ForumsThe TavernMedicine/Medications

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13,344 posts

I'm sure most of you take some sort of medicine or medication once in a while, whether it be a prescription drug every day or a cough suppressant when you have a cough. Personally, I only take an Advil or two now and then if I have a headache or my neck is wreaking havoc on the rest of my body. Other than that I tend to stray away from medicine of all kinds when I'm sick because it tends to distort my perspective. I don't even let the dentist put me under.

What are your medicinal habits, AG?

  • 37 Replies
3,896 posts

The only thing I ever take is an inhaler when my breathing is labored. I don't take pain medicine because I don't notice a difference. I can stand up after falling 25 feet from a tree and walk off without a limp.

1,361 posts

Because the latter is of course the best way...

Yes, fruit has other nutritional benefits in addition to vitamins, such as antioxidants and fiber... of course, you can take all of these things separately, but why spend the extra money on supplements when fruit has it all it one for a much lower price? =)

for you guys who have ever tried concerta... how did you feel? did it work? how long did it take for you to start getting results?

Concerta did help me focus, and it didn't have much of an effect on my mood, but I stopped taking it because it caused me to lose my appetite all day. I can't remember how long it took before I saw results.
13,055 posts

I have UC (Ulcerative Colitis) so I have to take meds. The original medication cost $1000/month so I said, hum, do you have anything cheaper? I got some old stuff made in the 70's that cost 1/10th of the price but still works except that it'll wreck my stomach eventually.
It was either this or being stuck with a bag for the rest of my life which is out of question because I like riding my bike full speed like a maniac and I can't see myself covert with shift, spilling from a bag.
Sorry for too much details. :O

9,808 posts

for you guys who have ever tried concerta... how did you feel? did it work? how long did it take for you to start getting results?

Same as Pilot with the aspect of it helping me focus and not affecting mood. Though I did not have the appetite loss. For amount of time getting results? Maybe by the 2nd or 3rd day I started to see significant results (same goes for when I don't take it for a couple of days or so...the first day I take it again has some results, but the days after are more significant)
478 posts

I take Sertraline hydrochloride (Zoloft) for my anxiety issues. I just recently started taking it so I'm still waiting for it to take it's full effect.

I also take vitamins C, D and sometimes A. And occasionally I'll take a fish oil. I don't eat a very balanced diet, so I take vitamins to sort of balance it out for me.

1,373 posts

The big question is... do you take them in a pill form, or... do you eat a lot of fruit containing those vitamines? Because the latter is of course the best way...

I take them in pills, I take 12 pills daily. o.o It is a pain but health is more important then being lazy. So I guess Vitamins are my Medication. =]

Yea I took vitamins too i dont remember what brand or the brand I use now

My Vitamins vary in brands. I take some Vitamins from CVS Pharmacy, Nature's Bounty, and this Costco Vitamin pack. This Vitamin pack contains Vitamin B-50, C, E, and also Calcium Ginsing, and this Multivitamin that tastes like vomit. O.O But again, health is better then laziness...
28 posts

In flu I rest
In pain I rest
In stress I sit
and hope for the best

256 posts

In flu I rest
In pain I rest
In stress I sit
and hope for the best

You like to post in poem form don't you. Let me guess, you like poetry.

Anyway, I don't take any medicine except for when I used to have asthma. Now I just take an advil if I have a cold or something.
317 posts

I take prednisone for my crohns disease and methotrexate.
Please don't call me a druggy I have had crohns for 6 years now and have gone through almost all the treatments.

13,055 posts


:O I hate this medication. I took it for 2 months 1/2 and it made me sweat like crazy during the night and my bed was wet as if I fell in water. Also my heart rate was way too fast.
I had to sleep on a long towel until I woke up in the middle of the night shivering, then I used the second towel. I was washing them every couple days then I got tired and bought 2 more. I also had to eat a couple crackers every time I took a pill because It would make me nauseous.

BTW, why are you still taking them? You're not supposed to take them for more than 2 months 1/2 because they are steroids.
Are you all puffy from taking them? I was scared I would look like the giant marshmallow guy in Ghostbusters if I took them longer.
1,900 posts

:O I hate this medication. I took it for 2 months 1/2 and it made me sweat like crazy during the night and my bed was wet as if I fell in water. Also my heart rate was way too fast.
I had to sleep on a long towel until I woke up in the middle of the night shivering, then I used the second towel. I was washing them every couple days then I got tired and bought 2 more. I also had to eat a couple crackers every time I took a pill because It would make me nauseous.

Trust me, the methylprednisolone pack works much better. I'm sure it works for UC too.

I take alvesco, sudafed, nasonex, patonase, vitamins, Imuran, omeprezole, lialda, and metrodizanol.

Might start remicade.
13,055 posts

Trust me, the methylprednisolone pack works much better. I'm sure it works for UC too.

After I got UC, my insurance company said good bye, find someone else.
That was before Obamacare when the Insurance companies could treat their customers like garbage and got away with it. Now I have a cheaper insurance and the meds cost me way more so I had to choose the cheaper ones like sulfasalazine, Omaprezole and folic acid but I don't need steroids anymore, at least for now.
1,900 posts

After I got UC, my insurance company said good bye, find someone else.
That was before Obamacare when the Insurance companies could treat their customers like garbage and got away with it. Now I have a cheaper insurance and the meds cost me way more so I had to choose the cheaper ones like sulfasalazine, Omaprezole and folic acid but I don't need steroids anymore, at least for now.

Well, they have nearly the same effects.

Fortunately for me, I have an amazing GI. Makes everything much easier.
317 posts

Might start remicade.

I have done remicade its not bad but you have to sit in a haspital bed for many hours with an I.V. depends on the dose. I was 9 when they did remicade. 13 now and have been through almost everything.
317 posts

why are you still taking them?

My doctor takes me on off depending on if I am in a flare up or not.

Are you all puffy from taking them?

Yes i am but I am eating good which is all that matters to me really.
Showing 16-30 of 37