Wow, really i don't think we should even talk about it. This is a lower aged community that does not need to be introduced to this. I suggest asking a moderator or administration if this is okay to even talk about on the community forums.
Well, first of all, I want to say that I am a full devoted Catholic, so my view might conflict with anyone else's
So, in the Catholic faith, or Christianity in general, it is wrong to kill, and that also includes killing of one's self. I also follow that God is the only one that can take life.
Now suicide can range from jumping off a building, to taking poinson, but with the same affect. Really, the cause for suicide is almost always the affect of some sort of depreesion. Past traumatizing occurances such as deaths in the family etc, are the cause of this depression.
suicide is the worst thing you can do. in almost every religion, it is completely against suicide. now, as you saw on the school murders, they of coarse killed themselves. but, do you know where it came from?? of coarse, bullying!! i used to do it in my earlier years and i am sorry for doing so. i would like to apologize to those people that i used to do that to. most people who commit suicide because of school or people discriminating each other. or from people having tough time in their life. suicide can be lowered if there was less bullying in school. people should just treat each other with respect.
I doubt that anyone will disagree with you that suicide is bad. So is stealing candy from a baby; on that, everyone agrees.
The only exception might me assisted suicide for terminally ill patients or the extremely old and decrepit/the mechanically ventilated. Some would agree that this is a humane solution, others would not.
Suicide is just wrong. I'm not going to get into it much due to the second comment of it's appropriateness, but just look at Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, without suicide it would have been a happy ending.
I am sorry to be all offensive to others but I just posted something that people would debate about. That is all, there is no reason for anybody to jump down my back. I just wanted to post a forum on something dangerous in the world and how to stop it. That is it, I didnt mean for it to get all offensive to others.
Suicide isn't really a debate, we all know it's wrong. It would be more of a discussion, like what would cause someone to do this, assisted suicides, and maybe even murders disguised as a suicide.
Well, to stop it, I would first think to myself. How does a suicidal/depressed act? If you can keep that in the brain-bank than you will be able to point out depression. The actual "act" of stopping it is the hard part. You can't go up to someone and tell them to go to a councelor. The counselor/trusted adult, should be acknowledged first, so they can go to the person. There are also certain drugs that you can take such as anti-depressants.
I wouldn't hunt down and reprimand terminal AIDS and cancer patients for wanting to end their life in a less painful way, on their own terms. What satisfaction would you get from hounding someone who is suffering terribly, while you are living free of such burdens? Not that anyone would do that. If you're going to die anyway, why not in a less tortuous way? It's something to think about.
It is something to think about. Morally, you would think it is right to put someone "out of their misery," but on a religious level, not many would follow it. Someone in alot of pain would really want to be put out, but hopefully that decision will never be burdened upon me.
Each year in America almost 30,000 people commit suicide, and 70% of those people tell someone or give warning signs before taking their own life. Stop A Suicide Today! can teach you how to recognize the warning signs of suicide in family, friends, co-workers, and patients, and how to respond as you would do with any medical emergency. Learn more about Stop A Suicide Today!
Worried about a friend or loved one? Do you suspect that he/she may be depressed, or may be even considering suicide? Learn how to recognize the warning signs in order to reach out and help. If you suspect a friend, family member or co-worker is considering suicide, ACT now: Acknowledge, Care, and help them get the Treatment he or she needs. Here's what to do. Click here to find resources and organizations holding events in your area.
A new suicide assessment protocol was recently developed through a joint collaboration with Screening for Mental Health and the Suicide Prevention Resource Center. The SAFE-T is designed to help clinicians, specifically mental health professionals, identify risk and protective factors for suicide, learn the steps in conducting a suicide inquiry and determine the patientâs risk level for suicide, providing a range of possible interventions. The protocol also highlights the importance of documentation.
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