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What do you think about suicide.

  • 176 Replies
5,642 posts

suicide. . .intresting. I myself is slightly suicidal due to the constant fear of me turning into somehting I hate. suicides who have no reason for it, all I have to say to them are three words, "I pity you" with a p.s. of "not in a bad way."

43 posts

I agree with Devoidless, if somebody wants to kill themself, then let them because maybe it'll end they're angst and negative emotions in which they feel.

237 posts

If someone wants to die, they have not lived to their full purpose in life. They can still be a good person, help out the local community, make a living, etc. I am sure no one wants to commit suicide, but sometimes, they just can't stop themselves...

86 posts

\\I'm not sure that we can just pass judgement on people who are suicidal. There is a problem and of course it's not a good thing. But does that make suicidals bad people? I dont really think so. I am agaisnt suicide, only because it hurts people and it's just a sad thing to lose someone, but to know that they chose to kill themselves makes it hurt more, I would think.

I think if your suicidal you should seek help, if you're ever in a situation where your about to kill yourself, even 911 is an available source. Hospitals treat suicidal thoughts very seriously. You just have to think about all the people you would be affecting and just don't do it.

10,816 posts

I can give some personal perspective on this to clear up the interchange between Devoidless and Strat here:

WARNING: This post, though mild, may be slightly disturbing.

As recently as the cusp of May-June, I almost committed suicide by slashing my carotid artery with a knife (that was significantly duller than I would have preferred). The circumstances surrounding this are complex and involve persons other than myself, so I'll keep those to myself.

However I'll give you this to consider.

* Given any standard consideration, I have a lot to live for. I'm completing the latter stages of my degree (and am being paid to study by the university) and have made inroads towards my ultimate dream job. I have an active social life, enjoy a wide range of activities and am generally well liked etc. etc. People hear this and think that life should be just peachy for me. People probably think that from my posting that things are just peachy for me.

* So what kind of circumstances prompted me to seriously contemplate suicide to the extent I had to be talked out of it at the point of performing the action?

* At that specific point in time, I was extremely stressed to the point of panicking. My reasons were almost entirely circumstantial- at that point in time I envisaged a road that I'd been travelling along, that seemed to dwindle and stop, after which there appeared to road. When you're used to the road being there, that's scary because you're looking for somewhere to turn to and you can't.

* So let us all be aware of a handy model called the stress-response curve. We've all got drivers to function, and a certain amount of incentive and stress has us performing optimally. However, heap too much on and it starts breaking down. One can't be expected to simply perform at their optimum when the limit is exceeded- in fact it tends to collapse upon itself until one is rendered completely non-functional.

* People who have considered/attempted suicide could therefore be said to, at that specific point in time, been far too stressed for whatever reason, to continue functioning. I'm not saying that the relationship is necessary, but I am saying that while 'mental instability' in the Darwinist sense mentioned earlier may increase one's risk of suicide (affective disorders apparently have a fairly strong heritability), it would be blatantly incorrect to say that mental illness itself predisposes one to suicide, due to the very nature of suicide.

Suicide is a moment. That which is more lasting is that which surrounds it.

199 posts

I don't really think suicide is all that bad. The only problem with it is that if you jump off a building, then someone has to clean it up. If you blow your brains out in the shower with the curtain closed, some poor paramedic has to go to your house and take you and what's left of your head away. Now in both of those cases they have better things to do. I think you should be able to go to a place that will do it all for you in a clean and quick manner. Now we have less splat and skull fragments and the EMT's and paramedics don't have to worry about John Smith going boom or splat. I am sure I will catch some crap for this post, but oh well.

10,816 posts


Futurama has considered your suggestion in their visions of the far future, hence the popular and widely disseminated suicide booths that can be found on most streets in New New York :P

You can even pick whether you want a quick and painless death, or a long and very painful one!

777 posts

Suicide is usually just a solution for troubles(not going to jump to conclusions by saying always) and I think that its sort of well,stupid. I guess it also depends on what you believe,like I said before I am christian and I think that its gods choice of when I am to die. What people have to look is,is it worth it? When your about to kill yourself you shouldn't just jump to conclusions that your life sucks and its the only way out,but think of the other people you affect such as family friends etc. I realize when your sitting their,stressed out of your mind that all you can think about is, do I want to continue going through this but instead you should understand the better side of life and aim for that goal because killing yourself is a very desperate and last resort type of thing. The only way I can ever picture killing myself is if I am already about to die a very painful death.

10,816 posts

Tangential: In some cultures (ancient Rome, Japan), pain was nothing compared to honor. It was considered not just culturally acceptable, but mandatory that if your honor was irreparably damaged, you would kill yourself in some...rather painful manners.

1,628 posts

HaHa if that gets you scared you will be terrified in high school lol.

405 posts

It is what it is. Honestly, at times we'll all face it. It doesn't matter if it doesn't severely affect someone near you.

Don't ever tell.

425 posts

Suicide is a personal choice. However, there are better ways to do it. If you want to kill yourself, don't harm anyone else. When people park on train tracks, they are being very selfish as they may harm others.

581 posts

i personally feel that suicide is only a choice for cowards who cannot properly deal with their problems. no matter how bad things get suicide is not the answer. plus you go straight to hell no questions asked.

141 posts

Suicidal is personal. You choose whether to do it or not. But, most people suicide because of depression or maybe nervousness.

581 posts

There are better alternative solutions to depression and anxiety than suicide. It should be the help of people around those individuals that can reach those with suicidal thoughts and can lead them down a better path. group help, therapy, and even charity work are better alternatives. anything to help them feel good about themnselves. I know it's ultimately the individuals choice though.

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