That sounds like a viking X) in their eyes the only way of accessing Valhalla was in dying honourably in battle. Death by age/disease meant a voyage to Helheim. But if you think 'bout it, going to a battle is like, 50-99%% chances to die, dependent on the situation. Isn't that some form of suicide? Of course if it was to protect their home, ok, but if it's a raid? If your only intention is to lead a battle and risking to die?
I'm not saying suicide is good, don't get me wrong. I'm just discussing things that I think are interesting, and trying to find out eventual leaks in other's arguments.
Suicides can mostly occur when the person is having a hard, tough time. Suicide is happing alot around the world and without suicide, the earth will gain peace.
I think that suicide is like betrayal to everyone that knows you and loves you. Even in severe depression, there is hope. (My opinion: become a Christian. God gives hope.) There are people out there who will comfort you whenever you need it. But I think that nobody should ever, EVER commit suicide. If the victim has anybody who loves them, I am using their parents as an example: Imagine being a parent. You go out shopping one day, and tell your kid to stay put. You don't give them a kiss or anything or even say you love them, or say you'll be back because you aren't such a fan of lovingness but you still love your child like nothing else. And also, you suspect that you'll come back... or that your kid will be there when you return. You go out shopping, and when you return you call out, "I'm home," but there is no answer. You put away your groceries, thinking that maybe he/she didn't hear you. After a while you become a bit worried and go check on your child's room. And they have committed suicide.
What would you do? What would you think?
This would go for anybody who loves that child, even if it isn't their parents. Or maybe they think that your parents don't love them (as I implied in that story) but they really do; and you are left thinking nobody cares.
Nobody should ever commit suicide unless they are slaves from birth and all their relatives are dead. Suicide is not right (and often mental illness only causes it to seem best) unless that person has no hope whatsoever and nobody on this earth that loves them and they do not know God and don't think that God could save them.
This is an extreme situation that I'm about to describe, but its to illustrate that suicide is not just "bad, end of discussion" or "never ever good in anyway" If a big ocean liner full of passengers had a malfunction with the boiler, which exploded, setting fire to the lower deck, where anyone trapped below had zero chance of escape and an extremely painful death awaiting them, the only sort of escape was a revolver and one bullet, would you really say it would be better to burn to death than shoot yourself?
What would you do? What would you think?
I would think "There must have been something wrong with my dearest child, I wish I had give him or her more chances to open up with me so I could help him or her problems"