ForumsThe TavernWhat grinds your gears?

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630 posts

Everyone has something that sets them off. What gets your blood boiling? For me it's when soda cans are dented upwards at the top and you can't open them.

  • 35 Replies
3,139 posts

Really?! And I mean that quite seriously... I never thought of you as such a person! *bubble bursts* (o.O)

Oh yes, i'm quite the moan. But mostly inside of my own head.

*reads your rant* Now you're mad? Wait, I'll cheer you up!
*makes stupid dance and accidentally hits door post* ... *BASH!!!*
"Ouch..." There, feel better? =P

N'aw you hurting would hardly cheer me up, but thanks darling ! & Glad we agree.
3,152 posts

Actually... nope! It means I got the opportunity to learn something today! Thanx! =)

Really? That's good. I would hate it for someones gears to grind on my account.
776 posts

People in the halls at school that walk at roughly half the speed of a dead slug. Especially when like four of them are in a row, and I can't just go around them. Drives me crazy.

14,745 posts

Oh yes, i'm quite the moan. But mostly inside of my own head.

That's different... I can moan in silence too, quite frequently in fact, but I don't verbally express it, so nobody knows! But "shhh... hush! Don't tell anyone!!"

N'aw you hurting would hardly cheer me up, but thanks darling ! & Glad we agree.

Ah ok, I see... you're the type of person that feels the pain of those 'unfortunate ones' when watching "America's Funniest Home Videos"... gotcha and you're welcome!

Anything to cheer someone up that had his gears grinded! So... how 'bout a funny face then? =)

Really? That's good. I would hate it for someones gears to grind on my account.

It's like I said before... I'm the type of person that is always trying to look at the positive upside of things! Much to the annoyance of others at times... LOL So don't worry, you're safe!

People in the halls at school that walk at roughly half the speed of a dead slug. Especially when like four of them are in a row, and I can't just go around them. Drives me crazy.

Oh, yes! Forgot about that one! I have that when I'm in town shopping and there's a truck load of slugs, turtles and sloths roaming the streets and I'm in my usual up-tempo speed! I can get annoyed by that, but luckily... I soon forget about it too! =)
385 posts

Grinds you gears! I have never heard that one... that aside. I have a few things that get on my nerves.

Terrible grammar (I know mine is far from prefect, but like just capitalize I and the starting letter and please end with something like a period)

People with self diagnosed illnesses (like OCD, ADD and ADHD) I know some people have them, but please. You do not have all of them!

People that think there opinions should be law

The noise that little metal flap on the boxes of powdered dish soap makes.

People that think they are a God sent gift to every human on the planet.

There are a few more, I just do not want to list them all.

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