had a medicine, I guess it would be Vitamin A, B12, C, E, and some calcium. I think it would be more of a medication cause they are all in pills. o.o

1,361 posts


I took that one briefly after I quit Ritalin, but I stopped after a few weeks because it severely suppressed my appetite.

Since then, I have been completely medicine-free!
14,745 posts

It's a blue puff right? I had to use it for my asthma in the past. Still carry it around as a precaution though.

Yes! That's the one! It's manufactured in a blue "Rotadisk" (R) package with 60 puffs per inhaler! =)
I don't need it either currently, but I also carry it around, just in case...

I prefer riding through most times of illness without assistance.
(That can be a very stupid thing to do sometimes.)

Well... that depends on how you look at it xeano321! If you can make it through without taking medication to releive the 'ain', the next time when the pain is actually worse, the same medicine will work better as your body experiences it in a foreign object sort of way!

but one thing that I do is take vitamins. I take them daily and they might be the reason I stay healthy and never get sick

The big question is... do you take them in a pill form, or... do you eat a lot of fruit containing those vitamines? Because the latter is of course the best way...
18,319 posts

quote/ I just eat right and have good hygiene I guess... but one thing that I do is take vitamins. I take them daily and they might be the reason I stay healthy and never get sick. So if I had a medicine, I guess it would be Vitamin A, B12, C, E, and some calcium. I think it would be more of a medication cause they are all in pills. o.o/quote

Yea I took vitamins too i dont remember what brand or the brand I use now, but when I was little I had the ones that were safe for kids that you could chew, then when I got older I switched to the swallow ones I thought it was the chew kind, so I bit it and it tasted really nasty and my hands were covered with the blue coloring from it, and then my mom walked into the kitchen with me covered in blue looking like I was going to throw up then she decided to tell me it was the swallow ones. I have been aware of those vitamins since then.

18,319 posts

^^ Oops quote fail sorry some kind of invisible app thing is blocking the quote button and I have to type the quote now.

1,322 posts

for you guys who have ever tried concerta... how did you feel? did it work? how long did it take for you to start getting results?

6,800 posts

I take Viagra because-

I take no medications at all. At all.

3,371 posts

I take singulair once a day for my asthma. I really hate taking medication, and sometimes I forget for a few days or weeks. It really does work though, so that's good. I used to run up stairs everyday for a year and get winded. After taking the pill my asthma had no affect.

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