Who regulates the currency and the market and the private armies and the courthouses? If this is Anarchists WHY do you need courthouses and armies? I never understood that.
Courthouses and armies are NOT necessary for capitalist societies.
The reason they exist in state-capitalist societies is very simple. We have courts designed to protect people from harm, fraud, etc. We have armies to protect the country from foreign invaders.
Currency is currently regulated by the state. In a nutshell, the reason for this is to reduce counterfeiting. This is why many people prefer the gold standard, because it's way too easy to print paper money.
But again, capitalism works off of free trade. You can argue that capitalism can't exist without the state, and therefore anarcho-capitalism is impossible, but you can't deny that there's an anarcho-capitalist theory that clearly exists.
Do tell me, how do you trade without currency? I have yet to receive even the simplest example of basic trade in a currency-less society.
You should take a business class, because you'll learn that business owners are often skilled in making decisions for the company that allow the company to thrive, which results in the creation of better quality goods at reduced prices. People who work for these companies often have no idea how to run the business, but they know how to do their role within the company (whether it be production, finances, etc.) If something such as Microsoft was shared by everyone, who would determine the companies decisions? All the thousands of workers? (Don't get me wrong, Microsoft was allowed to grow so huge because of patents).
Let's say there's a company made up of a mere 100 employees. 90 of the employees only work on a part of the company, but none of them understand how to run a company without going bankrupt or causing other problems. That's the job of the remaining 10 people. Under communism, everyone would determine the direction the company goes, but not everyone is suitable to make such decisions. In fact, many people don't want to make such decisions, they just want to get their paycheck (or their share of the products so they can barter until they get the goods they want/need in return).
With currency, you can trade with anyone. Without currency, you have to find someone who not only has what you want, but needs what you have to trade.